You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

337 lines
13 KiB

try {
// Check if config.json exists
} catch (err) {
console.error('No config.json found! Please run \'npm run setup\'');
// Load the config
const { host, port, useSsl, resourceIdSize, diskFilePath, gfyIdSize, resourceIdType, isProxied, s3enabled, saveAsOriginal } = require('./config.json');
//#region Imports
4 years ago
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const express = require('express');
const helmet = require("helmet");
const escape = require('escape-html');
4 years ago
const useragent = require('express-useragent');
const rateLimit = require("express-rate-limit");
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
4 years ago
const marked = require('marked');
const { DateTime } = require('luxon');
const { WebhookClient, MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const OpenGraph = require('./ogp');
const Thumbnail = require('./thumbnails');
const Vibrant = require('./vibrant');
const Hash = require('./hash');
const { uploadLocal, uploadS3, deleteS3 } = require('./storage');
const { path, saveData, log, verify, getTrueHttp, getTrueDomain, renameFile, generateToken, generateId, formatBytes, arrayEquals, getS3url, downloadTempS3, sanitize } = require('./utils');
4 years ago
//#region Variables, module setup
const ASS_LOGO = '';
4 years ago
const app = express();
4 years ago
// Configure filename and location settings
let users = {};
let data = {};
4 years ago
* Operations to run to ensure ass can start properly
4 years ago
function preStartup() {
// Make sure data.json exists
if (!fs.existsSync(path('data.json'))) {
fs.writeJsonSync(path('data.json'), data, { spaces: 4 });
log('File [data.json] created');
} else log('File [data.json] exists');
4 years ago
// Make sure auth.json exists and generate the first key
if (!fs.existsSync(path('auth.json'))) {
const token = generateToken();
users[token] = { username: 'ass', count: 0 };
fs.writeJsonSync(path('auth.json'), { users }, { spaces: 4 });
log(`File [auth.json] created\n!! Important: save this token in a secure spot: ${Object.keys(users)[0]}\n`);
} else log('File [auth.json] exists');
4 years ago
// Read users and data
users = fs.readJsonSync(path('auth.json')).users || {};
data = fs.readJsonSync(path('data.json'));
log('Users & data read from filesystem');
// Monitor auth.json for changes (triggered by running 'npm run new-token')'auth.json'), { persistent: false }, (eventType) => eventType === 'change' && fs.readJson(path('auth.json'))
.then((json) => !(arrayEquals(Object.keys(users), Object.keys(json.users))) && (users = json.users) && log(`New token added: ${Object.keys(users)[Object.keys(users).length - 1]}`)) // skipcq: JS-0243
// Create thumbnails directory
fs.ensureDirSync(path(diskFilePath, 'thumbnails'));
4 years ago
* Builds the router
* ///todo: make this separate
4 years ago
function startup() {
// Enable/disable Express features
app.enable('case sensitive routing');
// Set Express variables
app.set('trust proxy', isProxied);
4 years ago
app.set('view engine', 'pug');
// Express middleware
4 years ago
// Helmet security middleware
useSsl && app.use(helmet.hsts({ preload: true })); // skipcq: JS-0093
// Rate limit middleware
windowMs: 1000 * 60, // 60 seconds // skipcq: JS-0074
max: 90 // Limit each IP to 30 requests per windowMs // skipcq: JS-0074
// Don't process favicon requests (custom middleware)
app.use((req, res, next) => (req.url.includes('favicon.ico') ? res.sendStatus(CODE_NO_CONTENT) : next()));
4 years ago
// Index
app.get('/', (_req, res, next) =>
.then((bytes) => bytes.toString())
.then((d) => res.render('index', { data: d }))
4 years ago
// Block unauthorized requests and attempt token sanitization'/', (req, res, next) => {
req.token = req.headers.authorization.replace(/[^\da-z]/gi, ''); // Strip anything that isn't a digit or ASCII letter
!verify(req, users) ? res.sendStatus(CODE_UNAUTHORIZED) : next(); // skipcq: JS-0093
// Generate ID's to use for other functions'/', (req, _res, next) => (req.randomId = generateId('random', 32, null, null), next())); // skipcq: JS-0074, JS-0086, JS-0090'/', (req, _res, next) => (req.deleteId = generateId('random', 32, null, null), next())); // skipcq: JS-0074, JS-0086, JS-0090
4 years ago
// Upload file (local & S3) // skipcq: JS-0093
?'/', (req, res, next) => uploadS3(req, res, (error) => ((error) && console.error(error), next()))) // skipcq: JS-0090
:'/', uploadLocal, ({ next }) => next());
// Pre-response operations'/', (req, _res, next) => {
req.file.randomId = req.randomId;
req.file.deleteId = req.deleteId;
// Sanitize filename just in case Multer didn't catch it
req.file.originalname = sanitize(req.file.originalname);
// Download a temp copy to work with if using S3 storage
(s3enabled ? downloadTempS3(req.file) : new Promise((resolve) => resolve()))
// Generate the Thumbnail, Vibrant, and SHA1 hash
.then(() => Promise.all([Thumbnail(req.file), Vibrant(req.file), Hash(req.file)]))
// skipcq: JS-0086
.then(([thumbnail, vibrant, sha1]) => (
req.file.thumbnail = thumbnail,// skipcq: JS-0090
req.file.vibrant = vibrant,// skipcq: JS-0090
req.file.sha1 = sha1// skipcq: JS-0090
// Remove the temp file if using S3 storage, otherwise rename the local file
.then(() => (s3enabled ? fs.remove(path(diskFilePath, req.file.originalname)) : renameFile(req, saveAsOriginal ? req.file.originalname : req.file.sha1)))
.then(() => next())
.catch((err) => next(err));
// Process uploaded file'/', (req, res) => {
// Load overrides
const trueDomain = getTrueDomain(req.headers["x-ass-domain"]);
const generator = req.headers["x-ass-access"] || resourceIdType;
4 years ago
// Get the uploaded time in milliseconds
req.file.timestamp =;
// Keep track of the token that uploaded the resource
req.file.token = req.token;
// Attach any embed overrides, if necessary
req.file.opengraph = {
title: req.headers['x-ass-og-title'],
description: req.headers['x-ass-og-description'],
author: req.headers['x-ass-og-author'],
authorUrl: req.headers['x-ass-og-author-url'],
provider: req.headers['x-ass-og-provider'],
providerUrl: req.headers['x-ass-og-provider-url'],
color: req.headers['x-ass-og-color']
// Save the file information
const resourceId = generateId(generator, resourceIdSize, req.headers['x-ass-gfycat'] || gfyIdSize, req.file.originalname);
data[resourceId.split('.')[0]] = req.file;
// Log the upload
const logInfo = `${req.file.originalname} (${req.file.mimetype})`;
log(`Uploaded: ${logInfo} (user: ${users[req.token] ? users[req.token].username : '<token-only>'})`);
// Build the URLs
const resourceUrl = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}/${resourceId}`;
const thumbnailUrl = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}/${resourceId}/thumbnail`;
const deleteUrl = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}/${resourceId}/delete/${req.file.deleteId}`;
// Send the response
res.type('json').send({ resource: resourceUrl, thumbnail: thumbnailUrl, delete: deleteUrl })
.on('finish', () => {
// After we have sent the user the response, also send a Webhook to Discord (if headers are present)
if (req.headers['x-ass-webhook-client'] && req.headers['x-ass-webhook-token']) {
// Build the webhook client & embed
const whc = new WebhookClient(req.headers['x-ass-webhook-client'], req.headers['x-ass-webhook-token']);
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`**Size:** \`${formatBytes(req.file.size)}\`\n**[Delete](${deleteUrl})**`)
// Send the embed to the webhook, then delete the client after to free resources
whc.send(null, {
username: req.headers['x-ass-webhook-username'] || 'ass',
avatarURL: req.headers['x-ass-webhook-avatar'] || ASS_LOGO,
embeds: [embed]
}).then(() => whc.destroy());
// Also update the users upload count
if (!users[req.token]) {
const generateUsername = () => generateId('random', 20, null); // skipcq: JS-0074
let username = generateUsername();
while (Object.values(users).findIndex((user) => user.username === username) !== -1) // skipcq: JS-0073
username = generateUsername();
users[req.token] = { username, count: 0 };
users[req.token].count += 1;
fs.writeJsonSync(path('auth.json'), { users }, { spaces: 4 })
4 years ago
// Middleware for parsing the resource ID and handling 404
app.use('/:resourceId', (req, res, next) => {
// Parse the resource ID
req.ass = { resourceId: escape(req.params.resourceId).split('.')[0] };
4 years ago
// If the ID is invalid, return 404. Otherwise, continue normally // skipcq: JS-0093
(!req.ass.resourceId || !data[req.ass.resourceId]) ? res.sendStatus(CODE_NOT_FOUND) : next();
// View file
4 years ago
app.get('/:resourceId', (req, res) => {
const { resourceId } = req.ass;
const fileData = data[resourceId];
4 years ago
const requiredItems = {
4 years ago
randomId: fileData.randomId,
originalname: escape(fileData.originalname),
mimetype: fileData.mimetype,
size: fileData.size,
timestamp: fileData.timestamp,
opengraph: fileData.opengraph,
vibrant: fileData.vibrant,
// If the client is a social bot (such as Discord or Instagram), send an Open Graph embed
4 years ago
if (req.useragent.isBot) return res.type('html').send(new OpenGraph(getTrueHttp(), getTrueDomain(), resourceId, requiredItems).build());
else res.redirect(`${req.url}/direct`);
// Direct resource
app.get('/:resourceId/direct*', (req, res) => {
const { resourceId } = req.ass;
const fileData = data[resourceId];
// Return the file differently depending on what storage option was used
const uploaders = {
s3: () => fetch(getS3url(fileData.randomId, fileData.mimetype)).then((file) => {
file.headers.forEach((value, header) => res.setHeader(header, value));
local: () => {
res.header('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes').header('Content-Length', fileData.size).type(fileData.mimetype);
uploaders[s3enabled ? 's3' : 'local']();
4 years ago
// Thumbnail response
app.get('/:resourceId/thumbnail', (req, res) => {
const { resourceId } = req.ass;
// Read the file and send it to the client
fs.readFile(path(diskFilePath, 'thumbnails/', data[resourceId].thumbnail))
.then((fileData) => res.type('jpg').send(fileData))
// oEmbed response for clickable authors/providers
app.get('/:resourceId/oembed.json', (req, res) => {
const { resourceId } = req.ass;
// Build the oEmbed object & send the response
const { opengraph, mimetype } = data[resourceId];
version: '1.0',
type: mimetype.includes('video') ? 'video' : 'photo',
author_url: opengraph.authorUrl,
provider_name: opengraph.provider,
provider_url: opengraph.providerUrl
// Delete file
app.get('/:resourceId/delete/:deleteId', (req, res) => {
const { resourceId } = req.ass;
const deleteId = escape(req.params.deleteId);
const fileData = data[resourceId];
// If the delete ID doesn't match, don't delete the file
if (deleteId !== fileData.deleteId) return res.sendStatus(CODE_UNAUTHORIZED);
4 years ago
// If the ID is invalid, return 400 because we are unable to process the resource
if (!resourceId || !fileData) return res.sendStatus(CODE_BAD_REQUEST);
log(`Deleted: ${fileData.originalname} (${fileData.mimetype})`);
// Save the file information
Promise.all([s3enabled ? deleteS3(fileData) : fs.rmSync(path(fileData.path)), fs.rmSync(path(diskFilePath, 'thumbnails/', fileData.thumbnail))])
.then(() => {
delete data[resourceId];
res.type('text').send('File has been deleted!');
// Host the server
app.listen(port, host, () => log(`Server started on [${host}:${port}]\nAuthorized users: ${Object.keys(users).length}\nAvailable files: ${Object.keys(data).length}`));