try { // Check if config.json exists require('./config.json'); } catch (err) { console.error('No config.json found! Please run \'npm run setup\''); process.exit(1); } // Load the config const { host, port, useSsl, diskFilePath, isProxied, s3enabled } = require('./config.json'); //#region Imports const fs = require('fs-extra'); const express = require('express'); const helmet = require('helmet'); const marked = require('marked'); const uploadRouter = require('./routers/upload'); const resourceRouter = require('./routers/resource'); const { path, log, getTrueHttp, getTrueDomain } = require('./utils'); const { CODE_NO_CONTENT, CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR } = require('./MagicNumbers.json'); const { name: ASS_NAME, version: ASS_VERSION } = require('./package.json'); //#endregion // Welcome :D log.blank().info(`* ${ASS_NAME} v${ASS_VERSION} *`).blank(); // Set up premium frontend const FRONTEND_NAME = 'ass-x'; // <-- Change this to use a custom frontend const ASS_PREMIUM = fs.existsSync(`./${FRONTEND_NAME}/package.json`) ? (require('submodule'), require(`./${FRONTEND_NAME}`)) : { enabled: false }; //#region Variables, module setup const app = express(); const ROUTERS = { upload: uploadRouter, resource: resourceRouter }; // Read users and data const users = require('./auth'); const data = require('./data'); //#endregion // Create thumbnails directory fs.ensureDirSync(path(diskFilePath, 'thumbnails')); // Enable/disable Express features app.enable('case sensitive routing'); app.disable('x-powered-by'); // Set Express variables app.set('trust proxy', isProxied); app.set('view engine', 'pug'); // Express logger middleware app.use(; // Helmet security middleware app.use(helmet.noSniff()); app.use(helmet.ieNoOpen()); app.use(helmet.xssFilter()); app.use(helmet.referrerPolicy()); app.use(helmet.dnsPrefetchControl()); useSsl && app.use(helmet.hsts({ preload: true })); // skipcq: JS-0093 // Don't process favicon requests (custom middleware) app.use((req, res, next) => (req.url.includes('favicon.ico') ? res.sendStatus(CODE_NO_CONTENT) : next())); // Index can be overridden by a frontend app.get('/', (req, res, next) => (ASS_PREMIUM.enabled && ASS_PREMIUM.index) ? ASS_PREMIUM.index(req, res, next) : fs.readFile(path('')) .then((bytes) => bytes.toString()) .then(marked) .then((d) => res.render('index', { data: d })) .catch(next)); // Upload router app.use('/', ROUTERS.upload); // Attach frontend, if enabled ASS_PREMIUM.enabled && app.use(ASS_PREMIUM.endpoint, ASS_PREMIUM.router); // skipcq: JS-0093 // '/:resouceId' always needs to be LAST since it's a catch-all route app.use('/:resourceId', (req, _, next) => (req.resourceId = req.params.resourceId, next()), ROUTERS.resource); // skipcq: JS-0086, JS-0090 app.use((err, req, res, next) => { console.error(err); res.sendStatus(CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }); // Host the server log .info('Users', `${Object.keys(users).length}`) .info('Files', `${data.size}`) .info('StorageEngine',, data.type) .info('Frontend', ASS_PREMIUM.enabled ? ASS_PREMIUM.brand : 'disabled', `${ASS_PREMIUM.enabled ? `${getTrueHttp()}${getTrueDomain()}${ASS_PREMIUM.endpoint}` : ''}`) .info('Index redirect', ASS_PREMIUM.enabled && ASS_PREMIUM.index ? `enable` : 'disabled') .blank() .callback(() => { if (process.argv[2] && process.argv[2] === '--docker-compose') fs.ensureDir(require('path').join(process.cwd(), 'share')).then(() => log .info('docker-compose', 'Exiting in 5 seconds...') .callback(() => setTimeout(() => process.exit(0), 5000))) }) .express().Host(app, port, host, () => log.success('Ready for uploads', `Storing resources ${s3enabled ? 'in S3' : 'on disk'}`));