import { FileData, AssRequest, AssResponse, ErrWrap, User } from "../definitions"; import fs from 'fs-extra'; const bb = require('express-busboy'); //const rateLimit = require('express-rate-limit'); import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { Webhook, MessageBuilder } from 'discord-webhook-node'; import { processUploaded } from '../storage'; const { maxUploadSize, resourceIdSize, gfyIdSize, resourceIdType, spaceReplace } = require('../../config.json'); import { path, log, verify, getTrueHttp, getTrueDomain, generateId, formatBytes } from '../utils'; const { CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, CODE_PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE } = require('../../MagicNumbers.json'); import { data } from '../data'; import { users } from '../auth'; const ASS_LOGO = ''; import express from 'express'; const router = express.Router(); // Set up express-busboy bb.extend(router, { upload: true, restrictMultiple: true, allowedPath: (url: string) => url === '/', }); // Rate limit middleware /* router.use('/', rateLimit({ windowMs: 1000 * 60, // 60 seconds // skipcq: JS-0074 max: 90 // Limit each IP to 30 requests per windowMs // skipcq: JS-0074 })); */ // Block unauthorized requests and attempt token sanitization'/', (req: AssRequest, res: AssResponse, next: Function) => { req.headers.authorization = req.headers.authorization || ''; req.token = req.headers.authorization.replace(/[^\da-z]/gi, ''); // Strip anything that isn't a digit or ASCII letter !verify(req, users) ? log.warn('Upload blocked', 'Unauthorized').callback(() => res.sendStatus(CODE_UNAUTHORIZED)) : next(); // skipcq: JS-0093 }); // Upload file'/', processUploaded); // Max upload size error handling router.use('/', (err: ErrWrap, _req: AssRequest, res: AssResponse, next: Function) => err.message === 'LIMIT_FILE_SIZE' ? log.warn('Upload blocked', 'File too large').callback(() => res.status(CODE_PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE).send(`Max upload size: ${maxUploadSize}MB`)) : next(err)); // skipcq: JS-0229 // Process uploaded file'/', (req: AssRequest, res: AssResponse, next: Function) => { // Load overrides const trueDomain = getTrueDomain(req.headers['x-ass-domain']); const generator = req.headers['x-ass-access'] || resourceIdType; // Save domain with file req.file!.domain = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}`; // Get the uploaded time in milliseconds req.file!.timestamp =; // Save the timezone offset req.file!.timeoffset = req.headers['x-ass-timeoffset']?.toString() || 'UTC+0'; // Keep track of the token that uploaded the resource req.file!.token = req.token ?? ''; // Attach any embed overrides, if necessary req.file!.opengraph = { title: req.headers['x-ass-og-title'], description: req.headers['x-ass-og-description'], author: req.headers['x-ass-og-author'], authorUrl: req.headers['x-ass-og-author-url'], provider: req.headers['x-ass-og-provider'], providerUrl: req.headers['x-ass-og-provider-url'], color: req.headers['x-ass-og-color'] }; // Fix spaces in originalname req.file!.originalname = req.file!.originalname.replace(/\s/g, spaceReplace === '!' ? '' : spaceReplace); // Generate a unique resource ID let resourceId = ''; // Function to call to generate a fresh ID. Used for multiple attempts in case an ID is already taken const gen = () => generateId(generator, resourceIdSize, req.headers['x-ass-gfycat'] || gfyIdSize, req.file!.originalname); // Keeps track of the number of attempts in case all ID's are taken const attempts = { count: 0, max: 50 }; // Called by a promise, this will recursively resolve itself until a unique ID is found function genCheckId(resolve: Function, reject: Function) { const uniqueId = gen(); attempts.count++; data.has(uniqueId) .then((exists: boolean) => { log.debug('ID check', exists ? 'Taken' : 'Available'); return attempts.count - 1 >= attempts.max ? reject(new Error('No ID\'s remaining')) : exists ? genCheckId(resolve, reject) : resolve(uniqueId); }) .catch(reject); } new Promise((resolve, reject) => genCheckId(resolve, reject)) .then((uniqueId) => { //@ts-ignore resourceId = uniqueId; log.debug('Saving data',; }) .then(() => data.put(resourceId.split('.')[0], req.file)) .then(() => { // Log the upload const logInfo = `${req.file!.originalname} (${req.file!.mimetype}, ${formatBytes(req.file!.size)})`; log.success('File uploaded', logInfo, `uploaded by ${users[req.token ?? ''] ? users[req.token ?? ''].username : ''}`); // Build the URLs const resourceUrl = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}/${resourceId}`; const thumbnailUrl = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}/${resourceId}/thumbnail`; const deleteUrl = `${getTrueHttp()}${trueDomain}/${resourceId}/delete/${req.file!.deleteId}`; // Send the response res.type('json').send({ resource: resourceUrl, thumbnail: thumbnailUrl, delete: deleteUrl }) .on('finish', () => { log.debug('Upload response sent'); // After we have sent the user the response, also send a Webhook to Discord (if headers are present) if (req.headers['x-ass-webhook-url']) { // Build the webhook const hook = new Webhook(req.headers['x-ass-webhook-url']?.toString()); hook.setUsername(req.headers['x-ass-webhook-username']?.toString() || 'ass'); hook.setAvatar(req.headers['x-ass-webhook-avatar']?.toString() || ASS_LOGO); // Build the embed const embed = new MessageBuilder() .setTitle(logInfo) //@ts-ignore .setURL(resourceUrl) .setDescription(`**Size:** \`${formatBytes(req.file!.size)}\`\n**[Delete](${deleteUrl})**`) .setThumbnail(thumbnailUrl) .setColor(req.file!.vibrant) .setTimestamp(); // Send the embed to the webhook, then delete the client after to free resources log.debug('Sending embed to webhook'); hook.send(embed) .then(() => log.debug('Webhook sent')) .catch((err) => log.error('Webhook error').err(err)); } // Also update the users upload count if (!users[req.token ?? '']) { const generateUsername = () => generateId('random', 20, 0, req.file!.size.toString()); // skipcq: JS-0074 let username: string = generateUsername(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore while (Object.values(users).findIndex((user: User) => user.username === username) !== -1) // skipcq: JS-0073 username = generateUsername(); users[req.token ?? ''] = { username, count: 0 }; } users[req.token ?? ''].count += 1; fs.writeJsonSync(path('auth.json'), { users }, { spaces: 4 }); log.debug('Upload request flow completed', ''); }); }) //@ts-ignore .catch(next); }); export default router;