FROM binhex/arch-openvpn:latest MAINTAINER binhex # additional files ################## # add supervisor conf file for app ADD build/*.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ # add bash scripts to install app ADD build/root/*.sh /root/ # add run bash scripts ADD run/root/*.sh /root/ # add run bash scripts ADD run/nobody/*.sh /home/nobody/ # add pre-configured config files for nobody ADD config/nobody/ /home/nobody/ # install app ############# # make executable and run bash scripts to install app RUN chmod +x /root/*.sh /home/nobody/*.sh && \ /bin/bash /root/ # docker settings ################# # map /config to host defined config path (used to store configuration from app) VOLUME /config # map /data to host defined data path (used to store data from app) VOLUME /data # expose port for incoming connections (used only if vpn disabled) EXPOSE 6881 # expose port for qbittorrent http EXPOSE 8080 # expose port for privoxy EXPOSE 8118 # set permissions ################# # run script to set uid, gid and permissions CMD ["/bin/bash", "/root/"]