Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
1 changed files with
1 additions and
1 deletions
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Parser
private static readonly Regex AirDateRegex = new Regex ( @"^(.*?)(?<!\d)((?<airyear>\d{4})[_.-](?<airmonth>[0-1][0-9])[_.-](?<airday>[0-3][0-9])|(?<airmonth>[0-1][0-9])[_.-](?<airday>[0-3][0-9])[_.-](?<airyear>\d{4}))(?!\d)" ,
RegexOptions . IgnoreCase | RegexOptions . Compiled ) ;
private static readonly Regex SixDigitAirDateRegex = new Regex ( @"^(?:. * ?)(?<airdate>(?<!\d)(?<airyear>\d{2})(?<airmonth>[0-1][0-9])(?<airday>[0-3][0-9]))",
private static readonly Regex SixDigitAirDateRegex = new Regex ( @"^(?:. + ?)(?<airdate>(?<!\d)(?<airyear>\d{2})(?<airmonth>[0-1][0-9])(?<airday>[0-3][0-9]))",
RegexOptions . IgnoreCase | RegexOptions . Compiled ) ;
private static readonly Regex ReleaseGroupRegex = new Regex ( @"-(?<releasegroup>[a-z0-9]+)\b(?<!WEB-DL|480p|720p|1080p)" ,