using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using NzbDrone.Common; using NzbDrone.Common.Cache; using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration.Events; using NzbDrone.Core.Lifecycle; using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging; using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Configuration { public interface IConfigFileProvider : IHandleAsync<ApplicationStartedEvent> { Dictionary<string, object> GetConfigDictionary(); void SaveConfigDictionary(Dictionary<string, object> configValues); int Port { get; } bool LaunchBrowser { get; } bool AuthenticationEnabled { get; } string Username { get; } string Password { get; } string LogLevel { get; } string Branch { get; } bool Torrent { get; } } public class ConfigFileProvider : IConfigFileProvider { private const string CONFIG_ELEMENT_NAME = "Config"; private readonly IEventAggregator _eventAggregator; private readonly ICached<string> _cache; private readonly string _configFile; public ConfigFileProvider(IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo, ICacheManger cacheManger, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) { _cache = cacheManger.GetCache<string>(GetType()); _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; _configFile = appFolderInfo.GetConfigPath(); } public Dictionary<string, object> GetConfigDictionary() { var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); var type = GetType(); var properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (var propertyInfo in properties) { var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(this, null); dict.Add(propertyInfo.Name, value); } return dict; } public void SaveConfigDictionary(Dictionary<string, object> configValues) { _cache.Clear(); var allWithDefaults = GetConfigDictionary(); foreach (var configValue in configValues) { object currentValue; allWithDefaults.TryGetValue(configValue.Key, out currentValue); if (currentValue == null) continue; var equal = configValue.Value.ToString().Equals(currentValue.ToString()); if (!equal) { SetValue(configValue.Key.FirstCharToUpper(), configValue.Value.ToString()); } } _eventAggregator.PublishEvent(new ConfigFileSavedEvent()); } public int Port { get { return GetValueInt("Port", 8989); } } public bool LaunchBrowser { get { return GetValueBoolean("LaunchBrowser", true); } } public bool Torrent { get { return GetValueBoolean("Torrent", false, persist: false); } } public bool AuthenticationEnabled { get { return GetValueBoolean("AuthenticationEnabled", false); } } public string Branch { get { return GetValue("Branch", "master"); } } public string Username { get { return GetValue("Username", ""); } } public string Password { get { return GetValue("Password", ""); } } public string LogLevel { get { return GetValue("LogLevel", "Info"); } } public int GetValueInt(string key, int defaultValue) { return Convert.ToInt32(GetValue(key, defaultValue)); } public bool GetValueBoolean(string key, bool defaultValue, bool persist = true) { return Convert.ToBoolean(GetValue(key, defaultValue, persist)); } public T GetValueEnum<T>(string key, T defaultValue) { return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), GetValue(key, defaultValue), true); } public string GetValue(string key, object defaultValue, bool persist = true) { return _cache.Get(key, () => { EnsureDefaultConfigFile(); var xDoc = LoadConfigFile(); var config = xDoc.Descendants(CONFIG_ELEMENT_NAME).Single(); var parentContainer = config; var valueHolder = parentContainer.Descendants(key).ToList(); if (valueHolder.Count() == 1) return valueHolder.First().Value; //Save the value if (persist) { SetValue(key, defaultValue); } //return the default value return defaultValue.ToString(); }); } public void SetValue(string key, object value) { EnsureDefaultConfigFile(); var xDoc = LoadConfigFile(); var config = xDoc.Descendants(CONFIG_ELEMENT_NAME).Single(); var parentContainer = config; var keyHolder = parentContainer.Descendants(key); if (keyHolder.Count() != 1) { parentContainer.Add(new XElement(key, value)); } else { parentContainer.Descendants(key).Single().Value = value.ToString(); } _cache.Set(key, value.ToString()); xDoc.Save(_configFile); } public void SetValue(string key, Enum value) { SetValue(key, value.ToString().ToLower()); } private void EnsureDefaultConfigFile() { if (!File.Exists(_configFile)) { var xDoc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes")); xDoc.Add(new XElement(CONFIG_ELEMENT_NAME)); xDoc.Save(_configFile); } } private void DeleteOldValues() { EnsureDefaultConfigFile(); var xDoc = LoadConfigFile(); var config = xDoc.Descendants(CONFIG_ELEMENT_NAME).Single(); var type = GetType(); var properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (var configValue in config.Descendants().ToList()) { var name = configValue.Name.LocalName; if (!properties.Any(p => p.Name == name)) { config.Descendants(name).Remove(); } } xDoc.Save(_configFile); } private XDocument LoadConfigFile() { try { return XDocument.Load(_configFile); } catch (XmlException ex) { throw new InvalidConfigFileException(_configFile + " is invalid, please see the for steps to resolve this issue.", ex); } } public void HandleAsync(ApplicationStartedEvent message) { DeleteOldValues(); } } }