const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const themePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'share', 'theme.json'); /** * ! IMPORTANT ! * Do NOT edit this file directly! * * Instead, edit the `theme.js` file in the `share` directory. * For more info, please see the README: */ const defaults = { // Font font: '"Josefin Sans"', // Background colours bgPage: '#212121', bgViewer: '#151515', // Text colours txtPrimary: '#FD842D', txtSecondary: '#BDBDBD', // Links linkHover: '#FD710D', linkActive: '#DE5E02', // Other borderHover: '#B64D02', }; let theme = {}; if (fs.existsSync(themePath)) theme = fs.readJsonSync(themePath); module.exports = { separator: '_', darkMode: 'class', plugins: [ //require('tailwindcss-textshadow') ], content: ['./views/**/*.pug'], theme: { extend: { fontFamily: { main: [theme.font || defaults.font, 'ui-sans-serif', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'] }, backgroundColor: { 'page': theme.bgPage || defaults.bgPage, 'viewer': theme.bgViewer || defaults.bgViewer, }, colors: { 'primary': theme.txtPrimary || defaults.txtPrimary, 'secondary': theme.txtSecondary || defaults.txtSecondary, 'link-hover': theme.linkHover || defaults.linkHover, 'link-active': theme.linkActive || defaults.linkActive, }, borderColor: { 'hover': theme.borderHover || defaults.borderHover }, maxHeight: { 'half-port': '50vh' }, borderRadius: { '24': '24px' }, fontSize: { 'footer': '0.9rem' } } } };