using System ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Xml.Linq ;
using System.Xml.XPath ;
using NLog ;
using NzbDrone.Common.Model ;
namespace NzbDrone.Common
public class ConfigFileProvider
private readonly EnvironmentProvider _environmentProvider ;
private static readonly Logger logger = LogManager . GetCurrentClassLogger ( ) ;
private readonly string _configFile ;
public ConfigFileProvider ( EnvironmentProvider environmentProvider )
_environmentProvider = environmentProvider ;
_configFile = _environmentProvider . GetConfigPath ( ) ;
CreateDefaultConfigFile ( ) ;
public ConfigFileProvider ( )
public virtual Guid Guid
var key = "Guid" ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( GetValue ( key , string . Empty ) ) )
SetValue ( key , Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
return Guid . Parse ( GetValue ( key , string . Empty ) ) ;
public virtual int Port
get { return GetValueInt ( "Port" , 8989 ) ; }
set { SetValue ( "Port" , value ) ; }
public virtual bool LaunchBrowser
get { return GetValueBoolean ( "LaunchBrowser" , true ) ; }
set { SetValue ( "LaunchBrowser" , value ) ; }
public virtual AuthenticationType AuthenticationType
get { return ( AuthenticationType ) GetValueInt ( "AuthenticationType" , 0 ) ; }
set { SetValue ( "AuthenticationType" , ( int ) value ) ; }
public virtual bool EnableProfiler
get { return GetValueBoolean ( "EnableProfiler" , false ) ; }
set { SetValue ( "EnableProfiler" , value ) ; }
public virtual int GetValueInt ( string key , int defaultValue )
return Convert . ToInt32 ( GetValue ( key , defaultValue ) ) ;
public virtual bool GetValueBoolean ( string key , bool defaultValue )
return Convert . ToBoolean ( GetValue ( key , defaultValue ) ) ;
public virtual string GetValue ( string key , object defaultValue )
var xDoc = XDocument . Load ( _configFile ) ;
var config = xDoc . Descendants ( "Config" ) . Single ( ) ;
var parentContainer = config ;
var valueHolder = parentContainer . Descendants ( key ) . ToList ( ) ;
if ( valueHolder . Count ( ) = = 1 )
return valueHolder . First ( ) . Value ;
//Save the value
SetValue ( key , defaultValue ) ;
//return the default value
return defaultValue . ToString ( ) ;
public virtual void SetValue ( string key , object value )
var xDoc = XDocument . Load ( _configFile ) ;
var config = xDoc . Descendants ( "Config" ) . Single ( ) ;
var parentContainer = config ;
var keyHolder = parentContainer . Descendants ( key ) ;
if ( keyHolder . Count ( ) ! = 1 )
parentContainer . Add ( new XElement ( key , value ) ) ;
parentContainer . Descendants ( key ) . Single ( ) . Value = value . ToString ( ) ;
xDoc . Save ( _configFile ) ;
private void CreateDefaultConfigFile ( )
if ( ! File . Exists ( _configFile ) )
var xDoc = new XDocument ( new XDeclaration ( "1.0" , "utf-8" , "yes" ) ) ;
xDoc . Add ( new XElement ( "Config" ) ) ;
xDoc . Save ( _configFile ) ;
public virtual void UpdateIISConfig ( string configPath )
logger . Info ( @"Server configuration file: {0}" , configPath ) ;
logger . Info ( @"Configuring server to: [http://localhost:{0}]" , Port ) ;
var configXml = XDocument . Load ( configPath ) ;
var bindings =
configXml . XPathSelectElement ( "configuration/system.applicationHost/sites" ) . Elements ( "site" ) . Where (
d = > d . Attribute ( "name" ) . Value . ToLowerInvariant ( ) = = "nzbdrone" ) . First ( ) . Element ( "bindings" ) ;
bindings . Descendants ( ) . Remove ( ) ;
bindings . Add (
new XElement ( "binding" ,
new XAttribute ( "protocol" , "http" ) ,
new XAttribute ( "bindingInformation" , String . Format ( "*:{0}:localhost" , Port ) )
) ) ;
bindings . Add (
new XElement ( "binding" ,
new XAttribute ( "protocol" , "http" ) ,
new XAttribute ( "bindingInformation" , String . Format ( "*:{0}:" , Port ) )
) ) ;
//Update the authenticationTypes
var location = configXml . XPathSelectElement ( "configuration" ) . Elements ( "location" ) . Where (
d = > d . Attribute ( "path" ) . Value . ToLowerInvariant ( ) = = "nzbdrone" ) . First ( ) ;
var authenticationTypes = location . XPathSelectElements ( "system.webServer/security/authentication" ) . First ( ) . Descendants ( ) ;
//Set all authentication types enabled to false
foreach ( var child in authenticationTypes )
child . Attribute ( "enabled" ) . Value = "false" ;
var configuredAuthType = String . Format ( "{0}Authentication" , AuthenticationType . ToString ( ) ) . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ;
//Set the users authenticationType to true
authenticationTypes . Where ( t = > t . Name . ToString ( ) . ToLowerInvariant ( ) = = configuredAuthType ) . Single ( ) . Attribute ( "enabled" ) . Value = "true" ;
configXml . Save ( configPath ) ;