import { Router, json as BodyParserJson } from 'express';
import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt'
import { log } from '../log';
import { UserConfig } from '../UserConfig';
import * as data from '../data';
import { AssUser, AssUserNewReq } from 'ass';
import { nanoid } from '../generators';
import { MySql } from '../sql/mysql';
const router = Router({ caseSensitive: true });
// Setup route
router.post('/setup', BodyParserJson(), async (req, res) => {
if (UserConfig.ready)
return res.status(409).json({ success: false, message: 'User config already exists' });
log.debug('Setup initiated');
try {
// Parse body
new UserConfig(req.body);
// Save config
await UserConfig.saveConfigFile();
// Set data storage (not files) to SQL if required
if (UserConfig.config.sql?.mySql != null)
await Promise.all([MySql.configure(), data.setDataModeToSql()]);
return res.json({ success: true });
} catch (err: any) {
return res.status(400).json({ success: false, message: err.message });
// todo: authenticate API endpoints
router.post('/user', BodyParserJson(), async (req, res) => {
if (!UserConfig.ready)
return res.status(409).json({ success: false, message: 'User config not ready' });
const newUser = req.body as AssUserNewReq;
// Run input validation
let issue: false | string = false;
let user: AssUser;
try {
// Username check
if (!newUser.username) issue = 'Missing username';
newUser.username.replaceAll(/[^A-z0-9_-]/g, '');
if (newUser.username === '') issue = 'Invalid username';
// Password check
if (!newUser.password) issue = 'Missing password';
if (newUser.password === '') issue = 'Invalid password';
newUser.password = newUser.password.substring(0, 128);
// todo: figure out how to check admin:boolean and meta:{}
// Create new AssUser objet
user = {
id: nanoid(32),
username: newUser.username,
password: await bcrypt.hash(newUser.password, 10),
admin: newUser.admin ?? false,
meta: newUser.meta ?? {},
tokens: [],
files: []
log.debug(`Creating ${user.admin ? 'admin' : 'regular'} user`, user.username, user.id);
// todo: also check duplicate usernames
await data.put('users', user.id, user);
} catch (err: any) { issue = `Error: ${err.message}`; }
if (issue) return res.status(400).json({ success: false, messsage: issue });
log.debug(`User created`, user!.username);
res.json(({ success: true, message: `User ${user!.username} created` }));
export { router };