const { path, log } = require('./utils'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const prompt = require('prompt'); // Disabled the annoying "prompt: " prefix and removes colours prompt.message = ''; prompt.colors = false; prompt.start(); // Default configuration const config = { host: '', port: 40115, domain: '', useSsl: true, resourceIdSize: 12, resourceIdType: 'zws' }; // Schema for setup prompts const setupSchema = { properties: { host: { description: 'Local IP to listen on', type: 'string', default:, required: false }, port: { description: 'Port number to listen on', type: 'integer', default: config.port, required: false }, domain: { description: `Domain name to send to ShareX clients (example: ${config.domain})`, type: 'string', required: true, message: 'You must input a valid domain name or IP to continue' }, useSsl: { description: 'Use SSL (requires reverse proxy!)', type: 'boolean', default: config.useSsl, required: false }, resourceIdSize: { description: 'Resource ID size (by using a higher value, you will be able to upload more files)', type: 'integer', default: config.resourceIdSize, required: false }, resourceIdType: { description: 'Resource ID type (determines what kind of URL your uploads are visible at. Can be one of: original, zws, random)', type: 'string', default: config.resourceIdType, require: false, pattern: /(original|zws|random)/gi, message: 'Must be one of: original, zws, random' } } }; // Schema for confirm prompt. User must enter 'y' or 'n' (case-insensitive) const confirmSchema = { properties: { confirm: { description: '\nIs the above information correct? (y/n)', type: 'string', pattern: /^[y|n]/gim, message: 'Must respond with either \'y\' or \'n\'', default: 'y', required: false, before: (value) => value.toLowerCase().startsWith('y') } } }; function setup() { log('<<< anssxustawai setup >>>\n'); let results; prompt.get(setupSchema) .then((r) => results = r) .then(() => log('\nPlease verify your information:\n\n' + Object.keys(results).map((result) => (` ${result}: ${results[result]}`)).join('\n') + '\n')) .then(() => prompt.get(confirmSchema)) .then(({ confirm }) => confirm ? fs.writeJson(path('config.json'), results, { spaces: 4 }) : process.exit(1)) .then(() => log('\nConfig has been saved!')) .catch((err) => console.error(err)); } setup(); /*{ description: 'Enter your password', // Prompt displayed to the user. If not supplied name will be used. type: 'string', // Specify the type of input to expect. pattern: /^\w+$/, // Regular expression that input must be valid against. message: 'Password must be letters', // Warning message to display if validation fails. hidden: true, // If true, characters entered will either not be output to console or will be outputed using the `replace` string. replace: '*', // If `hidden` is set it will replace each hidden character with the specified string. default: 'lamepassword', // Default value to use if no value is entered. required: true, // If true, value entered must be non-empty. before: function (value) { return 'v' + value; } // Runs before node-prompt callbacks. It modifies user's input }*/