@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ define([
self . trigger ( 'seriesAdded' ) ;
self . close ( ) ;
} ,
fail : function ( ) {
fail : function ( ) {
icon . removeClass ( 'icon-spin icon-spinner disabled' ) . addClass ( 'icon-search' ) ;
} ) ;
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ define([
itemView : NzbDrone . AddSeries . Existing . FolderMatchResultView ,
events : {
'click .x-btn-search' : 'search' ,
'click .x-btn-search' : 'search' ,
'keydown .x-txt-search' : 'keyDown'
} ,
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ define([
this . collection = new NzbDrone . AddSeries . Collection ( ) ;
this . collection . bind ( 'reset' , this . collectionReset , this ) ;
this . on ( "itemview:seriesAdded" , function ( ) {
this . on ( "itemview:seriesAdded" , function ( ) {
this . close ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ define([
search : function ( ) {
var icon = this . ui . searchButton . find ( 'icon' ) ;
var deferred = $ . Deferred ( ) ;
this . collection . reset ( ) ;
icon . removeClass ( 'icon-search' ) . addClass ( 'icon-spin icon-spinner disabled' ) ;
@ -92,23 +94,27 @@ define([
data : { term : this . ui . searchText . val ( ) } ,
success : function ( collection ) {
icon . removeClass ( 'icon-spin icon-spinner disabled' ) . addClass ( 'icon-search' ) ;
deferred . resolve ( ) ;
} ,
fail : function ( ) {
icon . removeClass ( 'icon-spin icon-spinner disabled' ) . addClass ( 'icon-search' ) ;
deferred . reject ( ) ;
} ) ;
return deferred . promise ( ) ;
} ,
keyDown : function ( e ) {
//Check for enter being pressed
var code = ( e . keyCode ? e . keyCode : e . which ) ;
if ( code === 13 ) {
var code = ( e . keyCode ? e . keyCode : e . which ) ;
if ( code === 13 ) {
this . search ( ) ;
} ,
collectionReset : function ( ) {
_ . each ( this . collection . models , function ( model ) {
_ . each ( this . collection . models , function ( model ) {
model . set ( 'isExisting' , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
@ -141,15 +147,27 @@ define([
refreshItems : function ( ) {
this . collection . importItems ( this . model ) ;
} ) ;
NzbDrone . AddSeries . Existing . ImportSeriesView = Backbone . Marionette . CollectionView . extend ( {
} ,
itemView : NzbDrone . AddSeries . Existing . RootFolderCompositeView ,
showCollection : function ( ) {
this . showAndSearch ( 0 ) ;
} ,
initialize : function ( ) {
this . collection = rootFolders ;
showAndSearch : function ( index ) {
var model = this . collection . at ( index ) ;
if ( model ) {
var that = this ;
var currentIndex = index ;
this . addItemView ( model , this . getItemView ( ) , index ) ;
console . log ( 'start' ) ;
$ . when ( this . children . findByModel ( model ) . search ( ) )
. then ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'done' ) ;
that . showAndSearch ( currentIndex + 1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;