Telerik.Web.Mvc Contains the extension methods of . Create Nullable instance of the passed . Contains extension methods of . Get the Application root path. The instance. Determines whether this instance can compress the specified instance. The instance. true if this instance can compress the specified instance; otherwise, false. Basic building block to locate the correct virtual path. Returns the correct virtual path based upon the debug mode and version. The virtual path. The version. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to Bold. Looks up a localized string similar to Insert hyperlink. Looks up a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to delete "{0}"?. Looks up a localized string similar to A directory with this name was not found.. Looks up a localized string similar to Empty Folder. Looks up a localized string similar to Select font family. Looks up a localized string similar to (inherited font). Looks up a localized string similar to Select font size. Looks up a localized string similar to (inherited size). Looks up a localized string similar to Select block type. Looks up a localized string similar to Indent. Looks up a localized string similar to Insert HTML. Looks up a localized string similar to Insert image. Looks up a localized string similar to Insert ordered list. Looks up a localized string similar to Insert unordered list. Looks up a localized string similar to The selected file \"{0}\" is not valid. Supported file types are {1}.. Looks up a localized string similar to Italic. Looks up a localized string similar to Center text. Looks up a localized string similar to Justify. Looks up a localized string similar to Align text left. Looks up a localized string similar to Align text right. Looks up a localized string similar to Arrange by:. Looks up a localized string similar to Name. Looks up a localized string similar to Size. Looks up a localized string similar to Outdent. Looks up a localized string similar to 'A file with name "{0}" already exists in the current directory. Do you want to overwrite it?. Looks up a localized string similar to Strikethrough. Looks up a localized string similar to Styles. Looks up a localized string similar to Underline. Looks up a localized string similar to Remove hyperlink. Looks up a localized string similar to Upload. View component base class. Defines the basic building block of scriptable component. Writes the initialization script. The writer. Writes the cleanup script. The writer. Gets or sets the asset key. The asset key. Gets or sets the script files path. Path must be a virtual path. The script files path. Gets or sets the script file names. The script file names. Gets the client side object writer factory. The client side object writer factory. Defines whether one navigation item can have content output immediately The HtmlAttributes applied to objects which can have child items Initializes a new instance of the class. The view context. The client side object writer factory. Renders the component. Writes the initialization script. The writer. Writes the cleanup script. The writer. Writes the HTML. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets the id. The id. Gets the HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Gets or sets the asset key. The asset key. Gets or sets the script files path. Path must be a virtual path. The script files path. Gets or sets the script file names. The script file names. Gets the client side object writer factory. The client side object writer factory. Gets or sets the view context to rendering a view. The view context. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. View component Builder base class. Helper interface used to hide the base members from the fluent API to make it much cleaner in Visual Studio intellisense. Equalses the specified value. The value. Gets the hash code. Gets the type. Toes the string. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Performs an implicit conversion from to TViewComponent. The builder. The result of the conversion. Returns the internal view component. Sets the name of the component. The name. Sets the web asset key for the component. The key. Sets the Scripts files path.. Path must be a virtual path. The path. Sets the Script file names. The names. Sets the HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Sets the HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Renders the component. Gets the view component. The component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Use it to enable filling the first matched item text. <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .AutoFill(true) %> Use it to configure Data binding. Action that configures the data binding options. <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "ComboBox") ); %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad") ) %> Configures the effects of the AutoComplete. The action which configures the effects. <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .Effects(fx => { fx.Slide() .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal) .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal); }) Use it to configure filtering settings. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled(true) .FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.Contains)); %> Use it to enable multiple values. <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .Multiple(); %> Use it to configure autocompleting multiple values. <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .Multiple(multi => multi.Enabled(true) .Separator(" ")); %> Use it to enable highlighting of first matched item. <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .HighlightFirstMatch(true) %> Enables or disables the autocomplete. Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enable or disable autocompleting multiple values into a single field <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .Multiple(multi => { multi.Enabled((bool)ViewData["multiple"]); }) %> Set multiple values separator. <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .Multiple(multi => { multi.Separator(", "); }) %> Represents the options of the axis labels Represents the options of the chart labels Defines a generic Chart labels Gets the axis serializer. Gets or sets the label font. Gets or sets a value indicating if the label is visible Gets or sets the label background. Gets or sets the label border. Gets or sets the label margin. Gets or sets the label padding. Gets or sets the label color. Gets or sets the label format. Gets or sets the label template. Gets or sets the label opacity. Gets or sets the label rotation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the label font. Specify a font in CSS format. For example "12px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif". Gets or sets a value indicating if the label is visible Gets or sets the label background. The label background. Gets or sets the label border. The label border. Gets or sets the label margin. The label margin. Gets or sets the label padding. The label padding. Gets or sets the label color. The label color. Gets or sets the label format. The label format. Gets or sets the label template. The label template. Gets or sets the label opacity. The label opacity. Gets or sets the label opacity. The label opacity. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Represents a category axis in the component The type of the data item Represents a chart axis Defines a generic Chart axis Gets the axis serializer. Gets or sets the minor tick size. Gets or sets the major tick size. The major tick type. The minor tick type. The major grid lines configuration. The minor grid lines configuration. The axis line configuration. The value at which the first perpendicular axis crosses this axis The axis labels The axis orientation Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Gets the axis serializer. Gets or sets the chart. The chart. Gets or sets the minor tick size. The default is 3. Gets or sets the major tick size. The default is 4. The major tick type. The default is . The minor tick type. The default is . The major grid lines configuration. The minor grid lines configuration. The axis line configuration. The value at which the first perpendicular axis crosses this axis The axis labels The axis orientation Represents a category axis The categories displayed on the axis The Model member used to populate the Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Gets the axis serializer. The categories displayed on the axis Gets the member name to be used as category. The member. Represents a numeric axis in the component The type of the data item Represents a numeric axis Represents a generic value axis The axis minimum value The axis maximum value The interval between major divisions The axis label format Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Gets the axis serializer. The minimum axis value. The axis maximum value. The interval between major divisions The axis label format Represents a category axis in the component The type of the data item Represents a axis defaults. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Gets the axis serializer. Telerik Chart for ASP.NET MVC is a view component for rendering charts. Features: Bar Chart Column Chart For more information, see the online documentation. For internal use The component UrlGenerator The component view context Initializes a new instance of the class. The view context. The client side object writer factory. The URL Generator. Writes the initialization script. The writer object. Writes the Chart HTML. The writer object. Gets or sets the data source. The data source. Represents the client-side event handlers for the component Gets or sets the URL generator. The URL generator. Gets or sets the Chart area. The Chart area. Gets or sets the Plot area. The Plot area. Gets or sets the Chart theme. The Chart theme. Gets or sets the Chart title. The Chart title. Gets or sets the Chart legend. The Chart legend. Gets or sets the Chart transitions. The Chart Transitions. Gets the chart series. Gets the default settings for all series. Configuration for the default category axis (if any) Configuration for the default value axis Configuration for the default X axis in scatter charts Configuration for the default Y axis in scatter charts Configuration for the default axis Gets the data binding configuration. Gets or sets the series colors. Gets or sets the data point tooltip options Represents the client-side events of the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. Serializes the client-side events. The writer object to serialize to. Defines the Load client-side event handler Defines the DataBound client-side event handler Defines the SeriesClick client-side event handler Represents the chart title Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the title text Gets or sets the title font. Specify a font in CSS format. For example "16px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif". Gets or sets the title position. The default value is Gets or sets the title text alignment. The default value is Gets or sets a value indicating if the title is visible Gets or sets the title margin Gets or sets the title background color Gets or sets the title padding Gets or sets the legend border Represents the chart legend Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the legend font. Specify a font in CSS format. For example "16px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif". Gets or sets the legend labels color. Specify the color of the labels. Gets or sets the legend position. The default value is Gets or sets the legend X-offset from its position. Gets or sets the legend Y-offset from its position. Gets or sets a value indicating if the legend is visible Gets or sets the legend margin Gets or sets the legend margin Gets or sets the legend background color Gets or sets the legend border Represents chart element spacing Initializes a new instance of the class. The spacing to be applied in all directions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the top spacing. Gets or sets the right spacing. Gets or sets the bottom spacing. Gets or sets the left spacing. Represents chart element border Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the width of the border. Gets or sets the color of the border. Gets or sets the dash type of the border. Represents the Chart area options Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the Chart area background. The Chart area background. Gets or sets the Chart area border. The Chart area border. Gets or sets the Chart area margin. The Chart area margin. Represents chart line styling Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the line width. Gets or sets the line color. Gets or sets the line visibility. Gets or sets the line dash type. Represents the chart data point tootlip Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the legend font. Specify a font in CSS format. For example "16px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif". Gets or sets a value indicating if the legend is visible Gets or sets the legend margin Gets or sets the legend border Gets or sets the label background. The label background. Gets or sets the label color. The label color. Gets or sets the label format. The label format. Gets or sets the tooltip template. The tooltip template. Gets or sets the tooltip opacity. The tooltip opacity. Defines the position of axis ticks The tick is drawn on the outer side of the axis No tick is drawn Defines the position of bar/column chart labels The label is positioned at the bar center The label is positioned inside, near the end of the bar The label is positioned inside, near the base of the bar The label is positioned outside, near the end of the bar. Not applicable for stacked bar series. Defines the position chart legend The legend is positioned on the top The legend is positioned on the bottom The legend is positioned on the left The legend is positioned on the right The legend is positioned using OffsetX and OffsetY Defines the position of point labels. The label is positioned at the top of the point marker. The label is positioned at the right of the point marker. The label is positioned at the bottom of the point marker. The label is positioned at the left of the point marker. Defines the position of line chart labels. The label is positioned at the top of the line chart marker. The label is positioned at the right of the line chart marker. The label is positioned at the bottom of the line chart marker. The label is positioned at the left of the line chart marker. Defines the behavior for handling missing values in line series. The value is interpolated from neighboring points. The value is assumed to be zero. The line stops before the missing point and continues after it. Defines the shape of the marker. The marker shape is square. The marker shape is triangle. The marker shape is circle. Defines text alignment options The text is aligned to the left The text is aligned to the middle The text is aligned to the right Defines the position chart title The title is positioned on the top The title is positioned on the bottom Specifies a line dash type. Specifies a solid line. Specifies a line consisting of dots. Specifies a line consisting of dashes. Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash. Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot. Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of lond-dash-dot. Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot-dot. Defines the available pie series effects overlays The pies have no effect overlay The pie segments have sharp bevel effect overlay The pie segments have sharp bevel effect overlay Defines the alignment of the pie labels. The labels are positioned in circle around the pie chart. The labels are positioned in columns to the left and right of the pie chart. Defines the behavior for handling missing values in scatter line series. The value is interpolated from neighboring points. The line stops before the missing point and continues after it. Defines the position of pie chart labels. The label is positioned at the center of the pie segment. The label is positioned inside, near the end of the pie segment. The label is positioned outside, near the end of the pie segment. The label and the pie segment are connected with connector line. Defines chart axis orientation The axis is verical The axis is horizontal Defines the fluent interface for configuring of all axes. Defines the fluent interface for configuring axes. The type of the series builder. Initializes a new instance of the class. The axis. Sets the axis minor tick size. The minor tick size. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MinorTickSize(10)) %> Sets the axis major tick size. The major tick size. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MajorTickSize(10)) %> Sets the major tick type. The major tick type. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MajorTickType(ChartAxisTickType.Inside)) %> Sets the minor tick type. The minor tick type. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MinorTickType(ChartAxisTickType.Inside)) %> Configures the major grid lines. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Categories(s => s.DateString) .MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(true)) ) %> Sets color and width of the major grid lines and enables them. The major gridlines width The major gridlines color (CSS syntax) <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Categories(s => s.DateString) .MajorGridLines(2, "red", ChartDashType.Dot) ) %> Configures the minor grid lines. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Categories(s => s.DateString) .MinorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(true)) ) %> Sets color and width of the minor grid lines and enables them. The minor gridlines width The minor gridlines color (CSS syntax) <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Categories(s => s.DateString) .MinorGridLines(2, "red", ChartDashType.Dot) ) %> Configures the axis line. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Categories(s => s.DateString) .Line(line => line.Color("#f00")) ) %> Sets color and width of the lines and enables them. The axis line width The axis line color (CSS syntax) <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Categories(s => s.DateString) .Line(2, "#f00", ChartDashType.Dot) ) %> Sets value at which the first perpendicular axis crosses this axis. The value at which the first perpendicular axis crosses this axis. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.AxisCrossingValue(4)) %> Configures the axis labels. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Labels(labels => labels .Color("Red") .Visible(true) ); ) %> Sets the visibility of numeric axis chart labels. The visibility. The default value is false. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.Labels(true)) %> Gets or sets the axis. The axis. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart labels. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart labels. Initializes a new instance of the class. The labels configuration. Sets the labels font The labels font (CSS format). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Font("14px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif") .Visible(true) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels visibility The labels visibility. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Visible(true) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels background color The labels background color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Background("Red") .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels text color The labels text color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Color("Red") .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels margin The labels top margin. The labels right margin. The labels bottom margin. The labels left margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Margin(0, 5, 5, 0) .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels margin The labels margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Margin(20) .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels padding The labels top padding. The labels right padding. The labels bottom padding. The labels left padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Padding(0, 5, 5, 0) .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels padding The labels padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Padding(20) .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels border The labels border width. The labels border color (CSS syntax). The labels border dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Border(1, "Red", ChartDashType.Dot) .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels format. The labels format. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Format("{0:C}") .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels template. The labels template. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Template("${TotalSales}") .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels opacity. The series opacity in the range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). The default value is 1. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Opacity(0.5) .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels text rotation The labels text rotation. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Rotation(45) .Visible(true); ); ) .Render(); %> Initializes a new instance of the class. The labels configuration. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data labels. Initializes a new instance of the class. The data labels configuration. Sets the labels align The labels align. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(p => p.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Align(ChartPieLabelsAlign.Column) .Visible(true) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels distance The labels distance. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(p => p.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Distance(20) .Visible(true) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the labels position The labels position. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(p => p.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Position(ChartPieLabelsPosition.Center) .Visible(true) ); ) .Render(); %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data points tooltip. Initializes a new instance of the class. The data point tooltip configuration. Sets the tooltip font The tooltip font (CSS format). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Font("14px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif") .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip visibility The tooltip visibility. The tooltip is not visible by default. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip background color The tooltip background color. The default is determined from the series color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Background("Red") .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip text color The tooltip text color. The default is the same as the series labels color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Color("Red") .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip padding The tooltip top padding. The tooltip right padding. The tooltip bottom padding. The tooltip left padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Padding(0, 5, 5, 0) .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip padding The tooltip padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Padding(20) .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip border The tooltip border width. The tooltip border color (CSS syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Border(1, "Red") .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip format The tooltip format. The format string is ignored if a template is set. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Format("{0:C}") .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip template The tooltip template. A client-side template for the tooltip. Available template variables: value - the point value category - the category name series - the data series configuration object dataItem - the original data item (client-side binding only) The format string is ignored if a template is set. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Template("<#= category #> - <#= value #>") .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Sets the tooltip opacity. The series opacity in the range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). The default value is 1. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Opacity(0.5) .Visible(true) ) .Render(); %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring pie series. The type of the data item Initializes a new instance of the class. The series. Sets the name of the series. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString).Name("Sales")) %> Sets the series opacity. The series opacity in the range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). The default value is 1. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString).Opacity(0.5)) %> Sets the padding of the chart. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString).Padding(100)) .Render(); %> Sets the start angle of the first pie segment. The pie start angle(in degrees). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString).StartAngle(100)) .Render(); %> Configures the pie chart labels. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString) .Labels(labels => labels .Color("red") .Visible(true) ); ) %> Sets the visibility of pie chart labels. The visibility. The default value is false. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString) .Labels(true); ) %> Sets the pie segments border The pie segments border width. The pie segments border color (CSS syntax). The pie segments border dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString).Border(1, "#000", ChartDashType.Dot)) .Render(); %> Sets the pie segments effects overlay The pie segment effects overlay. The default value is set in the theme. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString).Overlay(ChartPieSeriesOverlay.None)) .Render(); %> Configures the pie chart connectors. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(s => s.Sales, s => s.DateString) .Connectors(c => c .Color("red") ); ) %> Gets or sets the series. The series. Defines the fluent interface for configuring scatter series. The type of the data item Defines the fluent interface for configuring scatter series. The type of the data item Defines the fluent interface for configuring series. The type of the series builder. Initializes a new instance of the class. The series. Sets the series title displayed in the legend. The title. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Name("Sales")) %> Sets the series opacity. The series opacity in the range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). The default value is 1. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Opacity(0.5)) %> Sets the bar fill color The bar fill color (CSS syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Color("Red")) .Render(); %> Gets or sets the series. The series. Initializes a new instance of the class. The series. Configures the scatter chart labels. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Scatter(s => s.x, s => s.y) .Labels(labels => labels .Position(ChartBarLabelsPosition.Above) .Visible(true) ); ) %> Sets the visibility of scatter chart labels. The visibility. The default value is false. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Scatter(s => s.x, s => s.y) .Labels(true); ) %> Configures the scatter chart markers. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Scatter(s => s.x, s => s.y) .Markers(markers => markers .Type(ChartMarkerShape.Triangle) ); ) %> Sets the visibility of scatter chart markers. The visibility. The default value is true. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Scatter(s => s.x, s => s.y) .Markers(true); ) %> Initializes a new instance of the class. The series. Defines the fluent interface for configuring scatter line series. The type of the data item Initializes a new instance of the class. The series. Sets the chart line width. The line width. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.ScatterLine(s => s.x, s => s.y).Width(2)) .Render(); %> Sets the chart line dash type. The line dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.ScatterLine(s => s.x, s => s.y).DashType(ChartDashType.Dot)) .Render(); %> Configures the behavior for handling missing values in scatter line series. The missing values behavior. The default is to leave gaps. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .ScatterLine(s => s.x, s => s.y) .MissingValues(ChartScatterLineMissingValues.Interpolate); ) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart connectors. Initializes a new instance of the class. The connectors configuration. Sets the connectors width The connectors width. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(p => p.Sales) .Connectors(c => c .Width(3) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the connectors color The connectors color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(p => p.Sales) .Connectors(c => c .Color(red) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the connectors padding The connectors padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Pie(p => p.Sales) .Connectors(c => c .Padding(10) ); ) .Render(); %> Represents an object that can serialize itself Serializes the current instance Represents chart line markers styling Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the markers size. Gets or sets the markers background. Gets or sets the markers type. Gets or sets the markers visibility. Gets or sets the markers border. Defines the fluent interface for configuring line series. The type of the data item Initializes a new instance of the class. The series. Sets a value indicating if the lines should be stacked. A value indicating if the lines should be stacked. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Line(s => s.Sales).Stack(true)) %> Configures the line chart labels. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Position(ChartBarLabelsPosition.Above) .Visible(true) ); ) %> Sets the visibility of line chart labels. The visibility. The default value is false. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Labels(true); ) %> Sets the line chart line width. The line width. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Line(s => s.Sales).Width(2)) .Render(); %> Sets the line chart line dash type. The line dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Line(s => s.Sales).DashType(ChartDashType.Dot)) .Render(); %> Configures the line chart markers. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Markers(markers => markers .Type(ChartMarkerShape.Triangle) ); ) %> Sets the visibility of line chart markers. The visibility. The default value is true. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Markers(true); ) %> Configures the behavior for handling missing values in line series. The missing values behavior. The default is to leave gaps. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .MissingValues(ChartLineMissingValues.Interpolate); ) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data labels. Initializes a new instance of the class. The data labels configuration. Sets the labels position The labels position. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Position(ChartPointLabelsPosition.Above) .Visible(true) ); ) .Render(); %> This method will be removed in future versions. Use Position(ChartPointLabelsPosition) instead. The labels position. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data labels. Initializes a new instance of the class. The line chart markers configuration. Sets the markers shape type. The markers shape type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Markers(markers => markers .Type(ChartMarkerShape.Triangle) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the markers size. The markers size. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Markers(markers => markers .Size(10) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the markers visibility The markers visibility. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Markers(markers => markers .Visible(true) ); ) .Render(); %> Sets the markers border The markers border width. The markers border color (CSS syntax). The markers border dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Markers(markers => markers .Border(1, "Red", ChartDashType.Dot) ); ) .Render(); %> The background color of the current series markers. The background color of the current series markers. The background color is series color. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Line(s => s.Sales) .Markers(markers => markers .Background("Red"); ); ) .Render(); %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The plot area. Sets the Plot area background color The background color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.Background("Red")) .Render(); %> Sets the Plot area margin The plot area top margin. The plot area right margin. The plot area bottom margin. The plot area left margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.Margin(0, 5, 5, 0)) .Render(); %> Sets the Plot area margin The plot area margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.Margin(5)) .Render(); %> Sets the Plot area border The border width. The border color (CSS syntax). The border dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.Border(1, "#000", ChartDashType.Dot)) .Render(); %> Represents the Plot area options Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the Plot area background. The Plot area background. Gets or sets the Plot area border. The Chart area border. Gets or sets the Plot area margin. The Chart area margin. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data labels. Initializes a new instance of the class. The data labels configuration. Sets the labels position The labels position. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Position(ChartBarLabelsPosition.InsideEnd) .Visible(true) ); ) .Render(); %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart area. Sets the Chart area background color The background color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.Background("Red")) .Render(); %> Sets the Chart area margin The chart area top margin. The chart area right margin. The chart area bottom margin. The chart area left margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.Margin(0, 5, 5, 0)) .Render(); %> Sets the Chart area margin The chart area margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.Margin(5)) .Render(); %> Sets the Chart area border The border width. The border color (CSS syntax). The border dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.Border(1, "#000", ChartDashType.Dot)) .Render(); %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring . Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart line. Sets the line color The line color (CSS format). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Color("#f00"))) .Render(); %> Sets the line width The line width. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Width(2))) .Render(); %> Sets the line visibility The line visibility. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(true))) .Render(); %> Defines the default settings for bar series. Defines the default settings for column series. Defines the default settings for line series. Defines the default settings for pie series. Defines the default settings for scatter series. Defines the default settings for scatter line series. Represents the options of the bar chart labels Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the label position. The default value is for clustered series and for stacked series. Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables binding. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Home").Enabled((bool)ViewData["bindSales"]); }) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable binding based on certain conditions. Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select(MVC.Home.SalesData().GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"month", 1} }); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Home", new { month = 1 }); }) %> Sets the action and controller for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Home"); }) %> Sets the route and values for the select operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"month", 1} }); }) %> Sets the route and values for the select operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", new {month = 1}); }) %> Sets the route name for the select operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default"); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation The type of the controller. The action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select<HomeController>(controller => controller.SalesData())); }) %> Creates value axis for the . The type of the data item to which the chart is bound to Initializes a new instance of the class. The container. Defines a numeric value axis. The parent Chart Defines the fluent interface for configuring numeric axis. Initializes a new instance of the class. The axis. Sets the axis minimum value. The axis minimum value. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().Min(4)) %> Sets the axis maximum value. The axis maximum value. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().Max(4)) %> Sets the interval between major divisions. The interval between major divisions. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MajorUnit(4)) %> Sets the axis orientation. The CategoryAxis orientation should be set to match. The orientation. The default value is inferred from the series type. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(c => c.Orientation(ChartAxisOrientation.Vertical)) .ValueAxis(v => v.Orientation(ChartAxisOrientation.Horizontal)) .Series(series => series.Line(s => s.Sales)) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart title. Sets the title text The text title. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Text("Chart")) .Render(); %> Sets the title font The title font (CSS format). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Font("16px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif")) .Render(); %> Sets the title background color The background color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Background("red")) .Render(); %> Sets the title position The title position. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Position(ChartTitlePosition.Bottom)) .Render(); %> Sets the title alignment The title alignment. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Align(ChartTextAlignment.Left)) .Render(); %> Sets the title visibility The title visibility. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Visible(false)) .Render(); %> Sets the title margin The title top margin. The title right margin. The title bottom margin. The title left margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Margin(20)) .Render(); %> Sets the title margin The title margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Margin(20)) .Render(); %> Sets the title padding The title top padding. The title right padding. The title bottom padding. The title left padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Padding(20)) .Render(); %> Sets the title padding The title padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Padding(20)) .Render(); %> Sets the title border The title border width. The title border color. The title dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Border(1, "#000", ChartDashType.Dot)) .Render(); %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart legend. Sets the legend labels font The legend labels font (CSS format). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Font("16px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif")) .Render(); %> Sets the legend labels color The labels color (CSS format). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Color("red")) .Render(); %> Sets the legend background color The background color. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Background("red")) .Render(); %> Sets the legend position The legend position. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Position(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom)) .Render(); %> Sets the legend visibility The legend visibility. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Visible(false)) .Render(); %> Sets the legend X and Y offset from its position The legend X offset from its position. The legend Y offset from its position. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Offset(10, 50)) .Render(); %> Sets the legend margin The legend top margin. The legend right margin. The legend bottom margin. The legend top margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Margin(0, 5, 5, 0)) .Render(); %> Sets the legend margin The legend margin. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Margin(20)) .Render(); %> Sets the legend padding The legend top padding. The legend right padding. The legend bottom padding. The legend left padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Padding(0, 5, 5, 0)) .Render(); %> Sets the legend padding The legend padding. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Padding(20)) .Render(); %> Sets the legend border The legend border width. The legend border color (CSS syntax). The legend border dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Border(1, "#000", ChartDashType.Dot)) .Render(); %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBound client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound("onDataBound")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSeriesClick client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSeriesClick(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSeriesClick client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSeriesClick( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSeriesClick client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSeriesClick("onSeriesClick")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Configures the client-side events. The client events configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ClientEvents(events => events .OnLoad("onLoad") ) %> Sets the theme of the chart. The Chart theme. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Theme("Telerik") %> Sets the Chart area. The Chart area. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.margin(20)) %> Sets the Plot area. The Plot area. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.margin(20)) %> Sets the title of the chart. The Chart title. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title("Yearly sales") %> Defines the title of the chart. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Title(title => title.Text("Yearly sales")) %> Sets the legend visibility. A value indicating whether to show the legend. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(false) %> Configures the legend. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Legend(legend => legend.Visible(true).Position(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom)) %> Defines the chart series. The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => { series.Bar(s => s.SalesAmount); }) %> Defines the options for all chart series of the specified type. The configurator. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .SeriesDefaults(series => series.Bar().Stack(true)) %> Defines the options for all chart axes of the specified type. The configurator. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .AxisDefaults(axisDefaults => axisDefaults.MinorTickSize(5)) %> Configures the category axis The configurator <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(axis => axis .Categories(s => s.DateString) ) %> Configures the value axis The configurator <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().TickSize(4)) %> Configures the X-axis for scatter charts. The configurator <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .XAxis(a => a.Max(4)) %> Configures the Y-axis for scatter charts. The configurator <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .YAxis(a => a.Max(4)) %> Use it to configure binding. Use the configurator to set different data binding options. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Chart").Enabled((bool)ViewData["bindSales"]); }) %> Sets the series colors. A list of the series colors. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .SeriesColors(new string[] { "#f00", "#0f0", "#00f" }) %> Sets the series colors. The series colors. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .SeriesColors("#f00", "#0f0", "#00f") %> Use it to configure the data point tooltip. Use the configurator to set data tooltip options. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(tooltip => { tooltip.Visible(true).Format("{0:C}"); }) %> Sets the data point tooltip visibility. A value indicating if the data point tooltip should be displayed. The tooltip is not visible by default. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Tooltip(true) %> Enables or disabled animated transitions on initial load and refresh. A value indicating if transition animations should be played. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Transitions(false) %> Creates series for the . The type of the data item to which the chart is bound to Initializes a new instance of the class. The container. Defines bound bar series. The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model Defines bound bar series. The name of the value member. Defines bound bar series. The type of the value member. The name of the value member. Defines bar series bound to inline data. The data to bind to. Defines bound column series. The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model Defines bound bar series. The name of the value member. Defines bound bar series. The type of the value member. The name of the value member. Defines bar series bound to inline data. The data to bind to Defines bound line series. The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model Defines bound line series. The name of the value member. Defines bound line series. The type of the value member. The name of the value member. Defines line series bound to inline data. The data to bind to Defines bound scatter series. The expression used to extract the X value from the chart model The expression used to extract the Y value from the chart model Defines bound scatter series. The name of the X value member. The name of the Y value member. Defines scatter series bound to inline data. The data to bind to Defines bound scatter line series. The expression used to extract the X value from the chart model The expression used to extract the Y value from the chart model Defines bound scatter line series. The name of the X value member. The name of the Y value member. Defines scatter line series bound to inline data. The data to bind to Defines bound pie series. The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model Defines bound pie series. The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model Defines bound pie series. The name of the value member. Defines bound pie series. The name of the value member. The name of the category member. The name of the explode member. Defines bound pie series. The type of the value member. The name of the value member. The name of the category member. The name of the explode member. Defines pie series bound to inline data. The data to bind to The parent Chart Defines the fluent interface for configuring bar series. The type of the data item Initializes a new instance of the class. The series. Sets a value indicating if the bars should be stacked. A value indicating if the bars should be stacked. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Stack(true)) %> Set distance between category clusters. A value of 1 means that there is a total of 1 column width / bar height between categories. The distance is distributed evenly on each side. The default value is 1.5 <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Gap(1)) %> Sets a value indicating the distance between bars / categories. Value of 1 means that the distance between bars is equal to their width. The default value is 0 <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Spacing(s => s.Sales).Spacing(1)) %> Configures the bar chart labels. The configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(labels => labels .Position(ChartBarLabelsPosition.InsideEnd) .Visible(true) ); ) %> Sets the visibility of bar chart labels. The visibility. The default value is false. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series .Bar(s => s.Sales) .Labels(true); ) %> Sets the bars border The bars border width. The bars border color (CSS syntax). The bars border dash type. <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Border("1", "#000", ChartDashType.Dot)) .Render(); %> Sets the bar effects overlay The bar effects overlay. The default is ChartBarSeriesOverlay.Glass <% Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Overlay(ChartBarSeriesOverlay.None)) .Render(); %> Configures the category axis for the . The type of the data item to which the chart is bound to Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Defines bound categories. The expression used to extract the categories value from the chart model Defines categories. The list of categories Defines categories. The list of categories Sets the axis orientation. The ValueAxis orientation should be set to match. The orientation. The default value is inferred from the series type. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") .CategoryAxis(c => c.Orientation(ChartAxisOrientation.Vertical)) .ValueAxis(v => v.Orientation(ChartAxisOrientation.Horizontal)) .Series(series => series.Line(s => s.Sales)) %> The parent Chart Defines the fluent interface for configuring data binding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. Use it to configure Ajax binding. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Chart"); }) %> An HTML Builder for the Chart component Initializes a new instance of the class. The Chart component. Creates the chart top-level div. Builds the Chart component markup. Represents chart bar or column series The Chart model type The value type Represents Chart series bound to data. The Chart model type The value type Represents a series in the component The type of the data item Represents chart series Creates a serializer for the series The series name. The series opacity The series base color Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Creates a serializer for the series Gets or sets the chart. The chart. Gets or sets the title of the series. The title. Gets or sets the series opacity. A value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque). Gets or sets the series base color Represents Chart series bound to data. Gets the data member of the series. The data used for binding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. The expression. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Binds the series Gets a function which returns the value of the property to which the column is bound to. The data used for binding. The expression used to extract the value from the model Gets the model data member name. The model data member name. Represents chart bar or column series A value indicating if the bars should be stacked. The distance between category clusters. Space between bars. The orientation of the bars. Gets the bar chart data labels configuration Gets or sets the bar's border Gets or sets the effects overlay Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent chart The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent chart The data to bind to. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Creates a serializer for the series A value indicating if the bars should be stacked. The distance between category clusters. A value of 1 means that there is a total of 1 column width / bar height between categories. The distance is distributed evenly on each side. Space between bars. Value of 1 means that the distance between bars is equal to their width. The orientation of the bars. Can be either horizontal (bar chart) or vertical vertical (column chart). The default value is horizontal. Gets the bar chart data labels configuration Gets or sets the bar border Gets or sets the effects overlay Represents the options of the pie chart connectors Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Defines the width of the line. Defines the color of the line. Defines the padding of the line. Represents the options of the pie chart labels Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Defines the alignment of the pie labels. Defines the distance between the pie chart and labels. Defines the position of the pie labels. Represents chart pie series The Chart model type The value type Represents pie chart series Gets the data category member of the series. Gets the data expand member of the series. Gets the data color member of the series. Gets the pie chart data labels configuration Gets or sets the pie's border Gets or sets the effects overlay Gets or sets the padding of the pie chart Gets or sets the start angle of the first pie segment Gets the pie chart connectors configuration Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. The value expression. The category expression. The color expression. The explode expression. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Binds the series Creates a serializer for the series The expression used to extract the value from the model Gets the model data member name. The model data member name. Gets the model data category member name. The model data category member name. Gets the model data explode member name. The model data explode member name. Gets the model data color member name. The model data color member name. Gets a function which returns the value of the property to which the column is bound to. Gets a function which returns the category of the property to which the column is bound to. Gets a function which returns the explode of the property to which the column is bound to. Gets a function which returns the color of the property to which the column is bound to. Gets the pie chart data labels configuration Gets or sets the pie border The pie chart data configuration. Gets or sets the effects overlay. Gets or sets the padding of the chart. Gets or sets the start angle of the first pie segment. Gets the pie chart connectors configuration Defines the possible bar series orientation. The bars are horizontal (bar chart) The bars are vertical (column chart) Represents the default settings for all series in the component The type of the data item Represents default chart series settings The default settings for all bar series The default settings for all column series The default settings for all line series The default settings for all line series The default settings for all scatter series The default settings for all scatter line series Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Creates a serializer for the series defaults The default settings for all bar series. The default settings for all column series. The default settings for all line series. The default settings for all pie series. The default settings for all scatter series. The default settings for all scatter line series. Represents the options of the chart point labels Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a serializer Gets or sets the label position. The default value is for clustered series and for stacked series. Represents chart line series The Chart model type The value type Represents chart line chart series A value indicating if the lines should be stacked. Gets the line chart data labels configuration The line chart markers configuration. The line chart line width. The line chart line dash type. The behavior for handling missing values in line series. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent chart The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent chart The data to bind to. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Creates a serializer for the series A value indicating if the lines should be stacked. Gets the line chart data labels configuration The line chart markers configuration. The line chart line width. The behavior for handling missing values in line series. The line chart line dashType. Defines the available bar series effects overlays The bars have no effect overlay The bars have glass effect overlay Represents chart scatter (XY) series The Chart model type The value type Represents chart scatter series Gets the X data member of the series. Gets the Y data member of the series. Gets the scatter chart data labels configuration The scatter chart markers configuration. The data used for binding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. The X expression. The Y expression. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Binds the series Creates a serializer for the series The expression used to extract the X value from the model The expression used to extract the Y value from the model Gets the model X data member name. The model X data member name. Gets the model Y data member name. The model Y data member name. Gets a function which returns the value of the property to which the X value is bound to. Gets a function which returns the value of the property to which the Y value is bound to. Gets the scatter chart data labels configuration The line chart markers configuration. The scatter chart data source. Represents chart scatter line series The Chart model type The value type Represents chart scatter line series The line chart line width. The chart line dash type. The behavior for handling missing values in scatter line series. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. The X expression. The Y expression. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. The data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Creates a serializer for the series The chart line width. The chart line dashType. The behavior for handling missing values in scatter line series. Represents the chart binding settings Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Serializes the binding settings to the specified writer The settings key The writer Gets or sets a value indicating if the binding is enabled The request settings for the Select operation Represents the chart data binding settings Initializes a new instance of the class. The chart. Represents the chart Ajax binding settings Gets the id. The id. Gets the items of the ComboBox. Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables filtering. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Filterable(filtering => { filtering.Enabled((bool)ViewData["filtering"]); }) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable/disable filtering based on certain conditions. Defines filter mode. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Filterable(filtering => { filtering.FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.StartsWith); }) %> Set minimum chars number needed to start filtering. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Filterable(filtering => { filtering.MinimumChars(2); }) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad") ) %> Configures the effects of the dropdownlist. The action which configures the effects. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .Effects(fx => { fx.Slide() .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal) .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal); }) Defines the items in the DropDownList The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) %> Sets the HTML attributes of the hidden input element. The HTML attributes. Sets the HTML attributes of the hidden input element. The HTML attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Use it to enable filtering of items. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Filterable(); %> Use it to configure filtering settings. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled(true) .FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.Contains)); %> Sets the HTML attributes of the input element. The HTML attributes. Sets the HTML attributes of the input element. The HTML attributes. Use it to enable filling the first matched item text. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .AutoFill(true) %> Use it to configure Data binding. Action that configures the data binding options. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "ComboBox") ); %> Use it to enable highlighting of first matched item. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .HighlightFirstMatch(true) %> Use it to set selected item index Item index. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .SelectedIndex(0); %> Enables or disables the combobox. Sets whether to open items list on focus. Defines the fluent interface for building Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables binding. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]); }) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable binding based on certain conditions. Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select(MVC.Home.Indec(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new { {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home"); }) %> Sets the route and values for the select operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the route and values for the select operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", new {id=1}); }) %> Sets the route name for the select operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default"); }) %> Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables cache of items. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Cache((bool)ViewData["cache"]); }) %> The Cache method is useful when you need to enable/disable caching based on certain conditions. Default value is true. Specifies delay of the Ajax/WebServer request. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Delay(400); }) %> The Delay method is useful when you need to postpone request to the server for some time. Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Defines filter mode. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Filterable(filtering => { filtering.FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.StartsWith); }) %> Set minimum chars number needed to start filtering. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Filterable(filtering => { filtering.MinimumChars(2); }) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data binding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. Use it to configure Ajax binding. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView") ) %> Use it to configure web service binding. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .WebService().Select("~/Models/ProductDDI.asmx/GetProducts") ) %> Defines the fluent interface for building Defines the fluent interface for configuring the treeview webservice. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Specify the web service url for loading data The web service url <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .WebService().Select("~/Models/ProductDDI.asmx/GetProducts") ) %> Enables / disables web service functionality. Whether to enable or to disable the web service. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Enabled(true).Select("_AjaxLoading", "DropDownList") ) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable ajax based on certain conditions. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables cache of items. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.WebService().Select("~/Models/Product.asmx/GetProducts").Cache((bool)ViewData["cache"]); }) %> The Cache method is useful when you need to enable/disable caching based on certain conditions. Default value is true. Specifies delay of the Ajax/WebServer request. <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.WebService().Select("~/Models/Product.asmx/GetProducts").Delay(400); }) %> The Delay method is useful when you need to postpone request to the server for some time. Represents a client-side event of a view component An action that renders the code of the client-side handler upon execution. An action that renders the code of the client-side handler upon execution. A function that returns the code of the client-side handler. The name of the client-side handler function. Gets the id. The id. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Configures the effects of the datepicker. The action which configures the effects. <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .Effects(fx => { fx.Height() .Opacity() .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal) .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal); }) Sets whether calendar should open on focus. Sets the date format, which will be used to parse and format the machine date. Sets the minimal date, which can be selected in DatePicker. Sets the maximal date, which can be selected in DatePicker. Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad").OnSelect("onSelect") ) %> Sets the Input HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Sets the Input HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Enables or disables the datepicker. Defines the fluent interface for configuring datepicker client events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Datepicker client-side events. The context of the View. Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen( @<text> %> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the OnOpen client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the OnClose client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Sets the value of the dateTimePicker input Sets the value of the dateTimePicker input Sets the minimal date, which can be selected in DateTimePicker. Sets the maximal date, which can be selected in DateTimePicker. Sets the minimal time, which can be selected in DateTimePicker. Sets the minimal time, which can be selected in DateTimePicker. Sets the maximal time, which can be selected in DateTimePicker. Sets the maximal time, which can be selected in DateTimePicker. Sets the interval between hours. Sets the title of the DateTimePicker button. Sets the title of the DateTimePicker button. Defines the fluent interface for configuring timepicker client events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Timepicker client-side events. The context of the View. Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnOpen client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnClose client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose")) %> Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the treeview webservice. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Represent item in the DropDownList/ComboBox items. Gets the id. The id. Gets the items of the treeview. Use it to set selected item index Item index. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .SelectedIndex(0); %> Use it to configure Data binding. Action that configures the data binding options. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "DropDownList") ); %> Enables or disables the dropdownlist. Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. The view context. Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnOpen client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnClose client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBinding client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding("OnDataBinding")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBound client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound("onDataBound")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data binding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. Use it to configure Ajax binding. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView") ) %> Use it to configure web service binding. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .WebService().Select("~/Models/ProductDDI.asmx/GetProducts") ) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring child DropDonwList items. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item. Sets the value for the item. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First item.")) %> Sets the value for the item. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .Items(items => items.Add().Value("1")) %> Define when the item will be expanded on intial render. If true the item will be selected. <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Selected(true); }) %> Creates items for the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Defines a item. Determines if content of a given path can be browsed. The path which will be browsed. true if browsing is allowed, otherwise false. Retrieves the content of a given folder. The folder's path, which content will be served. A containing folder's files and child folders. Throws 403 Forbidden if the supplied is outside of the valid paths. Throws 404 File Not Found if refered folder does not exist. Determines if a file can be uploaded to a given path. The path to which the file should be uploaded. The file which should be uploaded. true if the upload is allowed, otherwise false. Uploads a file to a given path. The path to which the file should be uploaded. The file which should be uploaded. A containing the uploaded file's size and name. Forbidden Determines if an image's thumbnail should be served. The path to image's thumbnail. true if image's thumbnail should be served, otherwise false. Serves an image's thumbnail by given path. The path to the image. Thumbnail of an image. Throws 403 Forbidden if the is outside of the valid paths. Throws 404 File Not Found if the refers to a non existant image. Determines if a file can be deleted. The path to the file. true if file can be deleted, otherwise false. Deletes a file. The path to the file. An empty . Forbidden Determines if a folder can be deleted. The path to the folder. true if folder can be deleted, otherwise false. Deletes a folder. The path to the folder. An empty . Forbidden Determines if a folder can be created. The path to the parent folder in which the folder should be created. Name of the folder. true if folder can be created, otherwise false. Creates a folder with a given name. The path to the parent folder in which the folder should be created. Name of the folder. An empty . Forbidden Gets the base paths from which content will be served. Gets the valid file extensions by which served files will be filtered. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). @(Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> ))) Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnPaste client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnPaste(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). @(Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnPaste( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) ) Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnPaste client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnPaste("onPaste")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnExecute client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExecute(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnExecute client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExecute( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnExecute client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExecute("onExecute")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelectionChange client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelectionChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelectionChange client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelectionChange( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelectionChange client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelectionChange("onSelectionChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError")) %> Sets the HTML content that will show initially in the editor. The action which renders the HTML content. <% Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .Value(() => { %> <blockquote> According to Deep Thought, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is <strong>42</strong>. </blockquote> <% }) .Render(); %> Sets the HTML content which the item should display as a string. An HTML string. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .Value("<blockquote>A towel has <strong>immense</strong> psychological value</blockquote>") %> Encode HTML content. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .Value("<blockquote>A towel has <strong>immense</strong> psychological value</blockquote>") .Encode(true) %> Sets the localization culture of the editor. The culture. <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor") .Value("<blockquote>A towel has <strong>immense</strong> psychological value</blockquote>") .Localizable("de-DE") %> Enables toggle animation. Enables opacity animation. Enables opacity animation. Builder, which sets different opacity properties. Enables expand animation. Enables expand animation. Builder, which sets different expand properties. Enables slide animation. Enables slide animation. Builder, which sets different slide properties. Represents a column in the component The type of the data item Gets or sets the grid. The grid. Gets the member of the column. The member. Gets the template of the column. Gets the header template of the column. Gets the footer template of the column. Gets or sets the title of the column. The title. Gets or sets the width of the column. The width. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is hidden. true if hidden; otherwise, false. Hidden columns are output as HTML but are not visible by the end-user. Gets the header HTML attributes. The header HTML attributes. Gets the footer HTML attributes. The footer HTML attributes. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is visible. true if visible; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Invisible columns are not output in the HTML. Gets the HTML attributes of the cell rendered for the column The HTML attributes. Initializes a new instance of the class. The property to which the column is bound to. Gets type of the property to which the column is bound to. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is groupable. true if groupable; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the column Gets a function which returns the value of the property to which the column is bound to. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is sortable. true if sortable; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is filterable. true if filterable; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Defines an interface that supports navigation. Gets or sets the name of the route. The name of the route. Gets or sets the name of the controller. The name of the controller. Gets or sets the name of the action. The name of the action. Gets the route values. The route values. Gets or sets the URL. The URL. Defines the fluent interface for configuring Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables column context menu. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ColumnContextMenu(setting => setting.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableColumnContextMenu"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable column context menu based on certain conditions. Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables binding. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]); }) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable binding based on certain conditions. Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select(MVC.Home.Index().GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new { id = 1 }); }) %> Sets the action and controller for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home"); }) %> Sets the route and values for the select operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the route and values for the select operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", new {id=1}); }) %> Sets the route name for the select operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default"); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation The type of the controller. The action. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index())); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the insert operation The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Insert(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for insert operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for insert operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("Index", "Home", new { id = 1 }); }) %> Sets the action and controller for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("Index", "Home"); }) %> Sets the route and values for insert operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the route and values for insert operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("Default", new {id=1}); }) %> Sets the route name for insert operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("Default"); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for insert operation The type of the controller. The action. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Insert<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index())); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the update operation The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Update(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for update operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Update(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for update operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Index", "Home", new { id = 1 }); }) %> Sets the action and controller for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Index", "Home"); }) %> Sets the route and values for update operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the route and values for update operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Default", new {id=1}); }) %> Sets the route name for update operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Default"); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for update operation The type of the controller. The action. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Update<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index())); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the delete operation The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Delete(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for delete operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for delete operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Index", "Home", new { id = 1 }); }) %> Sets the action and controller for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Index", "Home"); }) %> Sets the route and values for delete operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the route and values for delete operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Default", new {id=1}); }) %> Sets the route name for delete operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Default"); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for delete operation The type of the controller. The action. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Delete<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index())); }) %> Gets or sets the operation mode of the grid. By default the grid will make a request to the server when it needs data for paging, sorting, filtering or grouping. If you set the operation mode to GridOperationMode.Client it will make only one request for all data. Any other paging, sorting, filtering or grouping will be performed client-side. Defines the fluent interface for configuring command. The type of the model The type of the command. The type of the builder. Initializes a new instance of the class. The column. Sets the button type. The button type. Sets the HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Sets the HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Sets the image HTML attributes. The Image HTML attributes. Sets the image HTML attributes. The Image HTML attributes. Defines the fluent interface for configuring Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables keyboard navigation. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .KeyboardNavigation(setting => setting.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableKeyBoardNavigation"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable keyboard navigation based on certain conditions. Enables or disables edit when TAB key is pressed. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .KeyboardNavigation(setting => setting.EditOnTab((bool)ViewData["enableEditOnTab"])) %> The EditOnTab method is useful when InCell edit mode and use TAB key to edit the cell. Sets the button type. The button type. Sets the HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Sets the HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Sets the image HTML attributes. The Image HTML attributes. Sets the image HTML attributes. The Image HTML attributes. Simple wrapper used to trick the Grid's generic DataSource when custom binding is used Defines the fluent interface for configuring grid editing. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables grid editing. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>() .Name("Orders") .Editable(settings => settings.Enabled(true)) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable grid editing on certain conditions. Specify an editor template which to be used for InForm or PopUp modes name of the editor template This settings is applicable only when Mode is or Provides additional view data in the editor template. The additional view data will be provided if the editing mode is set to in-form or popup. For other editing modes use An anonymous object which contains the additional data <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Editable(editing => editing.AdditionalViewData(new { customers = Model.Customers })) %> Enables or disables delete confirmation. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>() .Name("Orders") .Editable(settings => settings.DisplayDeleteConfirmation(true)) %> Gets the HTML attributes of the form rendered during editing The attributes. Gets the HTML attributes of the form rendered during editing The attributes. Defines the fluent interface for configuring template columns Defines the fluent interface for configuring columns. The type of the column builder. Initializes a new instance of the class. The column. Sets the title displayed in the header of the column. The text. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Title("ID")) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the header cell of the column. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).HeaderHtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-header"})) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the header cell of the column. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).HeaderHtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-header"})) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the footer cell of the column. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).FooterHtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-footer"})) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the footer cell of the column. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).FooterHtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-footer"})) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the content cell of the column. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).HtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-cell"})) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the content cell of the column. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).HtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-cell"})) %> Sets the width of the column in pixels. The width in pixels. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Width(100)) %> Sets the width of the column. The width to set. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => { %> <%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Home", new { id = o.OrderID}) %> <% }) .Render(); %> Makes the column visible or not. By default all columns are visible. Invisible columns are not rendered in the output HTML. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Visible((bool)ViewData["visible"])) %> Makes the column hidden or not. By default all columns are not hidden. Hidden columns are rendered in the output HTML but are hidden. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Hidden((bool)ViewData["hidden"])) %> Hides a column. By default all columns are not hidden. Hidden columns are rendered in the output HTML but are hidden. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Hidden()) %> Sets the header template for the column. The action defining the template. Sets the header template for the column. The string defining the template. Sets the header template for the column. The action defining the template. Sets the footer template for the column. The action defining the template. Sets the footer template for the column. The string defining the template. Sets the footer template for the column. The action defining the template. Gets or sets the column. The column. Determines if group header should be shown. true if visible, otherwise false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether member access expression used by this builder should be lifted to null. The default value is true; true if member access should be lifted to null; otherwise, false. Provided expression should have string type ArgumentException. ArgumentException. Provided 's is not Provided type is not Provided 's is not Provided 's is not ArgumentException. did not implement . Invalid name for property or field; or indexer with the specified arguments. InvalidOperationException. InvalidCastException. Holds extension methods for . Child element with name specified by does not exists. Represents a filtering descriptor which serves as a container for one or more child filtering descriptors. Base class for all used for handling the logic for property changed notifications. Represents a filtering abstraction that knows how to create predicate filtering expression. Creates a predicate filter expression used for collection filtering. The instance expression, which will be used for filtering. A predicate filter expression. Creates a filter expression by delegating its creation to , if is , otherwise throws The instance expression, which will be used for filtering. A predicate filter expression. Parameter should be of type Creates a predicate filter expression used for collection filtering. The parameter expression, which will be used for filtering. A predicate filter expression. Creates a predicate filter expression combining expressions with . The parameter expression, which will be used for filtering. A predicate filter expression. Gets or sets the logical operator used for composing of . The logical operator used for composition. Gets or sets the filter descriptors that will be used for composition. The filter descriptors used for composition. Logical operator used for filter descriptor composition. Combines filters with logical AND. Combines filters with logical OR. The class enables implementation of custom filtering logic. The method checks whether the passed parameter satisfies filter criteria. Creates a predicate filter expression that calls . The parameter expression, which parameter will be passed to method. If false will not execute. Represents declarative filtering. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The member. The filter operator. The filter value. Creates a predicate filter expression. The parameter expression, which will be used for filtering. A predicate filter expression. Determines whether the specified descriptor is equal to the current one. The other filter descriptor. True if all members of the current descriptor are equal to the ones of , otherwise false. Determines whether the specified is equal to the current descriptor. Serves as a hash function for a particular type. A hash code for the current filter descriptor. Gets or sets the member name which will be used for filtering. The member that will be used for filtering. Gets or sets the type of the member that is used for filtering. Set this property if the member type cannot be resolved automatically. Such cases are: items with ICustomTypeDescriptor, XmlNode or DataRow. Changing this property did not raise event. The type of the member used for filtering. Gets or sets the filter operator. The filter operator. Gets or sets the target filter value. The filter value. Represents collection of . Operator used in Left operand must be smaller than the right one. Left operand must be smaller than or equal to the right one. Left operand must be equal to the right one. Left operand must be different from the right one. Left operand must be larger than the right one. Left operand must be larger than or equal to the right one. Left operand must start with the right one. Left operand must end with the right one. Left operand must contain the right one. Left operand must be contained in the right one. InvalidOperationException. Gets the key for this group. The key for this group. Gets the items in this groups. The items in this group. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has sub groups. true if this instance has sub groups; otherwise, false. Gets the count. The count. Gets the subgroups, if is true, otherwise empty collection. The subgroups. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has any sub groups. true if this instance has sub groups; otherwise, false. Gets the number of items in this group. The items count. Gets the subgroups, if is true, otherwise empty collection. The subgroups. Gets the items in this groups. The items in this group. Gets the key for this group. The key for this group. Gets the aggregate results generated for the given aggregate functions. The aggregate results for the provided aggregate functions. functions is null. Gets or sets the aggregate functions projection for this group. This projection is used to generate aggregate functions results for this group. The aggregate functions projection. Creates the aggregate expression that is used for constructing expression tree that will calculate the aggregate result. The grouping expression. Generates default name for this function using this type's name. Function name generated with the following pattern: {.}_{} Gets or sets the informative message to display as an illustration of the aggregate function. The caption to display as an illustration of the aggregate function. Gets or sets the name of the field, of the item from the set of items, which value is used as the argument of the aggregate function. The name of the field to get the argument value from. Gets or sets the name of the aggregate function, which appears as a property of the group record on which records the function works. The name of the function as visible from the group record. Gets or sets a string that is used to format the result value. The format string. Represents a collection of items. Gets the with the specified function name. First with the specified function name if any, otherwise null. Initializes a new instance of the class. The value of the result. The number of arguments used for the calculation of the result. Function that generated the result. function is null. Initializes a new instance of the class. that generated the result. function is null. Initializes a new instance of the class. The value of the result. that generated the result. Returns a that represents the current . A that represents the current . Gets or sets the value of the result. The value of the result. Gets the formatted value of the result. The formatted value of the result. Gets or sets the number of arguments used for the calulation of the result. The number of arguments used for the calulation of the result. Gets or sets the text which serves as a caption for the result in a user interface.. The text which serves as a caption for the result in a user interface. Gets the name of the function. The name of the function. Gets the first which is equal to . The for the specified function if any, otherwise null. Represents a function that returns the arithmetic mean of a set of arguments. Represents an that uses aggregate extension methods provided in using as a member selector. Base class for all aggregate functions that will use extension methods in for aggregation. Gets the type of the extension methods that holds the extension methods for aggregation. For example or . The type of that holds the extension methods. The default value is . Creates the aggregate expression using . The grouping expression. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the the Average method name. Average. Represents a function that returns the number of items in a set of items, including nested sets. Represents an that uses aggregate extension methods provided in . Creates the aggregate expression using . The grouping expression. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the the Count method name. Count. Gets the the First method name. First. Represents a function that returns the last item from a set of items. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the the Last method name. Last. Represents a function that returns the greatest item from a set of items. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the the Max method name. Max. Represents a function that returns the least item from a set of items. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the the Min method name. Min. Represents a function that returns the sum of all items from a set of items. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the the Min method name. Min. Represents grouping criteria. Represents declarative sorting. Gets or sets the member name which will be used for sorting. The member that will be used for sorting. Gets or sets the sort direction for this sort descriptor. If the value is null no sorting will be applied. The sort direction. The default value is null. Changes the to the next logical value. Gets or sets the type of the member that is used for grouping. Set this property if the member type cannot be resolved automatically. Such cases are: items with ICustomTypeDescriptor, XmlNode or DataRow. Changing this property did not raise event. The type of the member used for grouping. Gets or sets the content which will be used from UI. The content that will be used from UI. Gets or sets the aggregate functions used when grouping is executed. The aggregate functions that will be used in grouping. Calculates unique int for given group in a group sequence, taking into account groups order, each group key and groups' count. Gets or sets the format for displaying the value in the tooltip. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.Format("{0:P")) %> Display tooltip while drag. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.Enable(false)) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().RangeSlider() .Name("RangeSlider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider() .Name("RangeSlider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().RangeSlider() .Name("RangeSlider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider() .Name("RangeSlider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSlide client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().RangeSlider() .Name("RangeSlider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSlide(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSlide client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider() .Name("RangeSlider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSlide("OnSlide")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSlide client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSlide(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSlide client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSlide("OnSlide")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Sets the value of the range slider. Sets the value of the range slider. Sets orientation of the range slider. Sets a value indicating how to display the tick marks on the range slider. Sets the minimum value of the range slider. Sets the maximum value of the range slider. Sets the step with which the range slider value will change. Sets the delta with which the value will change when user click on the track. Display tooltip while drag. Use it to configure tooltip while drag. Use builder to set different tooltip options. <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Enable(true) .Format("{0:P}") ); %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider() .Name("RangeSlider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad").OnChange("onChange")) %> Sets a value indicating whether the range slider can respond to user interaction. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Sets the value of the slider. Sets the title of the slider increase button. Sets whether slider to be rendered with increase/decrease button. Sets the title of the slider decrease button. Sets orientation of the slider. Sets a value indicating how to display the tick marks on the slider. Sets the minimum value of the slider. Sets the maximum value of the slider. Sets the step with which the slider value will change. Sets the delta with which the value will change when user click on the slider. Display tooltip while drag. Use it to configure tooltip. Use builder to set different tooltip options. <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip .Enable(true) .Format("{0:P}") ); %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad").OnChange("onChange")) %> Sets a value indicating whether the slider can respond to user interaction. Specifies the general layout of the slider. The slider is oriented horizontally. The slider is oriented vertically. Specifies the location of tick marks in a component. No tick marks appear in the component. Tick marks are located on the top of a horizontal component or on the left of a vertical component. Tick marks are located on the bottom of a horizontal component or on the right side of a vertical component. Tick marks are located on both sides of the component. Sets the pane size. The desired size. Only sizes in pixels and percentages are allowed. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().Size("220px"); }) %> Sets the minimum pane size. The desired minimum size. Only sizes in pixels and percentages are allowed. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().MinSize("220px"); }) %> Sets the maximum pane size. The desired maximum size. Only sizes in pixels and percentages are allowed. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().MaxSize("220px"); }) %> Sets whether the pane shows a scrollbar when its content overflows. Whether the pane will be scrollable. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().Scrollable(false); }) %> Sets whether the pane can be resized by the user. Whether the pane will be resizable. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().Resizable(true); }) %> Sets whether the pane is initially collapsed. Whether the pane will be initially collapsed. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().Collapsed(true); }) %> Sets whether the pane can be collapsed by the user. Whether the pane can be collapsed by the user. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().Collapsible(true); }) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the outer HTML element rendered for the item The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().HtmlAttributes(new { style = "background: red" }); }) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the outer HTML element rendered for the item The attributes. Sets the HTML content of the pane. The action which renders the HTML content. <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add() .Content(() => { >% <p>Content</p> %<}); }) .Render(); %> Sets the HTML content of the pane. The Razor template for the HTML content. @(Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add() .Content(@<p>Content</p>); }) .Render();) Sets the HTML content of the pane. The HTML content. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add() .Content("<p>Content</p>"); }) %> Sets the Url which will be requested to return the pane content. The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add() .LoadContentFrom(MVC.Home.Index().GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the pane content. The action name. The controller name. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add() .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Splitter"); }) %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The action name. The controller name. Route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add() .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Splitter", new { id = 10 }); }) %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the pane content. The url. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add() .LoadContentFrom(Url.Action("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Splitter")); }) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . The fluent interface that configures the . Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnResize client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnResize client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnResize client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize("onResize")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnExpand client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand("onExpand")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnCollapse client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse("onCollapse")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnContentLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnContentLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnContentLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad("onContentLoad")) %> Specifies the orientation in which the splitter panes will be ordered Panes are oredered horizontally Panes are oredered vertically Sets the splitter orientation. The desired orientation. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Orientation(SplitterOrientation.Vertical) %> Defines the panes in the splitter. The action that configures the panes. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .Panes(panes => { panes.Add().LoadContentFrom("Navigation", "Shared"); panes.Add().LoadContentFrom("Index", "Home"); }) %> Configures the client events for the splitter. The action that configures the client events. <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter") .ClientEvents(events => events .OnLoad("onLoad") ) %> Defines properties for a content pane. Defines whether one navigation item can have content loaded asynchroniously. Url, which will be used as a destination for the Ajax request. Specifies the size of the pane Specifies the minimum size of the pane Specifies the maximum size of the pane Specifies whether the pane is initially collapsed Specifies whether the pane can be collapsed by the user Specifies whether the pane can be resized by the user Specifies whether the pane shows a scrollbar when its content overflows Specifies URL from which to load the pane content Specifies HTML attributes for the pane Specifies the pane contents Gets the id. The id. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Sets the initial value of the textbox. Sets the step, used ti increment/decrement the value of the textbox. Sets the minimal possible value allowed to the user. Sets the maximal possible value allowed to the user. Sets the group size of the number. Sets the group separator of the number. Sets the index of the negative pattern. Sets the text which will be displayed if the textbox is empty. Enables or disables the spin buttons. Define the tooltip text of the up button. Define the tooltip text of the down button. Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().NumericTextBox() .Name("NumericTextBox") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad").OnChange("onChange") ) %> Sets the Input HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Sets the Input HTML attributes. The HTML attributes. Enables or disables the textbox. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Defines the number of the decimal digits. Sets the decimal separator. Sets the index of the positive pattern. Sets the percent symbol. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Defines the number of the decimal digits. Sets the decimal separator. Sets the index of the positive pattern. Sets the currency symbol. source is null. ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local Executes the provided delegate for each item. The instance. The action to be applied. index is out of range. first is null. second is null. resultSelector is null. Initializes a new instance of the class. The source. Sorts the elements of a sequence using the specified sort descriptors. A sequence of values to sort. The sort descriptors used for sorting. An whose elements are sorted according to a . Pages through the elements of a sequence until the specified using . A sequence of values to page. Index of the page. Size of the page. An whose elements are at the specified . Projects each element of a sequence into a new form. An whose elements are the result of invoking a projection selector on each element of . A sequence of values to project. A projection function to apply to each element. Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified key selector function. An whose elements to group. A function to extract the key for each element. An with items, whose elements contains a sequence of objects and a key. Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order according to a key. An whose elements are sorted according to a key. A sequence of values to order. A function to extract a key from an element. Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order according to a key. An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key. A sequence of values to order. A function to extract a key from an element. Calls or depending on the . The source. The key selector. The sort direction. An whose elements are sorted according to a key. Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified . An whose elements to group. The group descriptors used for grouping. An with items, whose elements contains a sequence of objects and a key. Calculates the results of given aggregates functions on a sequence of elements. An whose elements will be used for aggregate calculation. The aggregate functions. Collection of s calculated for each function. Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate. An that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the condition specified by . An to filter. A function to test each element for a condition. Filters a sequence of values based on a collection of . The source. The filter descriptors. An that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the conditions specified by each filter descriptor in . Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence. An that contains the specified number of elements from the start of . The sequence to return elements from. The number of elements to return. is null. Bypasses a specified number of elements in a sequence and then returns the remaining elements. An that contains elements that occur after the specified index in the input sequence. An to return elements from. The number of elements to skip before returning the remaining elements. is null. Returns the number of elements in a sequence. The number of elements in the input sequence. The that contains the elements to be counted. is null. Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence. The element at the specified position in . An to return an element from. The zero-based index of the element to retrieve. is null. is less than zero. Creates a from an where T is . A that contains elements from the input sequence. The to create a from. is null. Represents an attribute that is used to populate in view data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The site maps. Initializes a new instance of the class. Called before an action result executes. The filter context. Called after an action result executes. The filter context. Gets or sets the default view data key. The default view data key. Gets or sets the name of the site map. The name of the site map. Gets or sets the view data key. The view data key. Gets or sets the site maps. The site maps. Defines a base class that represents site map. Initializes a new instance of the class. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The site map. The result of the conversion. Returns a new builder. Resets this instance. Gets or sets the default cache duration in minutes. The default cache duration in minutes. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [default compress]. true if [default compress]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [default generate search engine map]. true if [default generate search engine map]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the root node. The root node. Gets or sets the cache duration in minutes. The cache duration in minutes. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is compress. true if compress; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [generate search engine map]. true if [generate search engine map]; otherwise, false. The builder to fluently configuring . Initializes a new instance of the class. The site map. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The builder. The result of the conversion. Returns the internal sitemap. Caches the duration in minutes. The value. Compresses the specified value. if set to true [value]. Generates the search engine map. if set to true [value]. Gets the root node. The root node. Sitemap change frequency Automatic Daily Always Hourly Weekly Monthly Yearly Never Defines a class that is used to store against a key. Registers the specified name. The type of the site map. The name. The configure. Adds an item to the . The object to add to the . The is read-only. Adds an element with the provided key and value to the . The object to use as the key of the element to add. The object to use as the value of the element to add. is null. An element with the same key already exists in the . The is read-only. Removes all items from the . The is read-only. Determines whether the contains a specific value. The object to locate in the . true if is found in the ; otherwise, false. Determines whether the contains an element with the specified key. The key to locate in the . true if the contains an element with the key; otherwise, false. is null. Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. is null. is less than 0. is multidimensional. -or- is equal to or greater than the length of . -or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from to the end of the destination . -or- Type cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the . The object to remove from the . true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original . The is read-only. Removes the element with the specified key from the . The key of the element to remove. true if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if was not found in the original . is null. The is read-only. Gets the value associated with the specified key. The key whose value to get. When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized. true if the object that implements contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false. is null. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets or sets the default site map factory. The default site map factory. Gets or sets the default site map. The default site map. Gets the number of elements contained in the . The number of elements contained in the . Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets an containing the keys of the . An containing the keys of the object that implements . Gets an containing the values in the . An containing the values in the object that implements . Gets or sets the with the specified key. Defines a class that is used to generate searach engine sitemap xml. Provides a common base set of functionality for IHttpHandler implementations. Enables processing of HTTP Web requests by a custom HttpHandler that implements the interface. An object that provides references to the intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) used to service HTTP requests. Processes the request. The context. Gets a value indicating whether another request can use the instance. true if the instance is reusable; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class. The site maps. The HTTP response compressor. The HTTP response cacher. The URL generator. Initializes a new instance of the class. Processes the request. The context. Gets or sets the default path. The default path. Defines a class that is used to store global sitemaps. Gets the site maps. The site maps. Defines a class that is used to store single url. Serves as the base class for classes that provides linked object information. Gets or sets the T object that is the parent of the current node. The parent. Gets the previous T object on the same level as the current one, relative to the T.ParentNode object (if one exists). The previous sibling. Gets the next T node on the same hierarchical level as the current one, relative to the T.ParentNode property (if one exists). The next sibling. Initializes a new instance of the class. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The node. The result of the conversion. Gets or sets the title. The title. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is visible. true if visible; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the last modified at. The last modified at. Gets or sets the name of the route. The name of the route. Gets or sets the name of the controller. The name of the controller. Gets or sets the name of the action. The name of the action. Gets or sets the route values. The route values. Gets or sets the URL. The URL. Gets or sets the change frequency. The change frequency. Gets or sets the update priority. The update priority. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [include in search engine index]. true if [include in search engine index]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the attributes. The attributes. Gets or sets the child nodes. The child nodes. Builder class for fluently configuring . Initializes a new instance of the class. The site map node. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The builder. The result of the conversion. Returns the internal node. Sets the title. The value. Sets the visibility. if set to true [value]. Sets the Lasts the modified date.. The value. Sets the route. Name of the route. The route values. Sets the route. Name of the route. The route values. Sets the route. Name of the route. Sets the action to which the date should navigate The route values of the Action method. Sets the action, controller and route values. Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. Sets the action, controller and route values. Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. Sets the action and controller. Name of the action. Name of the controller. Expression based controllerAction. The type of the controller. The action. Sets the url. The value. Sets the change frequency. The value. Sets the update priority. The value. Marks an item that it would be included in the search engine index. if set to true [value]. Sets the attributes The value. Sets the attributes The value. Executes the provided delegate to configure the child node. The add actions. Defines a factory that is used to create . Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent. Adds this instance. Sitemap update priority. Automatic Low Normal High Critical Xml file based sitemap. Initializes a new instance of the class. Loads from the default path. Loads from the specified path. The relative virtual path. Gets or sets the default path. The default path. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Sets selected date. DateTime object represents the selected date. Sets selected date. Date passed as string. Sets the smallest possible date, which user can choose. Sets the smallest possible date, which user can choose. Sets the biggest possible date, which user can choose. Sets the smallest possible date, which user can choose. Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().Calendar() .Name("Calendar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad") ) %> Configures the selection settings of the calendar. SelectAction settings, which includes Action name and IEnumerable of DateTime objects. Defines fluent interface for configuring calendar client events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Client events of the calendar. The context of the View. Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Calendar() .Name("Calendar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Calendar() .Name("Calendar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the OnDateSelect client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Calendar() .Name("Calendar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Calendar() .Name("Calendar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Calendar() .Name("Calendar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Contains constants for CSS class names, used across all UI extensions Next navigation link Previous navigavtion link Previous navigavtion link Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The selection settings. The view context. Defines list of dates. This list determines which dates to be rendered with action link. List of objects Sets the action to which the date should navigate The route values of the Action method. Sets the action to which the date should navigate Name of the action. The route values. Sets the action to which the item should navigate Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. Defines the fluent interface for configuring delete action command. Initializes a new instance of the class. The command. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the edit action command. Initializes a new instance of the class. The command. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data binding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. Use it to configure Server binding. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Server().Select("FirstLook", "Grid"}); }) .Pagealbe() .Sortable(); %> Use it to configure Ajax binding. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("_FirstLook", "Grid").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]); }) .Pagealbe() .Sortable(); %> Use it to configure web service binding. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.WebService().Select("~/Models/Orders.asmx/GetOrders") }) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data key. The type of the model Initializes a new instance of the class. The dataKey. Sets the RouteKey. The value. Gets the HTML attributes of the form rendered during editing The HTML attributes. Creates data key for the . The type of the data item Initializes a new instance of the class. The grid. Defines a data key. Gets or sets the operation mode of the grid. By default the grid will make a request to the server when it needs data for paging, sorting, filtering or grouping. If you set the operation mode to GridOperationMode.Client it will make only one request for all data. Any other paging, sorting, filtering or grouping will be performed client-side. Defines which objects can have child items. Child items collection. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Defines the number of the decimal digits. Sets the decimal separator. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox() .Name("IntegerTextBox") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox() .Name("IntegerTextBox") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox() .Name("IntegerTextBox") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox() .Name("IntegerTextBox") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox() .Name("IntegerTextBox") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox() .Name("IntegerTextBox") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Sets the value of the timepicker input Sets the value of the timepicker input Sets the value of the timepicker input Sets the minimum time, which can be selected in timepicker Sets the minimum time, which can be selected in timepicker Sets the maximum time, which can be selected in timepicker Sets the maximum time, which can be selected in timepicker Sets the interval between hours. Sets whether timepicker to be rendered with button, which shows timeview on click. Sets the title of the timepicker button. Defines the fluent interface for configuring TreeView drag&drop. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables / disables drag&drop functionality. Whether to enable or to disable the drag&drop. Allows elements to be dropped on arbitrary HTML elements jQuery selector that specifies the elements that qualify as drop targets. Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables binding. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]); }) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable binding based on certain conditions. Sets the action, controller and route values The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new { {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home"); }) %> Sets the route and values for the select operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); }) %> Sets the route and values for the select operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", new {id=1}); }) %> Sets the route name for the select operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default"); }) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Defines the items in the TreeView The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => .OnDataBinding("onDataBinding") .OnItemDataBound("onItemDataBound") ) %> Binds the TreeView to a sitemap The view data key. The action to configure the item. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .BindTo("examples", (item, siteMapNode) => { }) %> Binds the TreeView to a sitemap. The view data key. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .BindTo("examples") %> Binds the TreeView to a list of items. Use if a hierarchy of items is being sent from the controller; to bind the TreeView declaratively, use the Items() method. The list of items <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .BindTo(model) %> Binds the TreeView to a list of objects. The TreeView will be "flat" which means a TreeView item will be created for every item in the data source. The type of the data item The data source. The action executed for every data bound item. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .BindTo(new []{"First", "Second"}, (item, value) { item.Text = value; }) %> Binds the TreeView to a list of objects. The TreeView will create a hierarchy of items using the specified mappings. The type of the data item The data source. The action which will configure the mappings <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .BindTo(Model, mapping => mapping .For<Customer>(binding => binding .Children(c => c.Orders) // The "child" items will be bound to the the "Orders" property .ItemDataBound((item, c) => item.Text = c.ContactName) // Map "Customer" properties to TreeViewItem properties ) .For<Order<(binding => binding .Children(o => null) // "Orders" do not have child objects so return "null" .ItemDataBound((item, o) => item.Text = o.OrderID.ToString()) // Map "Order" properties to TreeViewItem properties ) ) %> Use it to configure Data binding. Action that configures the data binding options. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView") ); %> Callback for each item. Action, which will be executed for each item. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ItemAction(item => { item .Text(...) .HtmlAttributes(...); }) %> Select item depending on the current URL. If true the item will be highlighted. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .HighlightPath(true) %> Configures the effects of the TreeView. The action which configures the effects. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Effects(fx => { fx.Slide() .Opacity() .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal) .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal); }) Expand all the items. If true all the items will be expanded. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ExpandAll(true) %> ShowLines indicates if lines connecting child nodes to parent nodes are displayed. If true lines connecting child nodes to parent nodes are displayed. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ShowLines(true) %> ShowCheckBox indicates if checkbox displayed before node. If true checkbox will be displayed for every node. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ShowCheckBox(true) %> Enables drag & drop between treeview nodes. If true, drag & drop is enabled. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) .DragAndDrop(true) %> Enables drag & drop between treeview nodes. Action that configures the drag and drop options. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) .DragAndDrop(settings => { }) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. The view context. Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnExpand client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand("onExpand")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnCollapse client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse("onCollapse")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragStart client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragStart(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragStart client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragStart( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDragStart client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragStart("onNodeDragStrat")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDrop client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDrop(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDrop client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDrop( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDrop client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDrop("OnNodeDrop")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDropped client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDropped(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDropped client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDropped( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDropped client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDropped("OnNodeDropped")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragCancelled client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragCancelled(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragCancelled client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragCancelled( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDragCancelled client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragCancelled("OnNodeDragCancelled")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragging client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragging(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragging client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragging( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDragging client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragging("OnNodeDragging")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBinding client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding("OnDataBinding")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBound client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound("OnDataBound")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChecked client-side event. Requires ShowCheckBox to be true. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChecked(() => { %> function(e) { // event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnChecked client-side event. Requires ShowCheckBox to be true. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChecked( @<text> function(e) { // event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChecked client-side event. Requires ShowCheckBox to be true. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChecked("onChecked")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data binding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The configuration. Use it to configure Ajax binding. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView") ) %> Use it to configure web service binding. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .WebService().Select("~/Models/Employees.asmx/GetEmployees") ) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring child TreeView items. Defines the fluent interface for configuring navigation items The type of the item. The type of the builder. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item. Returns the inner navigation item Sets the HTML attributes applied to the outer HTML element rendered for the item The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Attributes(new {@class="first-item"})) %> Sets the HTML attributes applied to the outer HTML element rendered for the item The attributes. Sets the text displayed by the item. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item")) %> Makes the item visible or not. Invisible items are not rendered in the output HTML. Sets the text displayed by the item. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Visible((bool)ViewData["visible"]) %> Enables or disables the item. Disabled item cannot be clicked, expanded or open (depending on the item type - menu, tabstrip, panelbar). <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Enabled((bool)ViewData["enabled"]) %> Selects or unselects the item. By default items are not selected. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Selected(true)) %> Sets the route to which the item should navigate. Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Route("Default", new RouteValueDictionary{{"id", 1}})) %> Sets the route to which the item should navigate. Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Route("Default", new {id, 1})) %> Sets the route to which the item should navigate. Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Route("Default")) %> Sets the action to which the item should navigate The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("Index").Action(MVC.Home.Index(3).GetRouteValueDictionary())) %> Sets the action to which the item should navigate Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("Index").Action("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{{"id", 1}})) %> Sets the action to which the item should navigate Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("Index").Action("Index", "Home", new {id, 1})) %> Sets the action to which the item should navigate Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("Index").Action("Index", "Home")) %> Sets the URL to which the item should navigate The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("").Url("")) %> Sets the URL of the image that should be displayed by the item. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").ImageUrl("~/Content/first.png")) %> Sets the HTML attributes for the item image. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items .Add().Text("First Item") .ImageUrl("~/Content/first.png") .ImageHtmlAttributes(new {@class="first-item-image"})) %> Sets the HTML attributes for the item image. The attributes. Sets the sprite CSS class names. The CSS classes. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items .Add().Text("First Item") .SpriteCssClasses("icon", "first-item") %> Sets the HTML content which the item should display. The action which renders the content. <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items .Add() .Text("First Item") .Content(() => { %> <strong> First Item Content</strong> <% });) .Render(); %> Sets the HTML content which the item should display. The content wrapped in a regular HTML tag or text tag (Razor syntax). @(Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items .Add() .Text("First Item") .Content( @<text> Some text <strong> First Item Content</strong> </text> ); ) ) Sets the HTML content which the item should display as a string. The action which renders the content. <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items .Add() .Text("First Item") .Content("<strong> First Item Content</strong>"); ) .Render(); %> Sets the HTML attributes of the content element of the item. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items .Add().Text("First Item") .Content(() => { %> <strong>First Item Content</strong> <% }) .ContentHtmlAttributes(new {@class="first-item-content"}) %> Sets the HTML attributes of the content element of the item. The attributes. Makes the item navigate to the specified controllerAction method. The type of the controller. The action. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items .Add().Text("First Item") .Action<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index())) %> Sets whether the Text property should be encoded when the item is rendered. Whether the property should be encoded. Default: true. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => items.Add().Text("<strong>First Item</strong>").Encoded(false)) %> Initializes a new instance of the class. The item. Configures the child items of a . The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren => { firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1"); firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2"); }); }) %> Sets the value for the item. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => items.Add().Value("1")) %> Define when the item will be expanded on intial render. If true the item will be expanded. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren => { firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1"); firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2"); }) .Expanded(true); }) %> Define when the item will be checked on intial render. If true the item will be checked. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren => { firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1"); firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2"); }) .Checked(true); }) %> Enables/disables the rendering of a checkbox for this item. If false, no checkbox will be rendered. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren => { firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1"); firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2"); }) .Checkable(false); }) %> Sets the expand mode of the treeview item. If true then item will be load on demand from client side. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren => { firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1"); firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2"); }) .LoadOnDemand(true); }) %> Creates items for the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Defines a item. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the treeview webservice. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Specify the web service url for loading data The web service url <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .WebService().Select("~/Models/Employees.asmx/GetEmployees") ) %> Enables / disables web service functionality. Whether to enable or to disable the web service. <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding .Ajax().Enabled(true).Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView") ) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable ajax based on certain conditions. Telerik Treeview for ASP.NET MVC is a view component for presenting hierarchical data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The view context. The client side object writer factory. The URL generator. The navigation item authorization. The builder factory. Gets the client events of the treeview. The client events. Gets the items of the treeview. Gets or sets the item action. Gets or sets the effects. Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the item is expanded. true if expand all is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the item is expanded. true if expand all is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the item is expanded. true if expand all is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false Gets the ajax configuration. Gets the web service configuration Defines whether one navigation item can have content output immediately The HtmlAttributes which will be added to the wrapper of the content. The action which will output the content. Gets the id. The id. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Sets whether datepicker to be rendered with button, which shows calendar on click. Sets the title of the datepicker button. Sets the value of the datepicker input Sets the value of the datepicker input Sets the minimal date, which can be selected in DatePicker. Sets the maximal date, which can be selected in DatePicker. Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(parent => { parent.Add() .LoadContentFrom(MVC.Home.Index().GetRouteValueDictionary()); }) %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The action name. The controller name. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(parent => { parent.Add() .Text("Completely Open Source") .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "PanelBar"); }) %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The action name. The controller name. Route values. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(parent => { parent.Add() .Text("Completely Open Source") .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "PanelBar", new { id = 10}); }) %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The url. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(parent => { parent.Add() .Text("Completely Open Source") .LoadContentFrom(Url.Action("AjaxView_OpenSource", "PanelBar")); }) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the ajax settings Defines the fluent interface for building Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Sets the route and values Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Route("Default", new {id=1})) %> Sets the route and values Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Route("Default", new RouteValueDictionary{{"id",1}})) %> Sets the route name Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Route("Default")) %> Sets the action, controller and route values The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary())) %> Sets the action, controller and route values Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("Index", "Home", new {id = 1})) %> Sets the action, controller and route values Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} })) %> Sets the action, controller and route values Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("Index", "Home")) %> Gets or sets the settings. The settings. Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables Ajax binding. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableAjax"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable ajax based on certain conditions. Defines the fluent interface for configuring bound columns The type of the data item Initializes a new instance of the class. The column. Gets or sets the format for displaying the data. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}")) %> Provides additional view data in the editor template for that column (if any). The additional view data will be provided if the editing mode is set to in-line or in-cell. Otherwise use An anonymous object which contains the additional data <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => { columns.Bound(o => o.Customer).EditorViewData(new { customers = Model.Customers }); }) %> Makes the column read-only or not. By default bound columns are not read-only. If a column is read-only it cannot be modified during editing. true if the column should be read-only;otherwise false <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).ReadOnly(true)) %> Makes the column read-only. If a column is read-only it cannot be modified during editing. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).ReadOnly()) %> Specify which editor template should be used for the column name of the editor template Enables or disables sorting the column. All bound columns are sortable by default. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Sortable(false)) %> Enables or disables grouping by that column. All bound columns are groupable by default. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Groupable(false)) %> Enables or disables filtering the column. All bound columns are filterable by default. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Filterable(false)) %> Enables or disables HTML encoding the data of the column. All bound columns are encoded by default. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Encoded(false)) %> Sets the template for the column. The action defining the template. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Columns(columns => columns .Add(c => c.CustomerID) .Template(() => { %> >img alt="<%= c.CustomerID %>" src="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/Grid/Customers/" + c.CustomerID + ".jpg") %>" /> <% }).Title("Picture");) .Render(); %> Sets the footer template for the column. The action defining the template. Sets the footer template for the column. The action defining the template. Sets the group footer template for the column. The action defining the template. Sets the group footer template for the column. The action defining the template. Sets the group footer template for the column. The action defining the template. Sets the group footer template for the column. The action defining the template. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The events. Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //Load handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //Load handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSubmitChanges client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSubmitChanges(() => { %> function(e) { //handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSubmitChanges client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSubmitChanges( @<text> function(e) { //handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSubmitChanges client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSubmitChanges("onSubmitChanges")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnEdit client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnEdit(() => { %> function(e) { //edit handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnEdit client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnEdit( @<text> function(e) { //edit handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnEdit client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnEdit("onEdit")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSave client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave(() => { %> function(e) { //edit handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSave client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave( @<text> function(e) { //edit handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSave client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave("onSave")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDetailViewExpand client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewExpand(() => { %> function(e) { //edit handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDetailViewExpand client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewExpand( @<text> function(e) { //edit handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDetailViewExpand client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewExpand("onDetailViewExpand")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDetailViewCollapse client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewCollapse(() => { %> function(e) { //edit handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnDetailViewCollapse client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewCollapse( @<text> function(e) { //edit handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDetailViewCollapse client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewCollapse("onDetailViewCollapse")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSave client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave(() => { %> function(e) { //edit handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSave client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave( @<text> function(e) { //edit handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDelete client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave("onDelete")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnColumnResize client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnResize(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnColumnResize client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnResize( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnColumnResize client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnResize("onColumnResize")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnColumnReorder client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnReorder(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnColumnReorder client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnReorder( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnColumnResize client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnReorder("onColumnReorder")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnRowSelect client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowSelect(() => { %> function(e) { //Error handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnRowSelect client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowSelect( @<text> function(e) { //Error handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnRowSelect client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowSelect("onRowSelect")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() => { %> function(e) { //Error handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError( @<text> function(e) { //Error handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError")) %> Defines the inline error handler of the OnDataBound client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(() => { %> function(e) { //data bound handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline error handler of the OnDataBound client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound( @<text> function(e) { //data bound handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBound client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound("onDataBound")) %> Defines the inline error handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(() => { %> function(e) { //data binding handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline error handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding( @<text> function(e) { //data binding handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBinding client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding("onDataBinding")) %> Defines the inline error handler of the OnRowDataBound client-side event. The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound(() => { %> function(e) { var row = e.row; var dataItem = e.dataItem; } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline error handler of the OnRowDataBound client-side event. The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound( @<text> function(e) { var row = e.row; var dataItem = e.dataItem; } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnRowDataBound client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The column. Creates command for the . The type of the data item Initializes a new instance of the class. The column. Defines a edit command. Defines a delete command. Defines a select command. Defines a custom command. Defines the fluent interface for configuring . Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables filtering <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableFiltering"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable filtering based on certain conditions. Defines the fluent interface for configuring Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables scrolling. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Scrolling(scrolling => scrolling.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableScrolling"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable scrolling based on certain conditions. Sets the height of the scrollable area in pixels. The height in pixels. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Scrolling(scrolling => scrolling.Height(400)) %> Sets the height of the scrollable. The height in pixels. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Scrolling(scrolling => scrolling.Height("20em")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. The pager will display only a status message The pager will display first/previous/next/last links The pager will display page numbers as link buttons. The pager will display an input field and the total number of pages. The pager will display a dropdown and the total number of pages. (first) (previous) (page numbers) (next) (last) (first) (previous) (page input field) (next) (last) (first) (previous) (page size drop down) (next) (last) Defines the fluent interface for configuring Enables or disables selection. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Selectable(selection => selection.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableSelection"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable scrolling based on certain conditions. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Enables or disables sorting. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Sorting(sorting => sorting.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableSorting"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable sorting based on certain conditions. Sets the sort mode of the grid. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Sorting(sorting => sorting.SortMode(GridSortMode.MultipleColumns)) %> Configures the initial sort order. The configurator. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The settings. Sets the url of the web service which the will request for data. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .WebService(webService => webService.Url("~/Models/Orders.asmx/GetOrders"))) %> Enables or disables web service binding. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .WebService(webService => webService.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableWebServiceBinding"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable web service binding based on certain conditions. Specifies the animation duration of item. Fast animation, duration is set to 200. Normal animation, duration is set to 400. Slow animation, duration is set to 600. Helper class to convert jQuery Animation Duration. Converts specified duration in jQuery equivalent value. The duration. Defines the basic building block of creating client side object. Starts writing this instance. Appends the specified key value pair to the end of this instance. The key value pair. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and nullable value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. The default value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. if set to true [value]. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. if set to true [value]. if set to true [default value]. Appends the specified name and only the date of the passed . The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The action. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The action. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The HtmlTemplate. Appends the object. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and Action or String specified in the ClientEvent object. The name. Client event of the component. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The type of the enum. The name. The value. The default value. Completes this instance. Defines the factory to create . Creates a writer. The id. The type. The text writer. Defines the sort modes supported by The user can sort only by one column at the same time. The user can sort by more than one column at the same time. Initializes a new instance of the class. The view context. The client side object writer factory. The URL generator. The builder factory. Gets the selection configuration Gets the template which the grid will use to render a row Gets the client events of the grid. The client events. Gets the filtering configuration. Gets the web service configuration Gets the server binding configuration. Gets the scrolling configuration. Gets the keyboard navigation configuration. Gets the column context menu configuration. Gets the ajax configuration. Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom binding is enabled. true if custom binding is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false Gets the paging configuration. Gets the columns of the grid. Gets or sets the data source. The data source. Gets the page size of the grid. Gets the sorting configuration. The sorting. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to add the property of the grid as a prefix in url parameters. true if prefixing is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is true Gets or sets the action executed when rendering a row. Gets or sets the action executed when rendering a cell. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Sets the row template of the grid The template <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .RowTemplate(o => { %> <%= o.Name %> <%= o.Age %> <% }) %> Sets the row template of the grid The template <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .RowTemplate(o => { %> <%= o.Name %> <%= o.Age %> <% }) %> Sets the row template of the grid using Razor syntax The template <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .RowTemplate(@<text> @item.Name @item.Age </text>) %> Configures the grid resizing settings Resizing settings configurator method <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Resizable(resizing => resizing.Columns(true)) %> Configures the grid reordering settings Resizing settings configurator method <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Reorderable(reordering => reordering.Columns(true)) %> Sets the localization culture of the grid. The culture. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>() .Name("Orders") .Localizable("de-DE") %> Configures the grid editing settings. Configurator for the edit settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>() .Name("Orders") .Editable(settings => settings.Enabled(true)) %> Configures the toolbar of the grid. ToolBar configurator. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>() .Name("Orders") .ToolBar(commands => commands.Insert()) %> Defines a list of the private keys. DataKeys configurator. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>() .Name("Orders") .DataKeys(keys => { keys.Add(c => c.CustomerID); }) %> Configure when to show footer of the grid. If it is true, the feature is visible. Binds the grid to a list of objects The type of the data item The data source. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>() .Name("Orders") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]); %> Callback for each row. Action, which will be executed for each row. You can format the entire row <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .RowAction(row => { // "DataItem" is the Order object to which the current row is bound to if (row.DataItem.Freight > 10) { //Set the background of the entire row row.HtmlAttributes["style"] = "background:red;"; } }); %> Callback for each cell. Action, which will be executed for each cell. You can format a concrete cell. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .CellAction(cell => { if (cell.Column.Name == "Freight") { if (cell.DataItem.Freight > 10) { //Set the background of this cell only cell.HtmlAttributes["style"] = "background:red;"; } } }); %> Enables or disables the custom binding of the grid. If true enables custom binding. Defines the columns of the grid. The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]); %> Allows sorting of the columns. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Sortable(); %> Allows sorting of the columns. Use builder to define sort settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Sortable(sorting => sorting.SortMode(GridSortMode.MultipleColumn) %> Enables row selection. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Selectable() %> Enables row selection. Use builder to define the selection settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Selectable(selection => selection.Enabled(true)) %> Put grid name as a prefix. Allows paging of the data. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Pageable(); %> Allows paging of the data. Use builder to define paging settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Pageable(paging => paging.PageSize(20) .Style(GridPagerStyles.NextPreviousAndNumeric) .Position(GridPagerPosition.Bottom) ) %> Use it to configure Server binding. Use builder to set different server binding settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .ServerBinding(serverBinding => serverBinding .Action("Index", "Home", new {id = (string)ViewData["id"]}) ) .Pagealbe() .Sortable(); %> Use it to configure binding option when performing data operations - paging, sorting and filtering. Use builder to set different data binding options. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .DataBinding(dataBinding => { dataBinding.Server().Select("FirstLook", "Grid"}); dataBinding.Ajax().Select("_FirstLook", "Grid").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]); }) .Pagealbe() .Sortable(); %> Use it to configure Ajax binding. Use builder to set different ajax binding settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_AjaxBinding", "Home")) .Pagealbe() .Sortable(); %> Allows filtering of the columns. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Filterable(); %> Allows filtering of the columns. Use builder to define filtering settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled(true); %> Show scrollbar if there are many items. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Scrollable(); %> Show scrollbar if there are many items. Use builder to define scrolling settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Scrollable(scrolling => scrolling.Enabled(true); %> Enables keyboard navigation. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .KeyboardNavigation(); %> Enables keyboard navigation. Use builder to define keyboard navigation settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .KeyboardNavigation(navigation => navigation.Enabled(true)); %> Enables column context menu. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .ColumnContextMenu(); %> Enables column context menu. Use builder to column context menu settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .ColumnContextMenu(navigation => navigation.Enabled(true)); %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .ClientEvents(events => events .OnDataBinding("onDataBinding") .OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound") ) %> Use it to configure grouping. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Groupable(grouping => grouping.Enabled(true); %> Allows grouping. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" })) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]) .Groupable(); %> Use it to configure web service binding. Use builder to set different web service binding settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .WebService(webService => webService.Url("~/Models/Orders.asmx/GetOrders")) .Columns(columns=> { columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100); columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"); columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress); columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200); }) %> Sets the HTML content which the grid should display. The action which renders the message when grid has no data. <% Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .NoRecordsTemplate(() => { %> <strong> Hello World!!!;/strong> <% }) %> Sets the empty message template which will be display if the grid has no data. The Razor inline message. @(Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .NoRecordsTemplate(@<strong> Hello World!!!</strong>)) Sets the empty message template which will be display if the grid has no data. The action which renders the message when grid has no data. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid() .Name("Grid") .NoRecordsTemplate("<strong> Hello World!!!</strong>") %> Creates columns for the . The type of the data item to which the grid is bound to Initializes a new instance of the class. The container. Defines a bound column. Defines a bound column. Defines a bound column. Defines a bound column. Defines a foreign key column. Defines a foreign key column. Determines if columns should be automatically generated. If true columns should be generated, otherwise false. Determines if columns should be automatically generated. Action which will be executed for each generated column. Defines a template column. Defines a template column. Defines a command column. Used for action methods when using Ajax or Custom binding Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the action parameter. The default value is "command". The name of the action parameter. [GridAction(ActionParameterName="param")] public ActionResult Index(GridCommand param) { } Gets or sets the name of the Grid that is populated by the associated action method. Required when custom server binding is enabled and the grid query string parameters are prefixed. [GridAction(EnableCustomBinding=true, GridName="Employees")] public ActionResult Index(GridCommand param) { } Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom binding is enabled. Used when implementing custom ajax binding. true if custom binding is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false. [GridAction(EnableCustomBinding=true)] public ActionResult Index(GridCommand param) { } Defines the fluent interface for configuring Initializes a new instance of the class. The pager. Sets the position at which to display the pager. The pager position. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Pageable(paging => paging.Position(GridPagerPosition.Bottom)) %> Sets the page size of the grid. The number of items to display in a single page. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Pageable(paging => paging.PageSize(20)) %> Sets the page size of the grid. The number of items to display in a single page. The values shown in the pageSize dropdown Sets the current page of the grid. The page which the grid should display initially. Must be greater than zero. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Pageable(paging => paging.PageTo(2)) %> Sets the pager style. The pager style to set. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Pageable(paging => paging.Style(GridPagerStyles.PageInput | GridPagerStyles.Numeric)) %> Sets the total number of items in the data source. Required during Custom binding. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Pageable(paging => paging.Total((int)ViewData["total"])) %> Enables or disables paging. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Pageable(paging => paging.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enablePaging"])) %> The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable paging based on certain conditions. Enables or disables paging on scroll. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") .Pageable(paging => paging.PageOnScroll((bool)ViewData["pageOnScroll"])) %> The PageOnScroll method is useful when you need to enable paging on scroll based on certain conditions. Defines methods to manipulate generic link object collections. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent. Adds an item to the . The object to add to the . The is read-only. Removes all items from the . The is read-only. Determines whether the contains a specific value. The object to locate in the . true if is found in the ; otherwise, false. Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. is null. is less than 0. is multidimensional. -or- is equal to or greater than the length of . -or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from to the end of the destination . -or- Type cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination . Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Determines the index of a specific item in the . The object to locate in the . The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Inserts an item to the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The object to insert into the . is not a valid index in the . The is read-only. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the . The object to remove from the . true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original . The is read-only. Removes the item at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. is not a valid index in the . The is read-only. Gets or sets the T object that is the parent of the current node. The parent. Gets the number of elements contained in the . The number of elements contained in the . Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the at the specified index. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Defines the items in the menu The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen").OnClose("onClose") ) %> Sets the menu orientation. The desired orientation. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Orientation(MenuOrientation.Vertical) %> Enables or disables the "open-on-click" feature. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .OpenOnClick(true) %> Binds the menu to a sitemap The view data key. The action to configure the item. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .BindTo("examples", (item, siteMapNode) => { }) %> Binds the menu to a sitemap. The view data key. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .BindTo("examples") %> Binds the menu to a list of objects. The menu will be "flat" which means a menu item will be created for every item in the data source. The type of the data item The data source. The action executed for every data bound item. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .BindTo(new []{"First", "Second"}, (item, value) { item.Text = value; }) %> Binds the menu to a list of objects. The menu will create a hierarchy of items using the specified mappings. The type of the data item The data source. The action which will configure the mappings <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .BindTo(Model, mapping => mapping .For<Customer>(binding => binding .Children(c => c.Orders) // The "child" items will be bound to the the "Orders" property .ItemDataBound((item, c) => item.Text = c.ContactName) // Map "Customer" properties to MenuItem properties ) .For<Order<(binding => binding .Children(o => null) // "Orders" do not have child objects so return "null" .ItemDataBound((item, o) => item.Text = o.OrderID.ToString()) // Map "Order" properties to MenuItem properties ) ) %> Configures the effects of the menu. The action which configures the effects. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Effects(fx => { fx.Slide() .Opacity() .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal) .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal); }) Selects the item at the specified index. The index. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) .SelectedIndex(1) %> Callback for each item. Action, which will be executed for each item. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ItemAction(item => { item .Text(...) .HtmlAttributes(...); }) %> Select item depending on the current URL. If true the item will be highlighted. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .HighlightPath(true) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring child menu items. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item. Configures the child items of a . The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren => { firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1"); firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2"); }); }) %> Specifies the orientation in which the menu items will be ordered Items are oredered horizontally Items are oredered vertically Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. The view context. Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnOpen client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnClose client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> INavigatable extension for providing access to . Sets the action, controller name and route values of object. The object. The route values of the Action method. Sets the action and controller name, along with Route values of object. The object. Action name. Controller name. Route values as an object Sets the action, controller name and route values of object. The object. Action name. Controller name. Route values as Sets the action and route values of object. The object. The controller action. Sets the url property of object. The object. The Url. Sets the route name and route values of object. The object. Route name. Route values as an object. Sets the route name and route values of object. The object. Route name. Route values as . Generating url depending on the ViewContext and the generator. The object. The object The generator. Determines whether the specified navigatable matches the current request URL. The object. The object. The generator. Generating url depending on the ViewContext and the generator. The object. The object The generator. Verify whether the object is accessible. The object. The object. The object Verifies whether collection of objects is accessible. Object of type. The object. The object. The object Determines whether this instance has value. true if either ActionName and ControllerName, RouteName or Url are set; false otherwise Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Defines the items in the panelbar The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand("onExpand").OnCollapse("onCollapse") ) %> Binds the panelbar to a sitemap The view data key. The action to configure the item. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .BindTo("examples", (item, siteMapNode) => { }) %> Binds the panelbar to a sitemap. The view data key. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .BindTo("examples") %> Binds the panelbar to a list of objects The type of the data item The data source. The action executed for every data bound item. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .BindTo(new []{"First", "Second"}, (item, value) { item.Text = value; }) %> Binds the panelbar to a list of objects. The panelbar will create a hierarchy of items using the specified mappings. The type of the data item The data source. The action which will configure the mappings <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .BindTo(Model, mapping => mapping .For<Customer>(binding => binding .Children(c => c.Orders) // The "child" items will be bound to the the "Orders" property .ItemDataBound((item, c) => item.Text = c.ContactName) // Map "Customer" properties to PanelBarItem properties ) .For<Order<(binding => binding .Children(o => null) // "Orders" do not have child objects so return "null" .ItemDataBound((item, o) => item.Text = o.OrderID.ToString()) // Map "Order" properties to PanelBarItem properties ) ) %> Configures the effects of the panelbar. The action which configures the effects. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Effects(fx => { fx.Height() .Opacity() .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal) .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal); }) Callback for each item. Action, which will be executed for each item. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ItemAction(item => { item .Text(...) .HtmlAttributes(...); }) %> Select item depending on the current URL. If true the item will be highlighted. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .HighlightPath(true) %> Renders the panelbar with expanded items. If true the panelbar will be expanded. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ExpandAll(true) %> Sets the expand mode of the panelbar. The desired expand mode. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ExpandMode(PanelBarExpandMode.Multiple) %> Selects the item at the specified index. The index. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) .SelectedIndex(1) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. The view context. Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnExpand client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand("onExpand")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnCollapse client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse("onCollapse")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError")) %> Specifies the expand mode in which the panelbar will expand its items Only one item can be expanded. All items can be expanded Defines the fluent interface for configuring child panelbar items. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item. The context of the View. Configures the child items of a . The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren => { firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1"); firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2"); }); }) %> Define when the item will be expanded on intial render. If true the item will be expanded. <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren => { firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1"); firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2"); }) .Expanded(true); }) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. The view context. Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnContentLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnContentLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnContentLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad("onContentLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError")) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Defines the items in the tabstrip The add action. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect").OnLoad("onLoad") ) %> Binds the tabstrip to a sitemap The view data key. The action to configure the item. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .BindTo("examples", (item, siteMapNode) => { }) %> Binds the tabstrip to a sitemap. The view data key. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .BindTo("examples") %> Binds the tabstrip to a list of objects The type of the data item The data source. The action executed for every data bound item. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .BindTo(new []{"First", "Second"}, (item, value) { item.Text = value; }) %> Configures the effects of the tabstrip. The action which configures the effects. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .Effects(fx => { fx.Slide() .Opacity() .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal) .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal); }) Selects the item at the specified index. The index. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) .SelectedIndex(1) %> Callback for each item. Action, which will be executed for each item. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .ItemAction(item => { item .Text(...) .HtmlAttributes(...); }) %> Select item depending on the current URL. If true the item will be highlighted. <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .HighlightPath(true) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring child tabstrip items. Initializes a new instance of the class. The item. The context of the View. Contains constants for CSS class names Active state of items Button with plain text content Button with an icon and text content Button with an icon only Bare button with an icon only (no background and borders) Content - rendered around custom content Default state of items Disabled state of items Group - rendered around grouped items (children) Header - rendered on headers or header items Hovered state of items Icon - icon from default icon set Image - image rendered through ImageUrl Item - rendered on items First in list of items Last in list of items Top in list of items Bottom in list of items Middle in list of items Last in list of headers Link - rendered on all links Reset - removes inherited styles Selected state of items Sprite - sprite rendered in the begging of the item. Widget - rendered always on the outmost HTML element of a UI component Input - input rendered in the div wrapper CheckBox - rendered on all checkbox ToolBar - rendered on all toolbars Alternating class for zebra stripes Scrollable - rendered on all elements that wish to be scrollable on touch devices Contains CSS classes for icons "Delete" icon "Delete Group" icon "Minimize" icon "Maximize" icon "Close" icon Contains CSS classes, used in the grid Grid action Container element for editing / inserting form Container element for editing / inserting form Toolbar which contains different commands Contains CSS classes, used in the treeview Class that shows treeview lines Contains CSS classes, used in the editor Button in editor toolbar Color picker in editor toolbar Editor tool icon Editor custom tool Editor textarea element Slider increase button. Slider decrease button. Horizontal splitter Vertical splitter Splitter pane UI primitives for Upload Upload button Contains CSS classes, used in the window Window content area Window title bar A builder class for Initializes a new instance of the class. The async settings. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Save", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }) ) %> Sets a value indicating whether to start the upload immediately after selecting a file true if the upload should start immediately after selecting a file, false otherwise; true by default Sets the action, controller and route values for the save operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Save", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); ) %> Sets the action, controller, route values and field name for the save operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The form field name to use for submiting the files. The Upload name is used if not set. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Save", "Home", "attachment", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); ) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the save operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Save", "Home", new { id = 1 }); ) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the save operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The form field name to use for submiting the files. The Upload name is used if not set. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Save", "Home", "attachments", new { id = 1 }); ) %> Sets the action and controller for the save operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Save", "Home"); ) %> Sets the action and controller for the save operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The form field name to use for submiting the files. The Upload name is used if not set. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Save", "Home", "attachments"); ) %> Sets the route name for the save operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Default"); ) %> Sets the route values for the save operation The route values of the action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save(MVC.Home.Save(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()); ) %> Sets the route and values for the save operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); ) %> Sets the route and values for the save operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Default", new { id = 1 }); ) %> Sets the action for the save operation The type of the controller. The action. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save<HomeController>(controller => controller.Save())); ) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the remove operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Remove("Remove", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); ) %> Sets the action, controller and route values for the remove operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Remove("Remove", "Home", new { id = 1 }); ) %> Sets the action and controller for the remove operation Name of the action. Name of the controller. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Remove("Remove", "Home"); ) %> Sets the route name for the remove operation Name of the route. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Remove("Default"); ) %> Sets the route values for the remove operation The route values of the action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Remove(MVC.Home.Remove(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()); ) %> Sets the route and values for the remove operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Remove("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }); ) %> Sets the route and values for the remove operation Name of the route. The route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Remove("Default", new { id = 1 }); ) %> Sets the action for the remove operation The type of the controller. The action. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Remove<HomeController>(controller => controller.Remove())); ) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The component. Configures the client-side events. The client events configuration action. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events .OnLoad("onLoad") .OnUpload("onUpload") ) %> Enables or disables the component. true if the component should be enabled, false otherwise; the default is true. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Enable(false) %> Enables or disables multiple file selection. true if multiple file selection should be enabled, false otherwise; the default is true. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Multiple(false) %> Sets a value indicating whether to show the list of uploaded files true if the list of uploaded files should be visible, false otherwise; true by default Use it to configure asynchronous uploading. Use builder to set different asynchronous uploading options. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("Save", "Compose") .Remove("Remove", "Compose") ); %> Sets the localization culture of the upload. The culture. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Localizable("de-DE") %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnUpload client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnUpload(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnUpload client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnUpload( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnUpload client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnUpload("onUpload")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSuccess client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSuccess(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnSuccess client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSuccess( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSuccess client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSuccess("onSuccess")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnComplete client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnComplete(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnComplete client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnComplete( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnComplete client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnComplete("onComplete")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnCancel client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCancel(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnCancel client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCancel( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnCancel client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCancel("onCancel")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnRemove client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRemove(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnRemove client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRemove( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnRemove client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRemove("onRemove")) %> An HTML Builder for the Upload component Initializes a new instance of the class. The Upload component. Creates the upload top-level div. Creates the button text element. Creates the file input element. Builds the Upload component markup. Defines an interface for asynchronous upload settings Defines the Save action Defines the name of the form field submitted to the Save action. The default value is the Upload name. Defines the Remove action Gets or sets a value indicating whether to start the upload immediately after selecting a file Defines the asynchronous uploading settings Initializes a new instance of the class. Serializes the asynchronous uploading settings to the writer. The writer object. Defines the Save action Defines the name of the form field submitted to the Save action. The default value is the Upload name. Defines the Remove action Gets or sets a value indicating whether to start the upload immediately after selecting a file true if the upload should start immediately after selecting a file, false otherwise; true by default Telerik Upload for ASP.NET MVC is a view component for uploading files. It supports the following features: Asynchronous uploading Progress tracking Multiple file selection Drag & drop Note that some of the features depend on browser capabilities. For more information, see the online documentation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The view context. The client side object writer factory. Writes the initialization script. The writer object. Writes the Upload HTML. The writer object. Represents the client-side event handlers for the component Gets or sets a value indicating if the component is enabled. true if the component should be enabled, false otherwise; the default is true. Gets or sets a value indicating if multiple file selection is enabled. true if multiple file selection should be enabled, false otherwise; the default is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the list of uploaded files true if the list of uploaded files should be visible, false otherwise; true by default Defines the asynchronous uploading settings Gets or sets the URL generator. The URL generator. The localization strings for the component Represents the client-side events of the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. Serializes the client-side events. The writer object to serialize to. Defines the Load client-side event handler Defines the Select client-side event handler Defines the Upload client-side event handler Defines the Success client-side event handler Defines the Error client-side event handler Defines the Complete client-side event handler Defines the Cancel client-side event handler Defines the Remove client-side event handler Localization strings for the Upload component Initializes a new instance of the class. The localization service. The culture. Serializes the localization strings. The key. The writer. Gets the Select string. The default value is "Select...". Gets the Cancel string. The default value is "Cancel". Gets the Retry string. The default value is "Retry". Gets the Remove string. The default value is "Remove". Gets the UploadSelectedFiles string. The default value is "Upload files". Gets the DropFilesHere string. The default value is "drop files here to upload". Gets the "uploading" status string. The default value is "uploading". Gets the "uploaded" status string. The default value is "uploaded". Gets the "failed" status string. The default value is "failed". Provides the factory methods for creating Telerik View Components. Creates a <%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group group.Add("Site.css") .Add("telerik.common.css") .Add("") .Compressed(true) ) %> Creates a <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() %> Creates a <%= Html.Telerik().Menu() .Name("Menu") .Items(items => { /* add items here */ }); %> Creates a <%= Html.Telerik().Editor() .Name("Editor"); %> Creates a new bound to the specified data item type. The type of the data item <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>() .Name("Grid") .BindTo(Model) %> Do not forget to bind the grid using the method when using this overload. Creates a new bound to the specified data source. The type of the data item The data source. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model) .Name("Grid") %> Creates a new bound to a DataTable. DataTable from which the grid instance will be bound Creates a new bound to a DataView. DataView from which the grid instance will be bound Creates a new bound an item in ViewData. Type of the data item The data source view data key. <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>("orders") .Name("Grid") %> Creates a <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter() .Name("Splitter"); %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip() .Name("TabStrip") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First"); items.Add().Text("Second"); }) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker() .Name("DateTimePicker") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker() .Name("DatePicker") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().TimePicker() .Name("TimePicker") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().Calendar() .Name("Calendar") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar() .Name("PanelBar") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First"); items.Add().Text("Second"); }) %> Creates a <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView() .Name("TreeView") .Items(items => { /* add items here */ }); %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().NumericTextBox() .Name("NumericTextBox") %> Returns . Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().CurrencyTextBox() .Name("CurrencyTextBox") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().PercentTextBox() .Name("PercentTextBox") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox() .Name("IntegerTextBox") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList() .Name("DropDownList") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox() .Name("ComboBox") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name("AutoComplete") .Items(items => { items.Add().Text("First Item"); items.Add().Text("Second Item"); }) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().Slider() .Name("Slider") %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider() .Name("RangeSlider") %> Creates a <%= Html.Telerik().Upload() .Name("Upload") .Async(async => async .Save("ProcessAttachments", "Home") .Remove("RemoveAttachment", "Home") ) %> Creates a <%= Html.Telerik().Chart() .Name("Chart") %> Creates a new bound to the specified data source. The type of the data item The data source. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model) .Name("Chart") %> Creates a new bound an item in ViewData. Type of the data item The data source view data key. <%= Html.Telerik().Chart<SalesData>("sales") .Name("Chart") %> Creates a new unbound . <%= Html.Telerik().Chart("sales") .Name("Chart") .Series(series => { series.Bar(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }).Name("Total Sales"); }) %> Creates a new UI component. Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().NumericTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().NumericTextBoxFor(m=>m.NullableProperty) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().CurrencyTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().CurrencyTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().PercentTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().PercentTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().DatePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().DatePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().TimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().TimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().TimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().TimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownListFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().AutoCompleteFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().SliderFor(m=>m.Property) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().SliderFor(m=>m.NullableProperty) %> Creates a new . <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSliderFor(m=>m.Property) %> Enables zoom animation. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The instance that is to be configured Configures the window to show a close button <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Close()) %> Configures the window to show a close button and sets a fallback URL for environments where JavaScript is turned off. The fallback URL <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Close(Url.Action("Home", "Index"))) %> Configures the window to show a minimize button <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Maximize()) %> Configures the window to show a minimize button and sets a fallback URL for environments where JavaScript is turned off. The fallback URL <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Maximize(Url.Action("Home", "Index"))) %> Configures the window to show a refresh button <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Refresh()) %> Configures the window to show a refresh button and sets a fallback URL for environments where JavaScript is turned off. The fallback URL <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Refresh(Url.Action("Home", "Index"))) %> Configures the window to show no buttons in its titlebar. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Clear()) %> Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The client events. The view context. Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnOpen client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnActivate client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnActivate(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnActivate client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnActivate( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnActivate client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnActivate("onActivate")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnClose client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnMove client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnMove(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnMove client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnMove( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnMove client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnMove("onMove")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnResize client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnResize client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnResize client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize("onResize")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnRefresh client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRefresh(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnRefresh client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRefresh( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnRefresh client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRefresh("onRefresh")) %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The action defining the inline handler. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() => { %> function(e) { //event handling code } <% })) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax). <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError( @<text> function(e) { //event handling code } </text> )) .Render(); %> Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event. The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError")) %> Sets path to the icon. Path to the icon. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Icon(Url.Content("~/Content/Icons/WindowIcon.png")) %> Sets path and alternative text to the icon. Path to the icon. Alternative text to the icon. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Icon(Url.Content("~/Content/Icons/WindowIcon.png"), "icon") %> Sets title, which appears in the header of the window. Sets the HTML content which the window should display. The action which renders the content. <% Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Content(() => { %> <strong> First Item Content</strong> <% }) %> Sets the HTML content which the window should display The Razor inline template @(Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Content(@<strong> Hello World!!!</strong>)) Sets the HTML content which the item should display as a string. The action which renders the content. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Content("<strong> First Item Content</strong>") %> Sets the HTML attributes of the content element of the item. The attributes. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Content(() => { %> <strong>First Item Content</strong> <% }) .ContentHtmlAttributes(new {@class="first-item-content"}) %> Sets the HTML attributes of the content element of the item. The attributes. Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The route values of the Action method. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .LoadContentFrom(MVC.Home.Index().GetRouteValueDictionary()); %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The action name. The controller name. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Window") %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The action name. The controller name. Route values. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Window", new { id = 10}) %> Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content. The url. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .LoadContentFrom(Url.Action("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Window")) %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen").OnClose("onClose") ) %> Enables windows resizing. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Resizable() %> Configures the resizing ability of the window. Resizing settings action. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Resizable(settings => settings.Enabled(true).MaxHeight(500).MaxWidth(500) ) %> Configures the client-side events. The client events action. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen").OnClose("onClose") ) %> Sets the width of the window. Sets the height of the window. Sets whether the window should be rendered visible. Sets whether the window should have scrollbars. Configures the effects of the window. The action which configures the effects. <%= Html.Telerik().Window() .Name("Window") .Effects(fx => { fx.Zoom() .Opacity() .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Fast) .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Fast); }) Sets whether the window should be modal or not. Sets whether the window can be moved. Builder class for fluently configuring the shared group. Initializes a new instance of the class. The default path. The assets. Adds the group. The name. The configure action. Gets the group. The name. The configure action. Executes the provided delegate that is used to configure stylesheets. The configure action. Executes the provided delegate that is used to configure scripts. The configure action. The web asset Configuration. Gets the name of the section. The name of the section. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use telerik content delivery network. true if [use telerik content delivery network]; otherwise, false. Gets the style sheets. The style sheets. Gets the scripts. The scripts. Web asset item configuration element. Gets or sets the source. The source. Web asset item configuration collection. Adds the specified element. The element. When overridden in a derived class, creates a new . A new . Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. The to return the key for. An that acts as the key for the specified . Gets the with the specified source. Web asset group configuration element. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the default path. The default path. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use telerik content delivery network. true if [use telerik content delivery network]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the content delivery network URL. The content delivery network URL. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is enabled. true if enabled; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the version. The version. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is compress. true if compress; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the cache duration in days. The cache duration in days. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is combined. true if combined; otherwise, false. Gets the items. The items. Web asset group configuration collection Adds the specified element. The element. When overridden in a derived class, creates a new . A new . Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. The to return the key for. An that acts as the key for the specified . Gets the with the specified name. The HttpHandler to compress, cache and combine web assets. Initializes a new instance of the class. The asset registry. The HTTP response compressor. The HTTP response cacher. Initializes a new instance of the class. Enables a WebAssetHttpHandler object to process of requests. The context. Gets or sets the default path of the asset. The default path. Gets or sets the name of the id parameter. The name of the id parameter. Contains default asset settings. Gets or sets the style sheet files path. Path must be a virtual path. The style sheet files path. Gets or sets the script files path. Path must be a virtual path. The script files path. Gets or sets the version. The version. Gets or sets a value indicating whether assets should be served as compressed. true if compress; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether assets shoule be combined. true if combined; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the cache duration in days. The cache duration in days. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use telerik content delivery network]. true if [use telerik content delivery network]; otherwise, false. Defines members that a class must implement in order to provide helper methods for resolving virtual path. Returns the physical path for the specified virtual path. The virtual path. Defines members that a class must implement in order to compress the response. Compresses the response. The context. Defines members that must be implemented for cache the http response Caches the response for the specified duration. The context. The duration. Defines the read operaations of configuration. Gets the section with the specified name. Name of the section. Defines the factory to create . Creates a writer. The id. The type. The text writer. Provides an attribute to change the enum value for client side. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified value for the client side. The value. Gets or sets the value for client side. The value. Encapsulates the ConfigurationManager object that contains methods for accessing System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache object. Gets the section with the specified name. Name of the section. Contains extension methods of IDictionary<string, objectT>. Merges the specified instance. The instance. The key. The value. if set to true [replace existing]. Appends the in value. The instance. The key. The separator. The value. Appends the specified value at the beginning of the existing value Toes the attribute string. The instance. Merges the specified instance. The instance. From. if set to true [replace existing]. Merges the specified instance. The instance. From. Merges the specified instance. The instance. The values. if set to true [replace existing]. Merges the specified instance. The instance. The values. Contains extension methods of . Requests the context. The instance. Gets a value indicating whether we're running under Mono. true if Mono; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether we're running under Linux or a Unix variant. true if Linux/Unix; otherwise, false. Encapsulates the HTTP intrinsic object that compress the response Compresses the response. The context. Class use to resolve physical path for virtual path. Returns the physical path for the specified virtual path. The virtual path. Helper class for argument validation. Ensures the specified argument is not null. The parameter. Name of the parameter. Ensures the specified string is not blank. The parameter. Name of the parameter. Ensures the specified array is not null or empty. The parameter. Name of the parameter. Ensures the specified collection is not null or empty. The parameter. Name of the parameter. Ensures the specified value is a positive integer. The parameter. Name of the parameter. Ensures the specified value is not a negative integer. The parameter. Name of the parameter. Ensures the specified value is not a negative float. The parameter. Name of the parameter. Ensures the specified path is a virtual path which starts with ~/. The parameter. Name of the parameter. Contains extension methods of . Starts thread safe read write code block. The instance. Starts thread safe read code block. The instance. Starts thread safe write code block. The instance. Contains the extension methods of . Replaces the format item in a specified System.String with the text equivalent of the value of a corresponding System.Object instance in a specified array. A string to format. An System.Object array containing zero or more objects to format. A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the System.String equivalent of the corresponding instances of System.Object in args. Determines whether this instance and another specified System.String object have the same value. The string to check equality. The comparing with string. true if the value of the comparing parameter is the same as this string; otherwise, false. Determines whether this instance and another specified System.String object have the same value. The string to check equality. The comparing with string. true if the value of the comparing parameter is the same as this string; otherwise, false. Compresses the specified instance. The instance. Decompresses the specified instance. The instance. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" array cannot be empty.. Looks up a localized string similar to You must use InCell edit mode for batch updates.. Looks up a localized string similar to The Update data binding setting is required for batch updates. Please specify the Update action or url in the DataBinding configuration.. Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" cannot be negative.. Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" cannot be negative or zero.. Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" cannot be null.. Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" cannot be null or empty.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot find a public property of primitive type to sort by.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot have more one column in order when sort mode is set to single column.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot route to class named 'Controller'.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot use Ajax and WebService binding at the same time.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot use PageOnScroll with Server binding.. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot use only server templates in Ajax or WebService binding mode. Please specify a client template as well.. Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" collection cannot be empty.. Looks up a localized string similar to Multiple types were found that match the controller named '{0}'. This can happen if the route that services this request does not specify namespaces to search for a controller that matches the request. If this is the case, register this route by calling an overload of the 'MapRoute' method that takes a 'namespaces' parameter. The request for '{0}' has found the following matching controllers:{1}. Looks up a localized string similar to Multiple types were found that match the controller named '{0}'. This can happen if the route that services this request ('{1}') does not specify namespaces to search for a controller that matches the request. If this is the case, register this route by calling an overload of the 'MapRoute' method that takes a 'namespaces' parameter. The request for '{0}' has found the following matching controllers:{2}. Looks up a localized string similar to Controller name must end with 'Controller'.. Looks up a localized string similar to The DataKeys collection is empty. Please specify a data key.. Looks up a localized string similar to DataTable InLine editing and custom EditorTemplate per column is not supported. Looks up a localized string similar to The Delete data binding setting is required by the delete command. Please specify the Delete action or url in the DataBinding configuration.. Looks up a localized string similar to The Update data binding setting is required by the edit command. Please specify the Update action or url in the DataBinding configuration.. Looks up a localized string similar to {0} should not be bigger then {1}.. Looks up a localized string similar to Group with specified name already exists.. Looks up a localized string similar to Group with specified name "{0}" already exists. Please specify a different name.. Looks up a localized string similar to Group with "{0}" does not exist in {1} SharedWebAssets.. Looks up a localized string similar to Group with specified name "{0}" does not exist. Please make sure you have specified a correct name.. Looks up a localized string similar to InCell editing mode is not supported in server binding mode. Looks up a localized string similar to InCell editing mode is not supported when ClientRowTemplate is used. Looks up a localized string similar to Provided index is out of range.. Looks up a localized string similar to The Insert data binding setting is required by the insert command. Please specify the Insert action or url in the DataBinding configuration.. Looks up a localized string similar to Item with specified source already exists.. Looks up a localized string similar to Local group with name "{0}" already exists.. Looks up a localized string similar to The key with the following name "{0}" was not found. Please update all localization files.. Looks up a localized string similar to Bound columns require a field or property access expression.. Looks up a localized string similar to {0} should be less than {1}.. Looks up a localized string similar to Name cannot be blank.. Looks up a localized string similar to Name cannot contain spaces.. Looks up a localized string similar to "None" is only used for internal purpose.. Looks up a localized string similar to Only one ScriptRegistrar is allowed in a single request.. Looks up a localized string similar to Only one StyleSheetRegistrar is allowed in a single request.. Looks up a localized string similar to Only property and field expressions are supported. Looks up a localized string similar to Paging must be enabled to use PageOnScroll.. Looks up a localized string similar to The {0} must be begger then 0.. Looks up a localized string similar to {0} must be positive number.. Looks up a localized string similar to {0} should be bigger than {1} and less then {2}. Looks up a localized string similar to The "{0}" class is no longer supported. To enable RTL support you must include telerik.rtl.css and apply the "t-rtl" class to a parent HTML element or the <body>.. Looks up a localized string similar to Scrolling must be enabled to use PageOnScroll.. Looks up a localized string similar to You must have SiteMap defined with key "{0}" in ViewData dictionary.. Looks up a localized string similar to Source must be a virtual path which should starts with "~/". Looks up a localized string similar to Specified file does not exist: "{0}".. Looks up a localized string similar to Passed string cannot be parsed to DateTime object.. Looks up a localized string similar to Passed string cannot be parsed to TimeSpan object.. Looks up a localized string similar to The specified method is not an action method.. Looks up a localized string similar to Time should be bigger than MinTime and less than MaxTime.. Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot set Url and ContentUrl at the same time.. Looks up a localized string similar to The value '{0}' is invalid.. Looks up a localized string similar to The Url of the WebService must be set. Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot add more than once column when sort mode is set to single column.. Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot use non generic BindTo overload without EnableCustomBinding set to true. Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot call render more than once.. Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot call Start more than once.. Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot configure a shared web asset group.. Looks up a localized string similar to You must have to call Start prior calling this method.. Initializes a new instance of the class. The default path. Finds the group with the specified name. The name. Finds the item with the specified source. The source. Adds the specified source as . The item source. Adds the specified source as in the specified . Name of the group. The item source. Inserts the specified source as at the specified index. The index. The item source. Inserts the specified source as at the specified index in the specified . The index. Name of the group. The item source. Inserts an element into the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The object to insert. The value can be null for reference types. is less than zero. -or- is greater than . Replaces the element at the specified index. The zero-based index of the element to replace. The new value for the element at the specified index. The value can be null for reference types. is less than zero. -or- is greater than . Gets or sets the default path. The default path. Gets the asset groups. The asset groups. Gets the asset items. The asset items. Defines the fluent interface for configuring web assets. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the asset. The assets. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The builder. The result of the conversion. Returns the internal collection. Adds a new web asset The source. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .Scripts(scripts => scripts.Add("script1.js")) %> Adds a new web asset group. The name. The configure action. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .Scripts(scripts => scripts.AddGroup("Group1", group => { group.Add("script1.js"); } )) %> Adds the specified shared group. The name. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .Scripts(scripts => scripts.AddShareGroup("SharedGroup1")) %> Executes the provided delegate that is used to configure the group fluently. The name. The configure action. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. if set to true [is shared]. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is shared. true if this instance is shared; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the default path. The default path. Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik content delivery network would be used. true if [use Telerik content delivery network]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the content delivery network URL. The content delivery network URL. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is disabled. true if disabled; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the version. The version. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is compress. true if compress; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the cache duration in days. The cache duration in days. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is combined. true if combined; otherwise, false. Gets the items. The items. Class used to build initialization script of jQuery plugin. Initializes a new instance of the class. The id. The type. The text writer. Starts writing this instance. Appends the specified key value pair to the end of this instance. The key value pair. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and nullable value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. The default value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. if set to true [value]. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. if set to true [value]. if set to true [default value]. Appends the specified name and only the date of the passed . The name. The value. Appends the specified name and only the date of the passed . The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The action. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The name. The action. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The type of the enum. The name. The value. Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance. The type of the enum. The name. The value. The default value. Completes this instance. Defines members that a class must implement in order to provide helper methods for resolving relative path. Returns the relative path for the specified virtual path. The URL. HTMLHelper extension for providing access to . Gets the Telerik View Component Factory The helper. The Factory Gets the Telerik View Component Factory The helper. The Factory Container of scriptable component. Registers the specified component. The component. Defines members that a class must implement in order to act as wrapper for script, Gets the on page load start. The on page load start. Gets the on page load end. The on page load end. Gets the on page unload start. The on page unload start. Gets the on page unload end. The on page unload end. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style sheet registrar. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The builder. The result of the conversion. Returns the internal style sheet registrar. Sets the asset handler path. Path must be a virtual path. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar() .AssetHandlerPath("~/asset.axd") %> Configures the . The configure action. <%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group .Add("style1.css") .Add("style2.css") .Combined(true) ) %> Executes the provided delegate that is used to register the stylesheet files fluently. The configure action. Renders the <% Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar() .Render(); %> Manages ASP.NET MVC views style sheet files. Used to ensure that the same instance is used for the same HttpContext. Initializes a new instance of the class. The style sheets. The view context. The asset merger. Writes the stylesheets in the response. Writes all stylesheet source. The writer. Gets or sets the asset handler path. Path must be a virtual path. The default value is set to WebAssetHttpHandler.DefaultPath. The asset handler path. Gets or sets the default group. The default group. Gets the stylesheets that will be rendered in the view. The style sheets. Gets or sets the view context. The view context. Class used to resolve relative path for virtual path. Returns the relative path for the specified virtual path. The URL. Wrap the script for the jQuery ready/unload events. Gets the on page load start. The on page load start. Gets the on page load end. The on page load end. Gets the on page unload start. The on page unload start. Gets the on page unload end. The on page unload end. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the . Initializes a new instance of the class. The asset item group. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The builder. The result of the conversion. Returns the internal group. Sets whether Telerik content delivery network would be used. if set to true [value]. Sets the content delivery network URL. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group.ContentDeliveryNetworkUrl("")) %> Enables or disables the group <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enabled"])) %> Sets the version. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group.Version("1.1")) %> Sets whether the groups will be served as compressed. By default asset groups are not compressed. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group.Compress(true)) %> Sets the caches the duration of this group. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group.CacheDurationInDays(365)) %> Sets whether the groups items will be served as combined. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group.Combined(true)) %> Sets the defaults path of the containing . The path. Adds the specified source as . The value. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group.Add("script1.js")) %> Manages ASP.NET MVC javascript files and statements. Used to ensure that the same instance is used for the same HttpContext. Initializes a new instance of the class. The scripts. The scriptable components. The view context. The asset merger. The script wrapper. Registers the scriptable component. The component. Writes the scripts in the response. Writes all script source and script statements. The writer. Gets the framework script file names. The framework script file names. Gets the validation script file names. The validation script file names. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [exclude framework scripts]. true if [exclude framework scripts]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [exclude validation scripts]. true if [exclude validation scripts]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the asset handler path. Path must be a virtual path. The default value is set to . The asset handler path. Gets the default script group. The default group. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [enable globalization]. true if [enable globalization]; otherwise, false. Gets the scripts that will be rendered in the view. The scripts. Gets the on document ready actions. The on page load actions. Gets the on document ready statements that is used in RenderAction. The on page load actions. Gets the on window unload actions. The on page unload actions. Gets the on window unload statements.that is used in RenderAction. The on page load actions. Gets the view context. The view context. Gets the script wrapper that is used to write the script statements. The script wrapper. Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component. Initializes a new instance of the class. The script registrar. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The builder. The result of the conversion. Returns the internal script registrar. Sets the asset handler path. Path must be a virtual path. The value. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .AssetHandlerPath("~/asset.axd") %> Configures the . The configure action. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .DefaultGroup(group => group .Add("script1.js") .Add("script2.js") .Combined(true) ) %> Enables globalization support. if set to true [enable]. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .Globalization(true) %> Includes the jQuery script files. By default jQuery JavaScript is included. Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC require jQuery so make sure you manually include the JavaScript file if you disable the automatic including. if set to true [enable]. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .jQuery(false) %> Sets whether the jQuery validation script files will be registered. By default jQuery Validation JavaScript is included, if needed. Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC use jQuery validation if set to true [enable]. <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .jQueryValidation(false) %> Executes the provided delegate that is used to register the script files fluently in different groups. The configure action. Defines the inline handler executed when the DOM document is ready (using the $(document).ready jQuery event) The action defining the inline handler <% Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .OnDocumentReady(() => { %> function() { alert("Document is ready"); } <% }) .Render(); %> Defines the inline handler executed when the DOM document is ready (using the $(document).ready jQuery event) The code of the inline handler wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax) @(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .OnDocumentReady( @<text> alert("Document is ready"); </text> }) ) Appends the specified statement in $(document).ready jQuery event. This method should be used in Html.RenderAction(). The statements. Defines the inline handler executed when the DOM window object is unloaded. The action defining the inline handler <% Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .OnWindowUnload(() => { %> function() { // event handler code } <% }) .Render(); %> Appends the specified statement window unload event. This method should be used in Html.RenderAction(). The statements. Renders the <% Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar() .Render(); %> Web asset types. None, used for internal purpose. Stylesheet Javascript