// https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/spaces/resources/s3-sdk-examples/ // https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-upload-a-file-to-object-storage-with-node-js import { FileData } from './types/definitions'; import { Config, MagicNumbers } from 'ass-json' import fs, { Stats } from 'fs-extra'; import aws from 'aws-sdk'; import Thumbnail from './thumbnails'; import Vibrant from './vibrant'; import Hash from './hash'; import { path, generateId, log } from './utils'; import { SkynetUpload } from './skynet'; import { Request, Response } from 'express'; import { removeGPS } from './nightmare'; const { s3enabled, s3endpoint, s3bucket, s3usePathStyle, s3accessKey, s3secretKey, diskFilePath, saveAsOriginal, saveWithDate, mediaStrict, maxUploadSize, useSia }: Config = fs.readJsonSync(path('config.json')); const { CODE_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE }: MagicNumbers = fs.readJsonSync(path('MagicNumbers.json')); const ID_GEN_LENGTH = 32; const ALLOWED_MIMETYPES = /(image)|(video)|(audio)\//; const s3 = new aws.S3({ s3ForcePathStyle: s3usePathStyle, endpoint: new aws.Endpoint(s3endpoint), credentials: new aws.Credentials({ accessKeyId: s3accessKey, secretAccessKey: s3secretKey }) }); function getDatedDirname() { if (!saveWithDate) return diskFilePath; // Get current month and year const [month, , year] = new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-US').split('/'); // Add 0 before single digit months (6 turns into 06) return `${diskFilePath}${diskFilePath.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/'}${year}-${`0${month}`.slice(-2)}`; // skipcq: JS-0074 } function getLocalFilename(req: Request) { let name = `${getDatedDirname()}/${saveAsOriginal ? req.file.originalname : req.file.sha1}`; // Append a number if this file has already been uploaded before let count = 0; while (fs.existsSync(path(name))) { count++ name = count == 1 ? name.concat(`-${count}`) : name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('-')).concat(`-${count}`); } return name; } export function processUploaded(req: Request, res: Response, next: Function) { // skipcq: JS-0045 // Fix file object req.file = req.files.file; // Other fixes req.file.ext = '.'.concat((req.file.filename ?? '').split('.').pop() ?? ''); req.file.originalname = req.file.filename ?? ''; req.file.path = req.file.file ?? ''; req.file.randomId = generateId('random', ID_GEN_LENGTH, 0, ''); req.file.deleteId = generateId('random', ID_GEN_LENGTH, 0, ''); // Set up types req.file.is = { image: false, video: false, audio: false, other: false }; // Specify correct type const isType = req.file!.mimetype.includes('image') ? 'image' : req.file.mimetype.includes('video') ? 'video' : req.file.mimetype.includes('audio') ? 'audio' : 'other'; req.file.is[isType] = true; // Block the resource if the mimetype is not an image or video if (mediaStrict && !ALLOWED_MIMETYPES.test(req.file.mimetype)) return log .warn('Upload blocked', req.file.originalname, req.file.mimetype) .warn('Strict media mode', 'only images, videos, & audio are file permitted') .callback(() => fs.remove(req.file.path) .then(() => log .debug('Temp file', 'deleted') .callback(() => res.sendStatus(CODE_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE))) .catch((err) => log .error('Temp file could not be deleted', err) .callback(next, err))); // Remove unwanted fields delete req.file.uuid; delete req.file.field; delete req.file.file; delete req.file.filename; delete req.file.truncated; delete req.file.done; // Temp file name used in case file already exists (long story; just don't touch this) let tempFileName = ''; // Operations // @ts-ignore Promise.all([Thumbnail(req.file), Vibrant(req.file), Hash(req.file), fs.stat(req.file.path)]) // skipcq: JS-0086 .then(([thumbnail, vibrant, sha1, stat]: [string, string, string, Stats]) => ( req.file.thumbnail = thumbnail, // skipcq: JS-0090 req.file.vibrant = vibrant, // skipcq: JS-0090 req.file.sha1 = sha1, // skipcq: JS-0090 req.file.size = stat.size // skipcq: JS-0090 )) // Check if file size is too big .then(() => { if (req.file.size / Math.pow(1024, 2) > maxUploadSize) throw new Error('LIMIT_FILE_SIZE'); }) // Strip EXIF data .then(() => removeGPS(req.file.path)) .then((result) => log.debug('EXIF GPS data', result ? 'removed' : 'not removed')) .catch((err) => log.debug('!! EXIF GPS data could not be removed', err)) // Save file .then(() => log.debug('Saving file', req.file.originalname, s3enabled ? 'in S3' : useSia ? 'on Sia blockchain' : 'on disk')) .then(() => // skipcq: JS-0229 new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Upload to Amazon S3 if (s3enabled) return s3.putObject({ Bucket: s3bucket, Key: req.file.randomId.concat(req.file.ext), ACL: 'public-read', ContentType: req.file.mimetype, Body: fs.createReadStream(req.file.path) }).promise().then(resolve).catch(reject); // Use Sia Skynet else if (useSia) return SkynetUpload(req.file.path) .then((skylink) => req.file.randomId = skylink) .then(resolve).catch(reject); // Save to local storage else return fs.ensureDir(getDatedDirname()) .then(() => tempFileName = getLocalFilename(req)) .then(() => fs.copy(req.file.path, tempFileName, { preserveTimestamps: true })) .then(resolve).catch(reject); })) .then(() => log.debug('File saved', req.file.originalname, s3enabled ? 'in S3' : useSia ? 'on Sia blockchain' : 'on disk')) .catch((err) => next(err)) // Delete the file .then(() => fs.remove(req.file.path)) .then(() => log.debug('Temp file', 'deleted')) // Fix the file path .then(() => !s3enabled && (req.file.path = tempFileName)) // skipcq: JS-0090 .then(() => next()) .catch((err) => next(err)); } export function deleteS3(file: FileData) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => s3 .deleteObject({ Bucket: s3bucket, Key: file.randomId.concat(file.ext) }) .promise() .then(resolve) .catch(reject)); } function listAllKeys(resolve: Function, reject: Function, token?: string) { let allKeys: string[] = []; s3.listObjectsV2({ Bucket: s3bucket, ContinuationToken: token }).promise() .then((data: { [key: string]: any }) => (allKeys = allKeys.concat(data.Contents), data.IsTruncated ? listAllKeys(resolve, reject, data.NextContinuationToken) : resolve(allKeys.length))) // skipcq: JS-0086, JS-0090 .catch((err: Error) => reject(err)); } export function bucketSize() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => (s3enabled ? listAllKeys(resolve, reject) : resolve(0))); }