#! /bin/bash msBuildVersion='15.0' outputFolder='./_output' outputFolderLinux='./_output_linux' outputFolderMacOS='./_output_macos' outputFolderMacOSApp='./_output_macos_app' testPackageFolder='./_tests/' sourceFolder='./src' slnFile=$sourceFolder/Sonarr.sln updateFolder=$outputFolder/Sonarr.Update updateFolderMono=$outputFolderLinux/Sonarr.Update nuget='tools/nuget/nuget.exe'; vswhere='tools/vswhere/vswhere.exe'; . ./version.sh CheckExitCode() { "$@" local status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo "error with $1" >&2 exit 1 fi return $status } ProgressStart() { echo "##teamcity[blockOpened name='$1']" echo "##teamcity[progressStart '$1']" } ProgressEnd() { echo "##teamcity[progressFinish '$1']" echo "##teamcity[blockClosed name='$1']" } UpdateVersionNumber() { if [ "$BUILD_NUMBER" != "" ]; then echo "Updating Version Info" verMajorMinorRevision=`echo "$buildVersion" | cut -d. -f1,2,3` verBuild=`echo "${BUILD_NUMBER}" | cut -d. -f4` BUILD_NUMBER=$verMajorMinorRevision.$verBuild echo "##teamcity[buildNumber '$BUILD_NUMBER']" sed -i "s/[0-9.*]\+<\/AssemblyVersion>/$BUILD_NUMBER<\/AssemblyVersion>/g" ./src/Directory.Build.props sed -i "s/[\$()A-Za-z-]\+<\/AssemblyConfiguration>/${BRANCH:-dev}<\/AssemblyConfiguration>/g" ./src/Directory.Build.props fi } CreateReleaseInfo() { if [ "$BUILD_NUMBER" != "" ]; then echo "Create Release Info" echo -e "# Do Not Edit\nReleaseVersion=$BUILD_NUMBER\nBranch=${BRANCH:-dev}" > $outputFolder/release_info fi } CleanFolder() { local path=$1 local keepConfigFiles=$2 find $path -name "*.transform" -exec rm "{}" \; if [ $keepConfigFiles != true ] ; then find $path -name "*.dll.config" -exec rm "{}" \; fi echo "Removing FluentValidation.Resources files" find $path -name "FluentValidation.resources.dll" -exec rm "{}" \; find $path -name "App.config" -exec rm "{}" \; echo "Removing vshost files" find $path -name "*.vshost.exe" -exec rm "{}" \; echo "Removing dylib files" find $path -name "*.dylib" -exec rm "{}" \; echo "Removing Empty folders" find $path -depth -empty -type d -exec rm -r "{}" \; } BuildWithMSBuild() { installationPath=`$vswhere -latest -products \* -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -property installationPath` installationPath=${installationPath/C:\\/\/c\/} installationPath=${installationPath//\\/\/} msBuild="$installationPath/MSBuild/$msBuildVersion/Bin" echo $msBuild export PATH=$msBuild:$PATH CheckExitCode MSBuild.exe $slnFile //p:Configuration=Release //p:Platform=x86 //t:Clean //m $nuget restore $slnFile CheckExitCode MSBuild.exe $slnFile //p:Configuration=Release //p:Platform=x86 //t:Build //m //p:AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions=.pdb } BuildWithXbuild() { export MONO_IOMAP=case CheckExitCode xbuild /t:Clean $slnFile mono $nuget restore $slnFile CheckExitCode xbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x86 /t:Build /p:AllowedReferenceRelatedFileExtensions=.pdb $slnFile } LintUI() { ProgressStart 'ESLint' CheckExitCode yarn lint ProgressEnd 'ESLint' ProgressStart 'Stylelint' CheckExitCode yarn stylelint ProgressEnd 'Stylelint' } Build() { ProgressStart 'Build' rm -rf $outputFolder rm -rf $testPackageFolder if [ $runtime = "dotnet" ] ; then BuildWithMSBuild else BuildWithXbuild fi CleanFolder $outputFolder false echo "Removing Mono.Posix.dll" rm $outputFolder/Mono.Posix.dll ProgressEnd 'Build' } RunGulp() { ProgressStart 'yarn install' yarn install ProgressEnd 'yarn install' LintUI ProgressStart 'Running gulp' CheckExitCode yarn run build --production ProgressEnd 'Running gulp' } CreateMdbs() { local path=$1 if [ $runtime = "dotnet" ] ; then local pdbFiles=( $(find $path -name "*.pdb") ) for filename in "${pdbFiles[@]}" do if [ -e ${filename%.pdb}.dll ] ; then tools/pdb2mdb/pdb2mdb.exe ${filename%.pdb}.dll fi if [ -e ${filename%.pdb}.exe ] ; then tools/pdb2mdb/pdb2mdb.exe ${filename%.pdb}.exe fi done fi } PackageMono() { ProgressStart 'Creating Mono Package' rm -rf $outputFolderLinux echo "Copying Binaries" cp -r $outputFolder $outputFolderLinux echo "Creating MDBs" CreateMdbs $outputFolderLinux echo "Removing PDBs" find $outputFolderLinux -name "*.pdb" -exec rm "{}" \; echo "Removing Service helpers" rm -f $outputFolderLinux/ServiceUninstall.* rm -f $outputFolderLinux/ServiceInstall.* echo "Removing native windows binaries Sqlite, MediaInfo" rm -f $outputFolderLinux/sqlite3.* rm -f $outputFolderLinux/MediaInfo.* echo "Adding Sonarr.Core.dll.config (for dllmap)" cp $sourceFolder/NzbDrone.Core/Sonarr.Core.dll.config $outputFolderLinux echo "Adding CurlSharp.dll.config (for dllmap)" cp $sourceFolder/NzbDrone.Common/CurlSharp.dll.config $outputFolderLinux # Is blacklisted by mono from loading from appdir, instead loading from mono GAC. echo "Remove System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll (uses win32 interop)" rm $outputFolderLinux/System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll echo "Renaming Sonarr.Console.exe to Sonarr.exe" rm $outputFolderLinux/Sonarr.exe* for file in $outputFolderLinux/Sonarr.Console.exe*; do mv "$file" "${file//.Console/}" done echo "Removing Sonarr.Windows" rm $outputFolderLinux/Sonarr.Windows.* echo "Adding Sonarr.Mono to UpdatePackage" cp $outputFolderLinux/Sonarr.Mono.* $updateFolderMono ProgressEnd 'Creating Mono Package' } PackageMacOS() { ProgressStart 'Creating MacOS Package' rm -rf $outputFolderMacOS mkdir $outputFolderMacOS echo "Adding Startup script" cp ./macOS/Sonarr $outputFolderMacOS dos2unix $outputFolderMacOS/Sonarr echo "Copying Binaries" cp -r $outputFolderLinux/* $outputFolderMacOS echo "Adding sqlite dylibs" cp $sourceFolder/Libraries/Sqlite/*.dylib $outputFolderMacOS echo "Adding MediaInfo dylib" cp $sourceFolder/Libraries/MediaInfo/*.dylib $outputFolderMacOS ProgressEnd 'Creating MacOS Package' } PackageMacOSApp() { ProgressStart 'Creating macOS App Package' rm -rf $outputFolderMacOSApp mkdir $outputFolderMacOSApp cp -r ./macOS/Sonarr.app $outputFolderMacOSApp mkdir -p $outputFolderMacOSApp/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS echo "Adding Startup script" cp ./macOS/Sonarr $outputFolderMacOSApp/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS dos2unix $outputFolderMacOSApp/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/Sonarr echo "Copying Binaries" cp -r $outputFolderLinux/* $outputFolderMacOSApp/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS echo "Adding sqlite dylibs" cp $sourceFolder/Libraries/Sqlite/*.dylib $outputFolderMacOSApp/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS echo "Adding MediaInfo dylib" cp $sourceFolder/Libraries/MediaInfo/*.dylib $outputFolderMacOSApp/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS echo "Removing Update Folder" rm -r $outputFolderMacOSApp/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/Sonarr.Update ProgressEnd 'Creating macOS App Package' } PackageTests() { ProgressStart 'Creating Test Package' if [ $runtime = "dotnet" ] ; then $nuget install NUnit.ConsoleRunner -Version 3.10.0 -Output $testPackageFolder else mono $nuget install NUnit.ConsoleRunner -Version 3.10.0 -Output $testPackageFolder fi cp ./test.sh $testPackageFolder echo "Creating MDBs for tests" CreateMdbs $testPackageFolder rm -f $testPackageFolder/*.log.config CleanFolder $testPackageFolder true echo "Adding Sonarr.Core.dll.config (for dllmap)" cp $sourceFolder/NzbDrone.Core/Sonarr.Core.dll.config $testPackageFolder echo "Adding CurlSharp.dll.config (for dllmap)" cp $sourceFolder/NzbDrone.Common/CurlSharp.dll.config $testPackageFolder echo "Copying CurlSharp libraries" cp $sourceFolder/ExternalModules/CurlSharp/libs/i386/* $testPackageFolder ProgressEnd 'Creating Test Package' } CleanupWindowsPackage() { ProgressStart 'Cleaning Windows Package' echo "Removing Sonarr.Mono" rm -f $outputFolder/Sonarr.Mono.* echo "Adding Sonarr.Windows to UpdatePackage" cp $outputFolder/Sonarr.Windows.* $updateFolder ProgressEnd 'Cleaning Windows Package' } PublishArtifacts() { ProgressStart 'Publishing Artifacts' # Tests echo "##teamcity[publishArtifacts '_tests/** => tests.zip']" # Releases echo "##teamcity[publishArtifacts '$outputFolder/** => Sonarr.$BRANCH.$BUILD_NUMBER.windows.zip!Sonarr']" echo "##teamcity[publishArtifacts '$outputFolderLinux/** => Sonarr.$BRANCH.$BUILD_NUMBER.linux.tar.gz!Sonarr']" echo "##teamcity[publishArtifacts '$outputFolderMacOS/** => Sonarr.$BRANCH.$BUILD_NUMBER.macos.tar.gz!Sonarr']" echo "##teamcity[publishArtifacts '$outputFolderMacOSApp/** => Sonarr.$BRANCH.$BUILD_NUMBER.macos.zip']" # Debian Package echo "##teamcity[publishArtifacts 'distribution/** => distribution.zip']" ProgressEnd 'Publishing Artifacts' } # Use mono or .net depending on OS case "$(uname -s)" in CYGWIN*|MINGW32*|MINGW64*|MSYS*) # on windows, use dotnet runtime="dotnet" ;; *) # otherwise use mono runtime="mono" ;; esac UpdateVersionNumber Build CreateReleaseInfo RunGulp PackageMono PackageMacOS PackageMacOSApp PackageTests CleanupWindowsPackage PublishArtifacts