You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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16 KiB

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository;
using SubSonic.Repository;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Providers
public class EpisodeProvider
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private readonly QualityProvider _quality;
private readonly SeasonProvider _seasons;
private readonly SeriesProvider _series;
private readonly IRepository _sonicRepo;
private readonly TvDbProvider _tvDb;
public EpisodeProvider(IRepository sonicRepo, SeriesProvider seriesProvider,
SeasonProvider seasonProvider, TvDbProvider tvDbProvider,
QualityProvider quality)
_sonicRepo = sonicRepo;
_series = seriesProvider;
_tvDb = tvDbProvider;
_seasons = seasonProvider;
_quality = quality;
public EpisodeProvider()
public virtual Episode GetEpisode(long id)
return _sonicRepo.Single<Episode>(id);
public virtual Episode GetEpisode(int seriesId, int seasonNumber, int episodeNumber)
c => c.SeriesId == seriesId && c.SeasonNumber == seasonNumber && c.EpisodeNumber == episodeNumber);
public virtual IList<Episode> GetEpisodeBySeries(long seriesId)
return _sonicRepo.Find<Episode>(e => e.SeriesId == seriesId);
public virtual IList<Episode> GetEpisodeBySeason(long seasonId)
return _sonicRepo.Find<Episode>(e => e.SeasonId == seasonId);
public virtual IList<Episode> GetEpisodeByParseResult(EpisodeParseResult parseResult)
var seasonEpisodes = _sonicRepo.All<Episode>().Where(e =>
e.SeriesId == parseResult.SeriesId &&
e.SeasonNumber == parseResult.SeasonNumber).ToList();
//Has to be done separately since subsonic doesn't support contain method
return seasonEpisodes.Where(c => parseResult.Episodes.Contains(c.EpisodeNumber)).ToList();
public virtual String GetSabTitle(EpisodeParseResult parseResult)
//Show Name - 1x01-1x02 - Episode Name
//Show Name - 1x01 - Episode Name
var episodeString = new List<String>();
foreach (var episode in parseResult.Episodes)
episodeString.Add(String.Format("{0}x{1}", parseResult.SeasonNumber, episode));
var epNumberString = String.Join("-", episodeString);
var series = _series.GetSeries(parseResult.SeriesId);
var folderName = new DirectoryInfo(series.Path).Name;
var result = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2} {3}", folderName, epNumberString, parseResult.EpisodeTitle, parseResult.Quality);
if (parseResult.Proper)
result += " [Proper]";
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Comprehensive check on whether or not this episode is needed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "parsedReport">Episode that needs to be checked</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual bool IsNeeded(EpisodeParseResult parsedReport)
foreach (var episode in parsedReport.Episodes)
var episodeInfo = GetEpisode(parsedReport.SeriesId, parsedReport.SeasonNumber, episode);
if (episodeInfo == null)
//Todo: How do we want to handle this really? Episode could be released before information is on TheTvDB
//(Parks and Rec did this a lot in the first season, from experience)
//Keivan: Should automatically add the episode to db with minimal information. then update the description/title when available.
episodeInfo = new Episode
SeriesId = parsedReport.SeriesId,
AirDate = DateTime.Now.Date,
EpisodeNumber = episode,
SeasonNumber = parsedReport.SeasonNumber,
Title = String.Empty,
Overview = String.Empty,
Language = "en"
var file = episodeInfo.EpisodeFile;
if (file != null)
//If not null we need to see if this episode has the quality as the download (or if it is better)
if (file.Quality == parsedReport.Quality && file.Proper) continue;
//There will never be a time when the episode quality is less than what we have and we want it... ever.... I think.
if (file.Quality > parsedReport.Quality) continue;
//Now we need to handle upgrades and actually pay attention to the Cutoff Value
if (file.Quality < parsedReport.Quality)
var quality = _quality.Find(episodeInfo.Series.QualityProfileId);
if (quality.Cutoff <= file.Quality && file.Proper) continue;
return true; //If we get to this point and the file has not yet been rejected then accept it
return false;
public virtual void RefreshEpisodeInfo(int seriesId)
Logger.Info("Starting episode info refresh for series:{0}", seriesId);
int successCount = 0;
int failCount = 0;
var targetSeries = _tvDb.GetSeries(seriesId, true);
var updateList = new List<Episode>();
var newList = new List<Episode>();
Logger.Debug("Updating season info for series:{0}", targetSeries.SeriesName);
targetSeries.Episodes.Select(e => new { e.SeasonId, e.SeasonNumber })
.ForEach(s => _seasons.EnsureSeason(seriesId, s.SeasonId, s.SeasonNumber));
foreach (var episode in targetSeries.Episodes)
//DateTime throws an error in SQLServer per message below:
//SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
//So lets hack it so it works for SQLServer (as well as SQLite), perhaps we can find a better solution
//Todo: Fix this hack
if (episode.FirstAired < new DateTime(1753, 1, 1))
episode.FirstAired = new DateTime(1753, 1, 1);
Logger.Trace("Updating info for [{0}] - S{1}E{2}", targetSeries.SeriesName, episode.SeasonNumber, episode.EpisodeNumber);
var newEpisode = new Episode
AirDate = episode.FirstAired,
EpisodeId = episode.Id,
EpisodeNumber = episode.EpisodeNumber,
Language = episode.Language.Abbriviation,
Overview = episode.Overview,
SeasonId = episode.SeasonId,
SeasonNumber = episode.SeasonNumber,
SeriesId = seriesId,
Title = episode.EpisodeName
if (_sonicRepo.Exists<Episode>(e => e.EpisodeId == newEpisode.EpisodeId))
catch (Exception e)
String.Format("An error has occurred while updating episode info for series {0}", seriesId), e);
Logger.Debug("Finished episode refresh for series:{0}. Successful:{1} - Failed:{2} ",
targetSeries.SeriesName, successCount, failCount);
public virtual void RefreshEpisodeInfo(Season season)
Logger.Info("Starting episode info refresh for season {0} of series:{1}", season.SeasonNumber,
int successCount = 0;
int failCount = 0;
var targetSeries = _tvDb.GetSeries(season.SeriesId, true);
var updateList = new List<Episode>();
var newList = new List<Episode>();
foreach (var episode in targetSeries.Episodes.Where(e => e.SeasonId == season.SeasonId))
//DateTime throws an error in SQLServer per message below:
//SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
//So lets hack it so it works for SQLServer (as well as SQLite), perhaps we can find a better solution
//Todo: Fix this hack
if (episode.FirstAired < new DateTime(1753, 1, 1))
episode.FirstAired = new DateTime(1753, 1, 1);
Logger.Trace("Updating info for series:{0} - episode:{1}", targetSeries.SeriesName,
var newEpisode = new Episode
AirDate = episode.FirstAired,
EpisodeId = episode.Id,
EpisodeNumber = episode.EpisodeNumber,
Language = episode.Language.Abbriviation,
Overview = episode.Overview,
SeasonId = episode.SeasonId,
SeasonNumber = episode.SeasonNumber,
SeriesId = season.SeriesId,
Title = episode.EpisodeName
//TODO: Replace this db check with a local check. Should make things even faster
if (_sonicRepo.Exists<Episode>(e => e.EpisodeId == newEpisode.EpisodeId))
catch (Exception e)
String.Format("An error has occurred while updating episode info for season {0} of series {1}",
season.SeasonNumber, season.SeriesId), e);
Logger.Debug("Finished episode refresh for series:{0}. Successful:{1} - Failed:{2} ",
targetSeries.SeriesName, successCount, failCount);
public virtual void DeleteEpisode(int episodeId)
public virtual void UpdateEpisode(Episode episode)