Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
5 changed files with
51 additions and
1 deletions
@ -109,4 +109,8 @@
.icon-nd-imported:before {
.icon-nd-status:before {
@ -149,3 +149,15 @@ footer {
padding-right : 5px;
.status-primary {
color: @linkColor;
.status-success {
color: @successText;
.status-danger {
color: @errorText;
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ define(
this . series = options . series ;
this . showingEpisodes = this . _shouldShowEpisodes ( ) ;
this . templateHelpers. showingEpisodes = this . showingEpisodes ;
this . _generateTemplateHelpers( ) ;
this . listenTo ( this . model , 'sync' , function ( ) {
this . _afterSeasonMonitored ( ) ;
@ -198,6 +198,25 @@ define(
return result ;
} ,
_generateTemplateHelpers : function ( ) {
this . templateHelpers . showingEpisodes = this . showingEpisodes ;
var episodeCount = this . episodeCollection . filter ( function ( episode ) {
return ( episode . get ( 'monitored' ) && Moment ( episode . get ( 'airDateUtc' ) ) . isBefore ( Moment ( ) ) ) || episode . get ( 'hasFile' ) ;
} ) . length ;
var episodeFileCount = this . episodeCollection . where ( { hasFile : true } ) . length ;
var percentOfEpisodes = 100 ;
if ( episodeCount > 0 ) {
percentOfEpisodes = episodeFileCount / episodeCount * 100 ;
this . templateHelpers . episodeCount = episodeCount ;
this . templateHelpers . episodeFileCount = episodeFileCount ;
this . templateHelpers . percentOfEpisodes = percentOfEpisodes ;
} ,
_showHideEpisodes : function ( ) {
if ( this . showingEpisodes ) {
this . showingEpisodes = false ;
@ -8,6 +8,16 @@
{{#if_eq episodeCount compare=0}}
< i class = "icon-nd-status season-status status-primary" title = "No aired episodes" / >
{{#if_eq percentOfEpisodes compare=100}}
< i class = "icon-nd-status season-status status-success" title = "{{episodeFileCount}}/{{episodeCount}} episodes downloaded" / >
< i class = "icon-nd-status season-status status-danger" title = "{{episodeFileCount}}/{{episodeCount}} episodes downloaded" / >
< span class = "season-actions pull-right" >
< i class = "icon-nd-rename x-season-rename" title = "Rename all episodes in season {{seasonNumber}}" / >
< i class = "icon-search x-season-search" title = "Search for all episodes in season {{seasonNumber}}" / >
@ -262,3 +262,8 @@
margin-top: 10px;
.season-status {
font-size: 16px;
vertical-align: middle !important;