You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

219 lines
7.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http;
using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Extensions;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.RTorrent
public interface IRTorrentProxy
string GetVersion(RTorrentSettings settings);
List<RTorrentTorrent> GetTorrents(RTorrentSettings settings);
void AddTorrentFromUrl(string torrentUrl, string label, RTorrentPriority priority, string directory, RTorrentSettings settings);
void AddTorrentFromFile(string fileName, byte[] fileContent, string label, RTorrentPriority priority, string directory, RTorrentSettings settings);
void RemoveTorrent(string hash, RTorrentSettings settings);
void SetTorrentLabel(string hash, string label, RTorrentSettings settings);
bool HasHashTorrent(string hash, RTorrentSettings settings);
void PushTorrentUniqueView(string hash, string view, RTorrentSettings settings);
public class RTorrentProxy : IRTorrentProxy
private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient;
public RTorrentProxy(IHttpClient httpClient)
_httpClient = httpClient;
public string GetVersion(RTorrentSettings settings)
var document = ExecuteRequest(settings, "system.client_version");
return document.Descendants("string").FirstOrDefault()?.Value ?? "0.0.0";
public List<RTorrentTorrent> GetTorrents(RTorrentSettings settings)
var document = ExecuteRequest(settings,
"", // string
"d.hash=", // string
"d.base_path=", // string
"d.custom1=", // string (label)
"d.size_bytes=", // long
"d.left_bytes=", // long
"d.down.rate=", // long (in bytes / s)
"d.ratio=", // long
"d.is_open=", // long
"d.is_active=", // long
"d.complete=", //long
"d.timestamp.finished="); // long (unix timestamp)
var torrents = document.XPathSelectElement("./methodResponse/params/param/value/array/data")
.Select(x => new RTorrentTorrent(x))
?? new List<RTorrentTorrent>();
return torrents;
public void AddTorrentFromUrl(string torrentUrl, string label, RTorrentPriority priority, string directory, RTorrentSettings settings)
var args = new List<object> { "", torrentUrl };
args.AddRange(GetCommands(label, priority, directory));
XDocument response;
if (settings.AddStopped)
response = ExecuteRequest(settings, "load.normal", args.ToArray());
response = ExecuteRequest(settings, "load.start", args.ToArray());
if (response.GetIntResponse() != 0)
throw new DownloadClientException("Could not add torrent: {0}.", torrentUrl);
public void AddTorrentFromFile(string fileName, byte[] fileContent, string label, RTorrentPriority priority, string directory, RTorrentSettings settings)
var args = new List<object> { "", fileContent };
args.AddRange(GetCommands(label, priority, directory));
XDocument response;
if (settings.AddStopped)
response = ExecuteRequest(settings, "load.raw", args.ToArray());
response = ExecuteRequest(settings, "load.raw_start", args.ToArray());
if (response.GetIntResponse() != 0)
throw new DownloadClientException("Could not add torrent: {0}.", fileName);
public void SetTorrentLabel(string hash, string label, RTorrentSettings settings)
var response = ExecuteRequest(settings, "d.custom1.set", hash, label);
if (response.GetStringResponse() != label)
throw new DownloadClientException("Could not set label to {1} for torrent: {0}.", hash, label);
public void PushTorrentUniqueView(string hash, string view, RTorrentSettings settings)
var response = ExecuteRequest(settings, "d.views.push_back_unique", hash, view);
if (response.GetIntResponse() != 0)
throw new DownloadClientException("Could not push unique view {0} for torrent: {1}.", view, hash);
public void RemoveTorrent(string hash, RTorrentSettings settings)
var response = ExecuteRequest(settings, "d.erase", hash);
if (response.GetIntResponse() != 0)
throw new DownloadClientException("Could not remove torrent: {0}.", hash);
public bool HasHashTorrent(string hash, RTorrentSettings settings)
var response = ExecuteRequest(settings, "", hash);
var name = response.GetStringResponse();
if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
return false;
var metaTorrent = name == (hash + ".meta");
return !metaTorrent;
catch (Exception)
return false;
private string[] GetCommands(string label, RTorrentPriority priority, string directory)
var result = new List<string>();
if (label.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
result.Add("d.custom1.set=" + label);
if (priority != RTorrentPriority.Normal)
result.Add("d.priority.set=" + (int)priority);
if (directory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
result.Add("" + directory);
return result.ToArray();
private XDocument ExecuteRequest(RTorrentSettings settings, string methodName, params object[] args)
var requestBuilder = new XmlRpcRequestBuilder(settings.UseSsl, settings.Host, settings.Port, settings.UrlBase)
LogResponseContent = true,
if (!settings.Username.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
requestBuilder.NetworkCredential = new NetworkCredential(settings.Username, settings.Password);
var request = requestBuilder.Call(methodName, args).Build();
var response = _httpClient.Execute(request);
var doc = XDocument.Parse(response.Content);
var faultElement = doc.XPathSelectElement("./methodResponse/fault");
if (faultElement != null)
var fault = new RTorrentFault(faultElement);
throw new DownloadClientException($"rTorrent returned error code {fault.FaultCode}: {fault.FaultString}");
return doc;