You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

255 lines
8.9 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
using NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Events;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Tv
public interface ISeriesService
Series GetSeries(int seriesId);
List<Series> GetSeries(IEnumerable<int> seriesIds);
Series AddSeries(Series newSeries);
List<Series> AddSeries(List<Series> newSeries);
Series FindByTvdbId(int tvdbId);
Series FindByTvRageId(int tvRageId);
Series FindByTitle(string title);
Series FindByTitle(string title, int year);
Series FindByTitleInexact(string title);
Series FindByPath(string path);
void DeleteSeries(List<int> seriesIds, bool deleteFiles, bool addImportListExclusion);
List<Series> GetAllSeries();
List<int> AllSeriesTvdbIds();
Dictionary<int, string> GetAllSeriesPaths();
Dictionary<int, List<int>> GetAllSeriesTags();
List<Series> AllForTag(int tagId);
Series UpdateSeries(Series series, bool updateEpisodesToMatchSeason = true, bool publishUpdatedEvent = true);
List<Series> UpdateSeries(List<Series> series, bool useExistingRelativeFolder);
bool SeriesPathExists(string folder);
void RemoveAddOptions(Series series);
public class SeriesService : ISeriesService
private readonly ISeriesRepository _seriesRepository;
private readonly IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
private readonly IEpisodeService _episodeService;
private readonly IBuildSeriesPaths _seriesPathBuilder;
private readonly Logger _logger;
public SeriesService(ISeriesRepository seriesRepository,
IEventAggregator eventAggregator,
IEpisodeService episodeService,
IBuildSeriesPaths seriesPathBuilder,
Logger logger)
_seriesRepository = seriesRepository;
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
_episodeService = episodeService;
_seriesPathBuilder = seriesPathBuilder;
_logger = logger;
public Series GetSeries(int seriesId)
return _seriesRepository.Get(seriesId);
public List<Series> GetSeries(IEnumerable<int> seriesIds)
return _seriesRepository.Get(seriesIds).ToList();
public Series AddSeries(Series newSeries)
_eventAggregator.PublishEvent(new SeriesAddedEvent(GetSeries(newSeries.Id)));
return newSeries;
public List<Series> AddSeries(List<Series> newSeries)
_eventAggregator.PublishEvent(new SeriesImportedEvent(newSeries.Select(s => s.Id).ToList()));
return newSeries;
public Series FindByTvdbId(int tvRageId)
return _seriesRepository.FindByTvdbId(tvRageId);
public Series FindByTvRageId(int tvRageId)
return _seriesRepository.FindByTvRageId(tvRageId);
public Series FindByTitle(string title)
return _seriesRepository.FindByTitle(title.CleanSeriesTitle());
public Series FindByTitleInexact(string title)
// find any series clean title within the provided release title
var cleanTitle = title.CleanSeriesTitle();
var list = _seriesRepository.FindByTitleInexact(cleanTitle);
if (!list.Any())
// no series matched
return null;
if (list.Count == 1)
// return the first series if there is only one
return list.Single();
// build ordered list of series by position in the search string
var query =
list.Select(series => new
position = cleanTitle.IndexOf(series.CleanTitle),
length = series.CleanTitle.Length,
series = series
.Where(s => (s.position >= 0))
.OrderBy(s => s.position)
.ThenByDescending(s => s.length)
// get the leftmost series that is the longest
// series are usually the first thing in release title, so we select the leftmost and longest match
var match = query.First().series;
_logger.Debug("Multiple series matched {0} from title {1}", match.Title, title);
foreach (var entry in list)
_logger.Debug("Multiple series match candidate: {0} cleantitle: {1}", entry.Title, entry.CleanTitle);
return match;
public Series FindByPath(string path)
return _seriesRepository.FindByPath(path);
public Series FindByTitle(string title, int year)
return _seriesRepository.FindByTitle(title.CleanSeriesTitle(), year);
public void DeleteSeries(List<int> seriesIds, bool deleteFiles, bool addImportListExclusion)
var series = _seriesRepository.Get(seriesIds).ToList();
_eventAggregator.PublishEvent(new SeriesDeletedEvent(series, deleteFiles, addImportListExclusion));
public List<Series> GetAllSeries()
return _seriesRepository.All().ToList();
public List<int> AllSeriesTvdbIds()
return _seriesRepository.AllSeriesTvdbIds().ToList();
public Dictionary<int, string> GetAllSeriesPaths()
return _seriesRepository.AllSeriesPaths();
public Dictionary<int, List<int>> GetAllSeriesTags()
return _seriesRepository.AllSeriesTags();
public List<Series> AllForTag(int tagId)
return GetAllSeries().Where(s => s.Tags.Contains(tagId))
// updateEpisodesToMatchSeason is an override for EpisodeMonitoredService to use so a change via Season pass doesn't get nuked by the seasons loop.
// TODO: Remove when seasons are split from series (or we come up with a better way to address this)
public Series UpdateSeries(Series series, bool updateEpisodesToMatchSeason = true, bool publishUpdatedEvent = true)
var storedSeries = GetSeries(series.Id);
var episodeMonitoredChanged = false;
if (updateEpisodesToMatchSeason)
foreach (var season in series.Seasons)
var storedSeason = storedSeries.Seasons.SingleOrDefault(s => s.SeasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber);
if (storedSeason != null && season.Monitored != storedSeason.Monitored)
_episodeService.SetEpisodeMonitoredBySeason(series.Id, season.SeasonNumber, season.Monitored);
episodeMonitoredChanged = true;
// Never update AddOptions when updating a series, keep it the same as the existing stored series.
series.AddOptions = storedSeries.AddOptions;
var updatedSeries = _seriesRepository.Update(series);
if (publishUpdatedEvent)
_eventAggregator.PublishEvent(new SeriesEditedEvent(updatedSeries, storedSeries, episodeMonitoredChanged));
return updatedSeries;
public List<Series> UpdateSeries(List<Series> series, bool useExistingRelativeFolder)
_logger.Debug("Updating {0} series", series.Count);
foreach (var s in series)
_logger.Trace("Updating: {0}", s.Title);
if (!s.RootFolderPath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
s.Path = _seriesPathBuilder.BuildPath(s, useExistingRelativeFolder);
_logger.Trace("Changing path for {0} to {1}", s.Title, s.Path);
_logger.Trace("Not changing path for: {0}", s.Title);
_logger.Debug("{0} series updated", series.Count);
return series;
public bool SeriesPathExists(string folder)
return _seriesRepository.SeriesPathExists(folder);
public void RemoveAddOptions(Series series)
_seriesRepository.SetFields(series, s => s.AddOptions);