You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

235 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http;
using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer;
using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Porla.Models;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Porla
#nullable enable
public interface IPorlaProxy
// sys
PorlaSysVersions GetSysVersion(PorlaSettings settings); // sys.versions
// fs
// sessions
ReadOnlyCollection<PorlaSession> ListSessions(PorlaSettings settings); // sessions.list
void PauseSessions(PorlaSettings settings); // sessions.pause
void ResumeSessions(PorlaSettings settings); // sessions.resume
PorlaSessionSettings GetSessionSettings(PorlaSettings settings); // sessions.settings.list
// presets
ReadOnlyDictionary<string, PorlaPreset> ListPresets(PorlaSettings settings); // presets.list
// torrents
PorlaTorrent AddMagnetTorrent(PorlaSettings settings, string uri, IList<string>? tags = null); // torrents.add
PorlaTorrent AddTorrentFile(PorlaSettings settings, byte[] fileContent, IList<string>? tags = null); // torrents.add
void RemoveTorrent(PorlaSettings settings, bool removeData, PorlaTorrent[] pts); // torrents.remove
// torrents.move
void PauseTorrent(PorlaSettings settings, PorlaTorrent pt); // torrents.pause
void ResumeTorrent(PorlaSettings settings, PorlaTorrent pt); // torrents.resume
ReadOnlyCollection<PorlaTorrentDetail> ListTorrents(PorlaSettings settings, int page = 0, int size = int.MaxValue); // torrents.list
// torrents.recheck
// torrents.files.list
// torrents.metadata.list
// torrents.trackers.list
// torrents.peers
// torrents.peer.add
// torrents.peer.list
public class PorlaProxy : IPorlaProxy
private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient;
private readonly Logger _logger;
public PorlaProxy(IHttpClient httpClient, Logger logger)
_httpClient = httpClient;
_logger = logger;
private T ProcessRequest<T>(PorlaSettings settings, string method, params object?[] parameters)
var baseUrl = HttpRequestBuilder.BuildBaseUrl(settings.UseSsl, settings.Host, settings.Port, settings.UrlBase);
var jwt = settings.InfinteJWT ??= string.Empty;
var apiurl = settings.ApiUrl ??= string.Empty;
// this block will run a lot, don't want to be too noisy in the logs
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jwt))
// _logger.Warn("Porla: We don't implemenet alternate JWT methods (yet)")
// add logic here
// _logger.Notice("Porla: Setting Infinte JWT")
var requestBuilder = new JsonRpcRequestBuilder(baseUrl, method, true, parameters)
.SetHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {jwt}");
requestBuilder.LogResponseContent = true;
var httpRequest = requestBuilder.Build();
HttpResponse response;
// TODO: catch and throw auth exceptions like in Qbit
response = _httpClient.Execute(httpRequest);
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
throw new DownloadClientException("Unable to connect to Porla, please check your settings", ex);
catch (HttpException ex)
throw new DownloadClientException("Unable to connect to Porla, please check your settings", ex);
catch (WebException ex)
if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.TrustFailure)
throw new DownloadClientUnavailableException("Unable to connect to Porla, certificate validation failed.", ex);
throw new DownloadClientUnavailableException("Unable to connect to Porla, please check your settings", ex);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error("Unkown Connection Error");
throw new DownloadClientException("Unable to connect to Porla, Unkown error", ex);
var result = Json.Deserialize<JsonRpcResponse<T>>(response.Content);
if (result.Error != null)
throw new DownloadClientException("Error response received from Porla: {0}", result.Error.ToString());
return result.Result;
private void LogSupposedToBeNothing(string method, string something)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(something))
_logger.Warn($"method: {method} was not expected to return: {something}");
// sys
public PorlaSysVersions GetSysVersion(PorlaSettings settings)
return ProcessRequest<PorlaSysVersions>(settings, "sys.versions");
// fs
// session
public ReadOnlyCollection<PorlaSession> ListSessions(PorlaSettings settings)
var sessions = ProcessRequest<ResponsePorlaSessionList>(settings, "sessions.list");
return sessions.Sessions;
public void PauseSessions(PorlaSettings settings)
var empty = ProcessRequest<string>(settings, "sessions.pause");
LogSupposedToBeNothing("PauseSessions", empty);
public void ResumeSessions(PorlaSettings settings)
var empty = ProcessRequest<string>(settings, "sessions.resume");
LogSupposedToBeNothing("ResumeSessions", empty);
public PorlaSessionSettings GetSessionSettings(PorlaSettings settings)
var resp = ProcessRequest<ResponsePorlaSessionSettingsList>(settings, "sessions.settings.list");
return resp.Settings;
// presets
public ReadOnlyDictionary<string, PorlaPreset> ListPresets(PorlaSettings settings)
var presets = ProcessRequest<ResponsePorlaPresetsList>(settings, "presets.list");
return presets.Presets;
// torrents
public PorlaTorrent AddMagnetTorrent(PorlaSettings settings, string uri, IList<string>? tags = null)
var dir = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.TvDirectory) ? null : settings.TvDirectory;
var category = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Category) ? "" : settings.Category;
var preset = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Preset) ? "" : settings.Preset;
var torrent = ProcessRequest<PorlaTorrent>(settings, "torrents.add", "preset", preset, "tags", tags, "category", category, "magnet_uri", uri, "save_path", dir);
return torrent;
public PorlaTorrent AddTorrentFile(PorlaSettings settings, byte[] fileContent, IList<string>? tags = null)
var dir = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.TvDirectory) ? null : settings.TvDirectory;
var category = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Category) ? "" : settings.Category;
var preset = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Preset) ? "" : settings.Preset;
var torrent = ProcessRequest<PorlaTorrent>(settings, "torrents.add", "preset", preset, "tags", tags, "category", category, "ti", fileContent.ToBase64(), "save_path", dir);
return torrent;
public void RemoveTorrent(PorlaSettings settings, bool removeData, PorlaTorrent[] pts)
var empty = ProcessRequest<string>(settings, "torrents.remove", "info_hashes", pts.SelectMany(pt => pt.AsParam()).ToArray(), "remove_data", removeData);
LogSupposedToBeNothing("RemoveTorrent", empty);
public void PauseTorrent(PorlaSettings settings, PorlaTorrent pt)
var empty = ProcessRequest<string>(settings, "torrents.pause", pt.AsParams());
LogSupposedToBeNothing("PauseTorrent", empty);
public void ResumeTorrent(PorlaSettings settings, PorlaTorrent pt)
var empty = ProcessRequest<string>(settings, "torrents.resume", pt.AsParams());
LogSupposedToBeNothing("ResumeTorrent", empty);
public ReadOnlyCollection<PorlaTorrentDetail> ListTorrents(PorlaSettings settings, int page = 0, int size = int.MaxValue)
// cheating with the int.MaxValue. Should do proper Pagination :P
var resp = ProcessRequest<ResponsePorlaTorrentList>(settings, "torrents.list", "filters", new { category = settings.Category ?? "" }, "page", page, "size", size);
return resp.Torrents;