var _ = require('underscore'); var vent = require('vent'); var Marionette = require('marionette'); var Backgrid = require('backgrid'); var CommandController = require('../Commands/CommandController'); var EmptyView = require('./EmptyView'); var SelectFolderView = require('./Folder/SelectFolderView'); var LoadingView = require('../Shared/LoadingView'); var ManualImportRow = require('./ManualImportRow'); var SelectAllCell = require('../Cells/SelectAllCell'); var PathCell = require('./Cells/PathCell'); var SeriesCell = require('./Cells/SeriesCell'); var SeasonCell = require('./Cells/SeasonCell'); var EpisodesCell = require('./Cells/EpisodesCell'); var QualityCell = require('./Cells/QualityCell'); var FileSizeCell = require('../Cells/FileSizeCell'); var ApprovalStatusCell = require('../Cells/ApprovalStatusCell'); var ManualImportCollection = require('./ManualImportCollection'); var Messenger = require('../Shared/Messenger'); module.exports = Marionette.Layout.extend({ className : 'modal-lg', template : 'ManualImport/ManualImportLayoutTemplate', regions : { workspace : '.x-workspace' }, ui : { importButton : '.x-import', importMode : '.x-importmode' }, events : { 'click .x-import' : '_import' }, columns : [ { name : '', cell : SelectAllCell, headerCell : 'select-all', sortable : false }, { name : 'relativePath', label : 'Relative Path', cell : PathCell, sortable : true }, { name : 'series', label : 'Series', cell : SeriesCell, sortable : true }, { name : 'seasonNumber', label : 'Season', cell : SeasonCell, sortable : true }, { name : 'episodes', label : 'Episode(s)', cell : EpisodesCell, sortable : false }, { name : 'quality', label : 'Quality', cell : QualityCell, sortable : true }, { name : 'size', label : 'Size', cell : FileSizeCell, sortable : true }, { name : 'rejections', label : '', tooltip : 'Rejections', cell : ApprovalStatusCell, sortable : false, sortType : 'fixed', direction : 'ascending', title : 'Import Rejected' } ], initialize : function(options) { this.folder = options.folder; this.downloadId = options.downloadId; this.title = options.title; this.importMode = options.importMode || 'Move'; this.templateHelpers = { title : this.title || this.folder }; }, onRender : function() { if (this.folder || this.downloadId) { this._showLoading(); this._loadCollection(); this.ui.importMode.val(this.importMode); } else { this._showSelectFolder(); this.ui.importButton.hide(); this.ui.importMode.hide(); } }, _showLoading : function () { LoadingView()); }, _loadCollection : function () { this.manualImportCollection = new ManualImportCollection({ folder: this.folder, downloadId: this.downloadId }); this.manualImportCollection.fetch(); this.listenTo(this.manualImportCollection, 'sync', this._showTable); this.listenTo(this.manualImportCollection, 'backgrid:selected', this._updateButtons); }, _showTable : function () { if (this.manualImportCollection.length === 0) { EmptyView()); return; } this.fileView = new Backgrid.Grid({ columns : this.columns, collection : this.manualImportCollection, className : 'table table-hover', row : ManualImportRow });; this._updateButtons(); }, _showSelectFolder : function () { this.selectFolderView = new SelectFolderView();; this.listenTo(this.selectFolderView, 'manualImport', this._manualImport); this.listenTo(this.selectFolderView, 'automaticImport', this._automaticImport); }, _manualImport : function (e) { this.folder = e.folder; this.templateHelpers.title = this.folder; this.render(); }, _automaticImport : function (e) { CommandController.Execute('downloadedEpisodesScan', { name : 'downloadedEpisodesScan', path : e.folder }); vent.trigger(vent.Commands.CloseModalCommand); }, _import : function () { var selected = this.fileView.getSelectedModels(); if (selected.length === 0) { return; } if (_.any(selected, function (model) { return !model.has('series'); })) { this._showErrorMessage('Series must be chosen for each selected file'); return; } if (_.any(selected, function (model) { return !model.has('seasonNumber'); })) { this._showErrorMessage('Season must be chosen for each selected file'); return; } if (_.any(selected, function (model) { return !model.has('episodes') || model.get('episodes').length === 0; })) { this._showErrorMessage('One or more episodes must be chosen for each selected file'); return; } var importMode = this.ui.importMode.val(); CommandController.Execute('manualImport', { name : 'manualImport', files :, function (file) { return { path : file.get('path'), seriesId : file.get('series').id, episodeIds :'episodes'), 'id'), quality : file.get('quality'), downloadId : file.get('downloadId') }; }), importMode : importMode }); vent.trigger(vent.Commands.CloseModalCommand); }, _updateButtons : function (model, selected) { if (!this.fileView) { this.ui.importButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); return; } if (!model) { return; } var selectedModels = this.fileView.getSelectedModels(); var selectedCount = 0; if (selected) { selectedCount = _.any(selectedModels, { id : }) ? selectedModels.length : selectedModels.length + 1; } else { selectedCount = _.any(selectedModels, { id : }) ? selectedModels.length - 1 : selectedModels.length; } if (selectedCount === 0) { this.ui.importButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { this.ui.importButton.removeAttr('disabled'); } }, _showErrorMessage : function (message) {{ message : message, type : 'error', hideAfter : 5 }); } });