@ -183,14 +183,44 @@ export const deleteUser = (unid: string): Promise<void> => new Promise((resolve,
// Remove the user from the users map
users.splice(users.indexOf(user), 1);
// Save the new user to auth.json
const authPath = path('auth.json');
const authData = fs.readJsonSync(authPath) as Users;
const userIndex = authData.users.findIndex((user) => user.unid === unid);
authData.users.splice(userIndex, 1);
fs.writeJson(authPath, authData, { spaces: '\t' })
// Remove the user's files
data().get().then((fileData: [string, FileData][]) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Create a queue of functions to run
const queue = fileData.map(([key, file]) => async () => {
if (file.uploader === unid) {
// Delete the file
const p = path(file.path);
await fs.unlink(p);
// Delete the thumbnail
const t = path(`uploads/thumbnails/${file.thumbnail}`);
await fs.unlink(t);
// Delete the info from the datafile
await data().del(key);
// Recursively run the queue (see note above in `migrate()`)
const runQueue = (index: number) => {
if (index >= queue.length) return resolve(void 0);
queue[index]().then(() => runQueue(index + 1)).catch(reject);
.then(() => {
// Save the new user to auth.json
const authPath = path('auth.json');
const authData = fs.readJsonSync(authPath) as Users;
const userIndex = authData.users.findIndex((user) => user.unid === unid);
authData.users.splice(userIndex, 1);
return fs.writeJson(authPath, authData, { spaces: '\t' })
.then(() => resolve())