const Vibrant = require('node-vibrant'); const { randomHexColour } = require('./utils'); // Vibrant parameters const COLOR_COUNT = 256; const QUALITY = 3; /** * Extracts a prominent colour from the provided image file * @param {*} file The image to extract a colour from * @param {*} resolve Runs if Promise was successful * @param {*} reject Runs if Promise failed */ function getVibrant(file, resolve, reject) { Vibrant.from(file.path) .maxColorCount(COLOR_COUNT) .quality(QUALITY) .getPalette() .then((palettes) => resolve(palettes[Object.keys(palettes).sort((a, b) => palettes[b].population - palettes[a].population)[0]].hex)) .catch(reject); } /** * Extracts a colour from an image file. Returns a random Hex value if provided file is a video * @param {*} file The file to get a colour from * @returns The Vibrant colour as a Hex value (or random Hex value for videos) */ module.exports = (file) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => file.mimetype.includes('video') ? resolve(randomHexColour()) : getVibrant(file, resolve, reject));