Fix translation token for DL client directory help text

Bogdan 1 year ago committed by Mark McDowall
parent d15c116f13
commit 7dc1e47504

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.DownloadStation
[FieldDefinition(5, Label = "Category", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "DownloadClientSettingsCategorySubFolderHelpText")]
public string TvCategory { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(6, Label = "Directory", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectory")]
[FieldDefinition(6, Label = "Directory", Type = FieldType.Textbox, HelpText = "DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectoryHelpText")]
public string TvDirectory { get; set; }
public DownloadStationSettings()

@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactive": "Label-Plugin nicht aktiviert",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactiveDetail": "Um Kategorien verwenden zu können, muss das Label-Plugin in {clientName} aktiviert sein.",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationProviderMessage": "{appName} kann keine Verbindung zur Download Station herstellen, wenn die 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung in Ihrem DSM-Konto aktiviert ist",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectory": "Optionaler freigegebener Ordner zum Ablegen von Downloads. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um den Standardspeicherort der Download Station zu verwenden",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectoryHelpText": "Optionaler freigegebener Ordner zum Ablegen von Downloads. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um den Standardspeicherort der Download Station zu verwenden",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationApiVersion": "Download Station API-Version wird nicht unterstützt, sollte mindestens {requiredVersion} sein. Es unterstützt von {minVersion} bis {maxVersion}",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationFolderMissing": "Ordner existiert nicht",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationFolderMissingDetail": "Der Ordner „{downloadDir}“ existiert nicht, er muss manuell im freigegebenen Ordner „{sharedFolder}“ erstellt werden.",

@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactive": "Label plugin not activated",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactiveDetail": "You must have the Label plugin enabled in {clientName} to use categories.",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationProviderMessage": "{appName} is unable to connect to Download Station if 2-Factor Authentication is enabled on your DSM account",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectory": "Optional shared folder to put downloads into, leave blank to use the default Download Station location",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectoryHelpText": "Optional shared folder to put downloads into, leave blank to use the default Download Station location",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationApiVersion": "Download Station API version not supported, should be at least {requiredVersion}. It supports from {minVersion} to {maxVersion}",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationFolderMissing": "Folder does not exist",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationFolderMissingDetail": "The folder '{downloadDir}' does not exist, it must be created manually inside the Shared Folder '{sharedFolder}'.",

@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
"UpgradeUntilEpisodeHelpText": "Una vez alcanzada esta calidad {appName} no se descargarán más episodios",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginFailureDetail": "{appName} no pudo añadir la etiqueta a {clientName}.",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationProviderMessage": "{appName} no puede conectarse a la Estación de descarga si la Autenticación de 2 factores está habilitada en tu cuenta de DSM",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectory": "Carpeta compartida opcional en la que poner las descargas, dejar en blanco para usar la ubicación de la Estación de Descarga predeterminada",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectoryHelpText": "Carpeta compartida opcional en la que poner las descargas, dejar en blanco para usar la ubicación de la Estación de Descarga predeterminada",
"DownloadClientPriorityHelpText": "Prioridad del cliente de descarga desde 1 (la más alta) hasta 50 (la más baja). Predeterminada: 1. Se usa round-robin para clientes con la misma prioridad.",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactive": "Extensión de etiqueta no activada",
"DownloadClientQbittorrentValidationRemovesAtRatioLimit": "qBittorrent está configurado para eliminar torrents cuando alcanzan su Límite de Ratio de Compartición",

@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@
"DownloadClientQbittorrentValidationCategoryRecommended": "Kategorian määritys on suositeltavaa",
"NoEpisodeInformation": "Jaksotietoja ei ole saatavilla.",
"ManualGrab": "Manuaalinen kaappaus",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectory": "Valinnainen jaettu kansio latauksille. Jätä tyhjäksi käyttääksesi Download Stationin oletussijaintia.",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectoryHelpText": "Valinnainen jaettu kansio latauksille. Jätä tyhjäksi käyttääksesi Download Stationin oletussijaintia.",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationNoDefaultDestinationDetail": "Sinun on kirjauduttava Diskstationillesi tunnuksella {username} ja määritettävä se manuaalisesti Download Stationin \"BT/HTTP/FTP/NZB > Location\" -asetuksiin.",
"NoEpisodeOverview": "Jaksolle ei ole kuvausta.",
"Table": "Taulukko",

@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@
"BlackholeWatchFolderHelpText": "Dossier à partir duquel {appName} devrait importer les téléchargements terminés",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactive": "Plugin d'étiquetage non activé",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactiveDetail": "Vous devez avoir le plugin d'étiquetage activé dans {clientName} pour utiliser les catégories.",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectory": "Dossier partagé facultatif dans lequel placer les téléchargements, laissez vide pour utiliser l'emplacement par défaut de Download Station",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectoryHelpText": "Dossier partagé facultatif dans lequel placer les téléchargements, laissez vide pour utiliser l'emplacement par défaut de Download Station",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationApiVersion": "Version de l'API de Download Station non prise en charge, elle devrait être au moins {requiredVersion}. Elle prend en charge de {minVersion} à {maxVersion}",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationFolderMissingDetail": "Le dossier '{downloadDir}' n'existe pas, il doit être créé manuellement à l'intérieur du Dossier Partagé '{sharedFolder}'.",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationProviderMessage": "{appName} ne peut pas se connecter à Download Station si l'authentification à deux facteurs est activée sur votre compte DSM",

@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@
"Directory": "Diretório",
"DownloadClientDelugeTorrentStateError": "Deluge está relatando um erro",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactiveDetail": "Você deve ter o plugin rótulo habilitado no {clientName} para usar categorias.",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectory": "Pasta compartilhada opcional para colocar downloads, deixe em branco para usar o local padrão do Download Station",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectoryHelpText": "Pasta compartilhada opcional para colocar downloads, deixe em branco para usar o local padrão do Download Station",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationApiVersion": "A versão da API do Download Station não é suportada; deve ser pelo menos {requiredVersion}. Suporta de {minVersion} a {maxVersion}",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationFolderMissing": "A pasta não existe",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationNoDefaultDestination": "Nenhum destino padrão",

@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactive": "标签插件未激活",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginFailureDetail": "{appName} 无法将标签添加到 {clientName}。",
"DownloadClientDelugeValidationLabelPluginInactiveDetail": "你需要在 {clientName} 启用标签插件才可以使用分类。",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectory": "用于存放下载内容的可选共享文件夹,留空以使用默认的 Download Station 位置",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationSettingsDirectoryHelpText": "用于存放下载内容的可选共享文件夹,留空以使用默认的 Download Station 位置",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationApiVersion": "Download Station API 版本不受支持,至少应为 {requiredVersion}。 它支持从 {minVersion} 到 {maxVersion}",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationFolderMissing": "文件夹不存在",
"DownloadClientDownloadStationValidationSharedFolderMissing": "共享文件夹不存在",
