You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

47 lines
1.4 KiB

param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
#Forcibly delete the -vsdoc file
#$projectFolder = Split-Path -Parent $project.FileName
$projectFolder = $project.Properties.Item("FullPath").Value
$projVsDocPath = Join-Path $projectFolder Scripts\jquery-1.6.1-vsdoc.js
$origVsDocPath = Join-Path $installPath Content\Scripts\jquery-1.6.1-vsdoc.js
$origVsDocParaPath = Join-Path $toolsPath jquery-1.6.1-vsdoc-para.js
function Get-Checksum($file) {
$cryptoProvider = New-Object "System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider"
$fileInfo = Get-Item "$file"
trap { ;
continue } $stream = $fileInfo.OpenRead()
if ($? -eq $false) {
#Write-Host "Couldn't open file for reading"
return $null
$bytes = $cryptoProvider.ComputeHash($stream)
$checksum = ''
foreach ($byte in $bytes) {
$checksum += $byte.ToString('x2')
$stream.Close() | Out-Null
return $checksum
if (Test-Path $projVsDocPath) {
#Copy the original -vsdoc file over the -vsdoc file modified during install
#Normal uninstall logic will then kick in
if ((Get-Checksum $projVsDocPath) -eq (Get-Checksum $origVsDocParaPath)) {
#Write-Host "Copying orig vsdoc file over"
Copy-Item $origVsDocPath $projVsDocPath -Force
else {
#Write-Host "vsdoc file has changed"
else {
#Write-Host "vsdoc file not found in project"