import express, { Request, Response, NextFunction, RequestHandler, json as BodyParserJson } from 'express'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import { path, isProd } from '@tycrek/joint'; import { epcss } from '@tycrek/express-postcss'; import tailwindcss from 'tailwindcss'; import { log } from './log'; import { ServerConfiguration } from 'ass'; /** * Custom middleware to attach the ass object (and construct the `host` property) */ function assMetaMiddleware(port: number, proxied: boolean): RequestHandler { return (req: Request, _res: Response, next: NextFunction) => { req.ass = { host: `${req.protocol}://${req.hostname}${proxied ? '' : `:${port}`}` }; next(); } } /** * Main function. * Yes I'm using main() in TS, cry about it */ async function main() { // Set default server configuration const serverConfig: ServerConfiguration = { host: '', port: 40115, proxied: isProd() }; // Replace with user details, if necessary try { const exists = await fs.pathExists(path.join('server.json')); if (exists) { // Read file const { host, port, proxied } = await fs.readJson(path.join('server.json')) as { host?: string, port?: number, proxied?: boolean }; // Set details, if available if (host) = host; if (port) serverConfig.port = port; if (proxied != undefined) serverConfig.proxied = proxied; log.debug('server.json', `${host ? `host=${host},` : ''}${port ? `port=${port},` : ''}${proxied != undefined ? `proxied=${proxied},` : ''}`); } } catch (err) { log.error('Failed to read server.json'); console.error(err); throw err; } // Set up Express const app = express(); app.enable('case sensitive routing'); app.disable('x-powered-by'); app.set('trust proxy', serverConfig.proxied); app.set('view engine', 'pug'); app.set('views', 'views2/'); // Middleware app.use(; app.use(BodyParserJson()); app.use(assMetaMiddleware(serverConfig.port, serverConfig.proxied)); // CSS app.use('/.css', epcss({ cssPath: path.join('tailwind2.css'), plugins: [ tailwindcss, (await import('autoprefixer')).default(), (await import('cssnano')).default(), (await import('@tinycreek/postcss-font-magician')).default(), ], warn: (warning: Error) => log.warn('PostCSS', warning.toString()) })); app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send(; // Routing app.use('/setup', (await import('./routers/setup')).router); app.use('/', (await import('./routers/index')).router); // Host app const userConfigExists = await fs.pathExists(path.join('userconfig.json')); app.listen(serverConfig.port,, () => log[userConfigExists ? 'success' : 'warn']('Server listening', userConfigExists ? 'Ready for uploads' : 'Setup required', `click${serverConfig.port}`)); } // Launch log const pkg = fs.readJsonSync(path.join('package.json')) as { name: string, version: string }; log.blank() .info(, pkg.version) .blank(); // Start program main().catch(() => process.exit(1)); // Exit tasks ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'].forEach((signal) => process.addListener(signal as any, () => { // Hide ^C in console output process.stdout.write('\r'); // Log then exit'Exiting', `received ${signal}`); process.exit(); }));