@ -6,22 +6,44 @@ UPDATER={updater}
# Deal with existing nzbdrone installs
# Any existing nzbdrone package would already be in de deconfigured stage, so the binaries are gone.
# However the process might still be running since those are not part of the nzbdrone package.
# Existing nzbdrone packages do not have startup scripts and the process might still be running.
# If the user manually installed nzbdrone then the process might still be running too.
if [ $1 = "install" ]; then
psNzbDrone=`ps aux | grep mono.*NzbDrone\\\\.exe || true`
if [ ! -z "$psNzbDrone" ]; then
# TODO: Perform operations to detect auto-migration capabilities.
# Return failure, which causes postrm abort-install to be called.
echo "ps: $psNzbDrone"
echo "Error: An existing Sonarr v2 (NzbDrone) process is running. Remove the NzbDrone auto-startup prior to installing sonarr."
exit 1
psNzbDrone=`ps ax -o'user,pid,ppid,unit,args' | grep mono.*NzbDrone\\\\.exe || true`
if [ ! -z "$psNzbDrone" ]; then
# Get the user and optional systemd unit
psNzbDroneUser=`echo "$psNzbDrone" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
psNzbDroneUnit=`echo "$psNzbDrone" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 4`
# Get the appdata from the cmdline or get it from the user dir
droneAppData=`echo "$psNzbDrone" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -- "-data=" | cut -d= -f 2`
if [ "$droneAppData" = "" ]; then
droneUserHome=`getent passwd $psNzbDroneUser | cut -d ':' -f 6`
if [ "$psNzbDroneUnit" != "-" ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
# The user used a systemd auto-startup for NzbDrone, we can deal with that.
echo "NzbDrone systemd startup detected at $psNzbDroneUnit, stopping and disabling..."
deb-systemd-invoke stop $psNzbDroneUnit >/dev/null
deb-systemd-invoke mask $psNzbDroneUnit >/dev/null
# We don't support auto migration for other startup methods, so bail.
# This leaves the sonarr package in an incomplete state.
echo "ps: $psNzbDrone"
echo "Error: An existing Sonarr v2 (NzbDrone) process is running. Remove the NzbDrone auto-startup prior to installing sonarr."
exit 1
# We don't have the debconf configuration yet so we can't migrate the data.
# Instead we symlink so postinst knows where it's at.
if [ -f "/usr/lib/sonarr/nzbdrone-appdata" ]; then
rm "/usr/lib/sonarr/nzbdrone-appdata"
mkdir -p "/usr/lib/sonarr"
ln -s $droneAppData /usr/lib/sonarr/nzbdrone-appdata
# Check for supported upgrade paths