@ -4,62 +4,62 @@ define(
] , function ( ) {
_ . extend ( Backbone . Collection . prototype , { BindSignalR : function ( options ) {
_ . extend ( Backbone . Collection . prototype , {
bindSignalR : function ( options ) {
if ( ! options ) {
options = { } ;
if ( ! options . url ) {
console . assert ( this . url , 'url must be provided or collection must have url' ) ;
options [ 'url' ] = this . url . replace ( 'api' , 'signalr' ) ;
var self = this ;
var _getStatus = function ( status ) {
switch ( status ) {
case 0 :
return 'connecting' ;
case 1 :
return 'connected' ;
case 2 :
return 'reconnecting' ;
case 4 :
return 'disconnected' ;
default :
throw 'invalid status ' + status ;
if ( ! options ) {
options = { } ;
} ;
var connection = $ . connection ( options . url ) ;
if ( ! options . url ) {
console . assert ( this . url , 'url must be provided or collection must have url' ) ;
options . url = this . url . replace ( 'api' , 'signalr' ) ;
connection . stateChanged ( function ( change ) {
console . debug ( '{0} [{1}]' . format ( options . url , _getStatus ( change . newState ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
var self = this ;
var _getStatus = function ( status ) {
switch ( status ) {
case 0 :
return 'connecting' ;
case 1 :
return 'connected' ;
case 2 :
return 'reconnecting' ;
case 4 :
return 'disconnected' ;
default :
throw 'invalid status ' + status ;
} ;
this . signalRconnection = $ . connection ( options . url ) ;
this . signalRconnection . stateChanged ( function ( change ) {
console . debug ( '{0} [{1}]' . format ( options . url , _getStatus ( change . newState ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . signalRconnection . received ( function ( message ) {
console . debug ( message ) ;
self . fetch ( ) ;
} ) ;
connection . received ( function ( message ) {
console . debug ( message ) ;
this . signalRconnection . start ( { transport :
] } ) ;
if ( options . onReceived ) {
var context = options . context || self ;
return this ;
} ,
options . onReceived . call ( context , message ) ;
unbindSignalR : function ( ) {
else {
self . fetch ( ) ;
if ( this . signalRconnection ) {
this . signalRconnection . stop ( ) ;
delete this . signalRconnection ;
} ) ;
connection . start ( { transport :
] } ) ;
return this ;
} } ) ;
} } ) ;
} ) ;