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import { AssFile, AssUser, FilesSchema, UsersSchema } from 'ass';
import path, { resolve } from 'path';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import { Database, DatabaseTable, DatabaseValue } from './database.js';
import { log } from '../log.js';
import { nanoid } from '../generators.js';
* Absolute filepaths for JSON data files
const PATHS = {
files: path.join('.ass-data/files.json'),
users: path.join('.ass-data/users.json')
* map from tables to paths
const PATHMAP = {
assfiles: PATHS.files,
assusers: PATHS.users
} as { [index: string]: string };
* map from tables to sectors
const SECTORMAP = {
assfiles: 'files',
assusers: 'users'
} as { [index: string]: string };
const bothWriter = async (files: FilesSchema, users: UsersSchema) => {
await fs.writeJson(PATHS.files, files, { spaces: '\t' });
await fs.writeJson(PATHS.users, users, { spaces: '\t' });
* Creates a JSON file with a given empty data template
const createEmptyJson = (filepath: string, emptyData: any): Promise<void> => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (!(await fs.pathExists(filepath))) {
await fs.ensureFile(filepath);
await fs.writeJson(filepath, emptyData, { spaces: '\t' });
resolve(void 0);
} catch (err) {
* Ensures the data files exist and creates them if required
export const ensureFiles = (): Promise<void> => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
log.debug('Checking data files');
try {
// * Default files.json
await createEmptyJson(PATHS.files, {
files: {},
useSql: false,
meta: {}
} as FilesSchema);
// * Default users.json
await createEmptyJson(PATHS.users, {
tokens: [],
users: {},
cliKey: nanoid(32),
useSql: false,
meta: {}
} as UsersSchema);
log.debug('Data files exist');
} catch (err) {
log.error('Failed to verify existence of data files');
1 year ago
* JSON database. i know json isnt sql, shut up.
export class JSONDatabase implements Database {
public open(): Promise<void> { return Promise.resolve() }
public close(): Promise<void> { return Promise.resolve() }
public configure(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
public put(table: DatabaseTable, key: string, data: DatabaseValue): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
if (table == 'assfiles') {
// ? Local JSON
const filesJson = await fs.readJson(PATHS.files) as FilesSchema;
// Check if key already exists
if (filesJson.files[key] != null) return reject(new Error(`File key ${key} already exists`));
// Otherwise add the data
filesJson.files[key] = data as AssFile;
// Also save the key to the users file
const usersJson = await fs.readJson(PATHS.users) as UsersSchema;
// todo: uncomment this once users are implemented
// usersJson.users[data.uploader].files.push(key);
// Save the files
await bothWriter(filesJson, usersJson);
} else if (table == 'assusers') {
// ? Local JSON
const usersJson = await fs.readJson(PATHS.users) as UsersSchema;
// Check if key already exists
if (usersJson.users[key] != null) return reject(new Error(`User key ${key} already exists`));
// Otherwise add the data
usersJson.users[key] = data as AssUser;
await fs.writeJson(PATHS.users, usersJson, { spaces: '\t' });
public get(table: DatabaseTable, key: string): Promise<DatabaseValue | undefined> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const data = (await fs.readJson(PATHMAP[table]))[SECTORMAP[table]][key];
(!data) ? resolve(undefined) : resolve(data);
public getAll(table: DatabaseTable): Promise<{ [index: string]: DatabaseValue }> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const data = (await fs.readJson(PATHMAP[table]))[SECTORMAP[table]];
(!data) ? resolve({}) : resolve(data);