@ -283,17 +283,21 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.Download.DownloadClientTests.SabnzbdTests
. Verify ( v = > v . DownloadNzb ( It . IsAny < Stream > ( ) , It . IsAny < String > ( ) , It . IsAny < String > ( ) , ( int ) SabnzbdPriority . High , It . IsAny < SabnzbdSettings > ( ) ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
. Verify ( v = > v . DownloadNzb ( It . IsAny < Stream > ( ) , It . IsAny < String > ( ) , It . IsAny < String > ( ) , ( int ) SabnzbdPriority . High , It . IsAny < SabnzbdSettings > ( ) ) , Times . Once ( ) ) ;
[TestCase(@"Droned.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.WEB-DL-DRONE", @"Droned.S01E01_Pilot_1080p_WEB-DL-DRONE.mkv")]
public void should_return_path_to_folder_instead_of_file ( )
[TestCase(@"Droned.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.WEB-DL-DRONE", @"SubDir\Droned.S01E01_Pilot_1080p_WEB-DL-DRONE.mkv")]
[TestCase(@"Droned.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.WEB-DL-DRONE.mkv", @"SubDir\Droned.S01E01_Pilot_1080p_WEB-DL-DRONE.mkv")]
[TestCase(@"Droned.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.WEB-DL-DRONE.mkv", @"SubDir\SubDir\Droned.S01E01_Pilot_1080p_WEB-DL-DRONE.mkv")]
public void should_return_path_to_jobfolder ( String title , String storage )
_completed . Items . First ( ) . Storage = @"C:\sorted\Droned.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.WEB-DL-DRONE\Droned.S01E01_Pilot_1080p_WEB-DL-DRONE.mkv" . AsOsAgnostic ( ) ;
_completed . Items . First ( ) . Title = title ;
_completed . Items . First ( ) . Storage = ( @"C:\sorted\" + title + @"\" + storage ) . AsOsAgnostic ( ) ;
WithQueue ( null ) ;
WithQueue ( null ) ;
WithHistory ( _completed ) ;
WithHistory ( _completed ) ;
var result = Subject . GetItems ( ) . Single ( ) ;
var result = Subject . GetItems ( ) . Single ( ) ;
result . OutputPath . Should ( ) . Be ( @"C:\sorted\Droned.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.WEB-DL-DRONE" . AsOsAgnostic ( ) ) ;
result . OutputPath . Should ( ) . Be ( ( @"C:\sorted\" + title ) . AsOsAgnostic ( ) ) ;
@ -322,6 +326,19 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.Download.DownloadClientTests.SabnzbdTests
result . OutputPath . Should ( ) . Be ( @"C:\" . AsOsAgnostic ( ) ) ;
result . OutputPath . Should ( ) . Be ( @"C:\" . AsOsAgnostic ( ) ) ;
public void should_not_blow_up_if_storage_doesnt_have_jobfolder ( )
_completed . Items . First ( ) . Storage = @"C:\sorted\somewhere\asdfasdf\asdfasdf.mkv" . AsOsAgnostic ( ) ;
WithQueue ( null ) ;
WithHistory ( _completed ) ;
var result = Subject . GetItems ( ) . Single ( ) ;
result . OutputPath . Should ( ) . Be ( @"C:\sorted\somewhere\asdfasdf\asdfasdf.mkv" . AsOsAgnostic ( ) ) ;
[TestCase(@"Y:\nzbget\root", @"completed\downloads", @"vv", @"Y:\nzbget\root\completed\downloads\vv")]
[TestCase(@"Y:\nzbget\root", @"completed\downloads", @"vv", @"Y:\nzbget\root\completed\downloads\vv")]
[TestCase(@"Y:\nzbget\root", @"completed", @"vv", @"Y:\nzbget\root\completed\vv")]
[TestCase(@"Y:\nzbget\root", @"completed", @"vv", @"Y:\nzbget\root\completed\vv")]
[TestCase(@"/nzbget/root", @"completed/downloads", @"vv", @"/nzbget/root/completed/downloads/vv")]
[TestCase(@"/nzbget/root", @"completed/downloads", @"vv", @"/nzbget/root/completed/downloads/vv")]