try { // Check if config.json exists require('./config.json'); } catch (err) { console.error('No config.json found! Please run \'npm run setup\''); process.exit(1); } // Load the config const { host, port, domain, useSsl, resourceIdSize, resourceIdType, isProxied, diskFilePath, saveWithDate, saveAsOriginal } = require('./config.json'); //#region Imports const fs = require('fs-extra'); const express = require('express'); const useragent = require('express-useragent'); const multer = require('multer'); const DateTime = require('luxon').DateTime; const { WebhookClient, MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const OpenGraph = require('./ogp'); const { path, saveData, log, verify, generateToken, generateId, formatBytes, randomHexColour } = require('./utils'); //#endregion //#region Variables, module setup const ASS_LOGO = ''; const app = express(); // Configure filename and location settings const storage = multer.diskStorage({ filename: saveAsOriginal ? (_req, file, callback) => callback(null, file.originalname) : null, destination: !saveWithDate ? diskFilePath : (_req, _file, callback) => { // Get current month and year let [month, _day, year] = new Date().toLocaleDateString("en-US").split("/"); // Add 0 before single digit months eg ( 6 turns into 06) let folder = `${diskFilePath}/${year}-${("0" + month).slice(-2)}`; // Create folder if it doesn't exist fs.ensureDirSync(folder); callback(null, folder); } }); var upload = multer({ storage }); var tokens = []; var users = {}; var data = {}; //#endregion preStartup(); startup(); function preStartup() { // Make sure data.json exists if (!fs.existsSync(path('data.json'))) { fs.writeJsonSync(path('data.json'), data, { spaces: 4 }); log('File [data.json] created'); } else log('File [data.json] exists'); // Make sure auth.json exists and generate the first key if (!fs.existsSync(path('auth.json'))) { tokens.push(generateToken()); fs.writeJsonSync(path('auth.json'), { tokens, users }, { spaces: 4 }); log(`File [auth.json] created\n!! Important: save this token in a secure spot: ${tokens[0]}\n`); } else log('File [auth.json] exists'); // Read tokens and data tokens = fs.readJsonSync(path('auth.json')).tokens; users = fs.readJsonSync(path('auth.json')).users || {}; data = fs.readJsonSync(path('data.json')); log('Tokens & data read from filesystem'); // Monitor auth.json for changes (triggered by running 'npm run new-token')'auth.json'), { persistent: false }, (eventType, _filename) => eventType === 'change' && fs.readJson(path('auth.json')) .then((json) => (tokens.toString() != json.tokens.toString()) && (tokens = json.tokens) && (users = json.users) && log(`New token added: ${tokens[tokens.length - 1]}`)) .catch(console.error)); } function startup() { app.use(; // Don't process favicon requests app.use((req, res, next) => req.url.includes('favicon.ico') ? res.sendStatus(204) : next()); // Upload file'/', upload.single('file'), (req, res) => { // Prevent uploads from unauthorized clients if (!verify(req, tokens)) return res.sendStatus(401); // Load overrides let trueDomain = getTrueDomain(req.headers["x-ass-domain"]); let generator = req.headers["x-ass-access"] || resourceIdType; // Get the uploaded time in milliseconds req.file.timestamp =; // Keep track of the token that uploaded the resource let uploadToken = req.headers.authorization; req.file.token = uploadToken; // Attach any embed overrides, if necessary req.file.opengraph = { title: req.headers['x-ass-og-title'], description: req.headers['x-ass-og-description'], author: req.headers['x-ass-og-author'], authorUrl: req.headers['x-ass-og-author-url'], provider: req.headers['x-ass-og-provider'], providerUrl: req.headers['x-ass-og-provider-url'], color: req.headers['x-ass-og-color'] }; // Save the file information let resourceId = generateId(generator, resourceIdSize, req.file.originalname); data[resourceId.split('.')[0]] = req.file; saveData(data); // Log the upload let logInfo = `${req.file.originalname} (${req.file.mimetype})`; log(`Uploaded: ${logInfo} (user: ${users[uploadToken] ? users[uploadToken].username : ''})`); // Build the URLs let resourceUrl = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}/${resourceId}`; let deleteUrl = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}/delete/${req.file.filename}`; // Send the response res.type('json').send({ resource: resourceUrl, delete: deleteUrl }) .on('finish', () => { // After we have sent the user the response, also send a Webhook to Discord (if headers are present) if (req.headers['x-ass-webhook-client'] && req.headers['x-ass-webhook-token']) { // Build the webhook client & embed let whc = new WebhookClient(req.headers['x-ass-webhook-client'], req.headers['x-ass-webhook-token']); let embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle(logInfo) .setDescription(`**Size:** \`${formatBytes(req.file.size)}\`\n**[Delete](${deleteUrl})**`) .setThumbnail(resourceUrl) .setColor(randomHexColour()) .setTimestamp(req.file.timestamp); // Send the embed to the webhook, then delete the client after to free resources whc.send(null, { username: req.headers['x-ass-webhook-username'] || 'ass', avatarURL: req.headers['x-ass-webhook-avatar'] || ASS_LOGO, embeds: [embed] }).then((_msg) => whc.destroy()); } // Also update the users upload count if (!users[uploadToken]) { let generator = () => generateId('random', 20, null); let username = generator(); while (Object.values(users).findIndex((user) => user.username == username) != -1) username = generator(); users[uploadToken] = { username, count: 0 }; } users[uploadToken].count += 1; fs.writeJsonSync(path('auth.json'), { tokens, users }, { spaces: 4 }) }); }); // View file app.get('/:resourceId', (req, res) => { // Parse the resource ID let resourceId = req.params.resourceId.split('.')[0]; // If the ID is invalid, return 404 if (!resourceId || !data[resourceId]) return res.sendStatus(404); // If the client is Discord, send an Open Graph embed if (req.useragent.isBot) return res.type('html').send(new OpenGraph(getTrueHttp(), getTrueDomain(), resourceId, data[resourceId]).build()); // Read the file and send it to the client fs.readFile(path(data[resourceId].path)) .then((fileData) => res .header('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes') .header('Content-Length', fileData.byteLength) .type(data[resourceId].mimetype).send(fileData)) .catch(console.error); }); // oEmbed response for clickable authors/providers // // app.get('/:resourceId/oembed.json', (req, res) => { // Parse the resource ID let resourceId = req.params.resourceId.split('.')[0]; // If the ID is invalid, return 404 if (!resourceId || !data[resourceId]) return res.sendStatus(404); // Build the oEmbed object let { opengraph, mimetype } = data[resourceId]; let oembed = { version: '1.0', type: mimetype.includes('video') ? 'video' : 'photo' }; && (oembed.author_name =; opengraph.authorUrl && (oembed.author_url = opengraph.authorUrl); opengraph.provider && (oembed.provider_name = opengraph.provider); opengraph.providerUrl && (oembed.provider_url = opengraph.providerUrl); // Send the oEmbed resonse res.type('json').send(oembed); }); // Delete file app.get('/delete/:filename', (req, res) => { let filename = req.params.filename; let resourceId = Object.keys(data)[Object.values(data).indexOf(Object.values(data).find((d) => d.filename == filename))]; // If the ID is invalid, return 400 because we are unable to process the resource if (!resourceId || !data[resourceId]) return res.sendStatus(400); log(`Deleted: ${data[resourceId].originalname} (${data[resourceId].mimetype})`); // Save the file information fs.rmSync(path(data[resourceId].path)); delete data[resourceId]; saveData(data); res.type('text').send('File has been deleted!'); }) app.listen(port, host, () => log(`Server started on [${host}:${port}]\nAuthorized tokens: ${tokens.length}\nAvailable files: ${Object.keys(data).length}`)); } function getTrueHttp() { return ('http').concat(useSsl ? 's' : '').concat('://'); } function getTrueDomain(d = domain) { return d.concat((port == 80 || port == 443 || isProxied) ? '' : `:${port}`); }