Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
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2 changed files with
38 additions and
2 deletions
@ -405,5 +405,35 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.OrganizerTests
Subject . BuildFilename ( new List < Episode > { episode } , new Series { Title = "30 Rock" } , _episodeFile )
. Should ( ) . Be ( "30 Rock - S06E06 - Part 1" ) ;
public void should_replace_double_period_with_single_period ( )
_namingConfig . StandardEpisodeFormat = "{Series.Title}.S{season:00}E{episode:00}.{Episode.Title}" ;
var episode = Builder < Episode > . CreateNew ( )
. With ( e = > e . Title = "Part 1" )
. With ( e = > e . SeasonNumber = 6 )
. With ( e = > e . EpisodeNumber = 6 )
. Build ( ) ;
Subject . BuildFilename ( new List < Episode > { episode } , new Series { Title = "Chicago P.D." } , _episodeFile )
. Should ( ) . Be ( "Chicago.P.D.S06E06.Part.1" ) ;
public void should_replace_triple_period_with_single_period ( )
_namingConfig . StandardEpisodeFormat = "{Series.Title}.S{season:00}E{episode:00}.{Episode.Title}" ;
var episode = Builder < Episode > . CreateNew ( )
. With ( e = > e . Title = "Part 1" )
. With ( e = > e . SeasonNumber = 6 )
. With ( e = > e . EpisodeNumber = 6 )
. Build ( ) ;
Subject . BuildFilename ( new List < Episode > { episode } , new Series { Title = "Chicago P.D.." } , _episodeFile )
. Should ( ) . Be ( "Chicago.P.D.S06E06.Part.1" ) ;
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
public static readonly Regex SeriesTitleRegex = new Regex ( @"(?<token>\{(?:Series)(?<separator>\s|\.|-|_)Title\})" ,
RegexOptions . Compiled | RegexOptions . IgnoreCase ) ;
private static readonly Regex FilenameCleanupRegex = new Regex ( @"\.{2,}" , RegexOptions . Compiled ) ;
private static readonly char [ ] EpisodeTitleTrimCharaters = new [ ] { ' ' , '.' , '?' } ;
public FileNameBuilder ( INamingConfigService namingConfigService ,
@ -90,6 +92,7 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
var sortedEpisodes = episodes . OrderBy ( e = > e . EpisodeNumber ) . ToList ( ) ;
var pattern = namingConfig . StandardEpisodeFormat ;
var episodeTitles = new List < string >
sortedEpisodes . First ( ) . Title . TrimEnd ( EpisodeTitleTrimCharaters )
@ -153,8 +156,11 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
tokenValues . Add ( "{Episode Title}" , GetEpisodeTitle ( episodeTitles ) ) ;
tokenValues . Add ( "{Quality Title}" , GetQualityTitle ( episodeFile . Quality ) ) ;
return CleanFilename ( ReplaceTokens ( pattern , tokenValues ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
var filename = ReplaceTokens ( pattern , tokenValues ) . Trim ( ) ;
filename = FilenameCleanupRegex . Replace ( filename , match = > match . Captures [ 0 ] . Value [ 0 ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
return CleanFilename ( filename ) ;
public string BuildFilePath ( Series series , int seasonNumber , string fileName , string extension )