feat: wrote new upload flow

Josh Moore 1 year ago
parent 26e4f679ce
commit f8930fa299

@ -1,9 +1,72 @@
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import bb from 'express-busboy';
import { Router } from 'express';
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';
import { log } from '../log';
import { UserConfig } from '../UserConfig';
import { random } from '../generators';
import { BusBoyFile, AssFile } from 'ass';
const router = Router({ caseSensitive: true });
//@ts-ignore // Required since bb.extends expects express.Application, not a Router (but it still works)
bb.extend(router, {
upload: true,
restrictMultiple: true,
allowedPath: (url: string) => url === '/',
limits: {
fileSize: () => (UserConfig.ready ? UserConfig.config.maximumFileSize : 50) * 1000000 // MB
// Render or redirect
router.get('/', (req, res) => UserConfig.ready ? res.render('index') : res.redirect('/setup'));
// Upload flow
router.post('/', async (req, res) => {
// Check user config
if (!UserConfig.ready) return res.status(500).type('text').send('Configuration missing!');
// Does the file actually exist
if (!req.files || !req.files['file']) return res.status(400).type('text').send('No file was provided!');
// Type-check the file data
const bbFile: BusBoyFile = req.files['file'];
// Prepare file move
const uploads = UserConfig.config.uploadsDir;
const timestamp = Date.now().toString();
const destination = `${uploads}${uploads.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/'}${timestamp}_${bbFile.filename}`;
// todo: S3
try {
// Move the file
await fs.move(bbFile.file, destination);
// Build ass metadata
const assFile: AssFile = {
fakeid: random({ length: UserConfig.config.idSize }), // todo: more generators
id: nanoid(32),
mimetype: bbFile.mimetype,
filename: bbFile.filename,
uploader: '0', // todo: users
save: { local: destination },
sha256: '0' // todo: hashing
log.debug('File saved to', assFile.save.local!);
// todo: save metadata
return res.type('json').send({ resource: `${req.ass.host}/${assFile.fakeid}` });
} catch (err) {
log.error('Failed to upload file', bbFile.filename);
return res.status(500).send(err);
export { router };
