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import fs from 'fs-extra';
import sharp from 'sharp';
import Vibrant from 'node-vibrant';
import ffmpeg from 'ffmpeg-static';
import { exec } from 'child_process';
import { removeLocation } from '@xoi/gps-metadata-remover';
import { isProd } from '@tycrek/joint';
import shell from 'any-shell-escape';
type SrcDest = { src: string, dest: string };
* Strips GPS EXIF data from a file
export const removeGPS = (file: string): Promise<boolean> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>, 'r+')
.then((fd) => removeLocation(file,
// Read function
(size: number, offset: number): Promise<Buffer> =>, Buffer.alloc(size), 0, size, offset)
.then(({ buffer }) => Promise.resolve(buffer)),
// Write function
(val: string, offset: number, enc: BufferEncoding): Promise<void> =>
fs.write(fd, Buffer.alloc(val.length, val, enc), 0, val.length, offset)
.then(() => Promise.resolve())))
const VIBRANT = { COLOURS: 256, QUALITY: 3 };
export const vibrant = (file: string, mimetype: string): Promise<string> => new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
// todo: random hex colour
mimetype.includes('video') || mimetype.includes('webp') ? `#335599`
: sharp(file).png().toBuffer()
.then((data) => Vibrant.from(data)
.then((palettes) => resolve(palettes[Object.keys(palettes).sort((a, b) => palettes[b]!.population - palettes[a]!.population)[0]]!.hex))
.catch((err) => reject(err))
* Thumbnail operations
export class Thumbnail {
private static readonly THUMBNAIL = {
WIDTH: 200 * 2,
HEIGHT: 140 * 2,
private static getImageThumbnail({ src, dest }: SrcDest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
.resize(this.THUMBNAIL.WIDTH, this.THUMBNAIL.HEIGHT, { kernel: 'cubic' })
.jpeg({ quality: this.THUMBNAIL.QUALITY })
private static getVideoThumbnail({ src, dest }: SrcDest) {
exec(this.getCommand({ src, dest }))
private static getCommand({ src, dest }: SrcDest) {
return shell([
ffmpeg, '-y',
'-v', (isProd() ? 'error' : 'debug'), // Log level
'-i', src, // Input file
'-ss', '00:00:01.000', // Timestamp of frame to grab
'-vf', `scale=${this.THUMBNAIL.WIDTH}:${this.THUMBNAIL.HEIGHT}:force_original_aspect_ratio=increase,crop=${this.THUMBNAIL.WIDTH}:${this.THUMBNAIL.HEIGHT}`, // Dimensions of output file
'-frames:v', '1', // Number of frames to grab
dest // Output file
// old default
export default (file: FileData): Promise<string> =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
( ? getVideoThumbnail : ( && !file.mimetype.includes('webp')) ? getImageThumbnail : () => Promise.resolve())(file)
.then(() => resolve(( || ? getNewName(file.randomId) : ? 'views/ass-audio-icon.png' : 'views/ass-file-icon.png'))