name : Report bug
description : Report a new bug
title : "[BUG] Title"
labels : bug
body :
- type : markdown
attributes :
value : |
## Thank you for reporting a bug!
Please fill in the following information to assist us in resolving the issue.
- type : checkboxes
id : existing-issue
attributes :
label : Is there an existing Issue for this bug?
description : Search for an existing issue to avoid duplicates.
options :
- label : I have searched the existing issues
required : true
- type : textarea
id : expected-behavior
attributes :
label : Expected behavior
description : What should happen?
validations :
required : true
- type : textarea
id : actual-behavior
attributes :
label : Actual behavior
description : What happens instead?
validations :
required : true
- type : textarea
id : steps-to-reproduce
attributes :
label : Steps to reproduce
description : How can we reproduce this bug?
placeholder : |
1 . Go to '...'
2 . Click on '....'
3 . Scroll down to '....'
4 . See error
validations :
required : false
- type : textarea
id : logs
attributes :
label : Logs (optional)
description : If any errors are encountered, please attach the logs
render : text
- type : markdown
attributes :
value : |
### Environment details
- type : input
id : ass-version
attributes :
label : ass version
description : Which version of ass does this bug occur in?
validations :
required : true
- type : dropdown
id : deployment
attributes :
label : Deployment
description : Manual install or Docker?
options :
- Manual
- Docker
validations :
required : true
- type : input
id : operating-system
attributes :
label : Operating system
description : What is the name and version of the OS?
validations :
required : true
- type : input
id : node-version
attributes :
label : Node version
description : What is the version of Node.js?
validations :
required : true