import { AssFile, AssUser, NID, UploadToken } from 'ass'; export type DatabaseValue = AssFile | AssUser | UploadToken; export type DatabaseTable = 'assfiles' | 'assusers' | 'asstokens'; /** * interface for database classes */ export interface Database { /** * preform database initialization tasks */ open(): Promise<void>; /** * preform database suspension tasks */ close(): Promise<void>; /** * set up database */ configure(): Promise<void>; /** * put a value in the database */ put(table: DatabaseTable, key: NID, data: DatabaseValue): Promise<void>; /** * get a value from the database */ get(table: DatabaseTable, key: NID): Promise<DatabaseValue | undefined>; /** * get all values from the database */ getAll(table: DatabaseTable): Promise<{ [index: string]: DatabaseValue }>; } export class DBManager { private static _db: Database; private static _dbReady: boolean = false; public static get ready() { return this._dbReady; } static { process.on('exit', () => { if (DBManager._db) DBManager._db.close(); }); } /** * activate a database */ public static use(db: Database): Promise<void> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (this._db != undefined) { await this._db.close(); this._dbReady = false; } this._db = db; await; await this._db.configure(); this._dbReady = true; resolve(); }); } public static configure(): Promise<void> { if (this._db && this._dbReady) { return this._db.configure(); } else throw new Error('No database active'); } /** * put a value in the database */ public static put(table: DatabaseTable, key: NID, data: DatabaseValue): Promise<void> { if (this._db && this._dbReady) { return this._db.put(table, key, data); } else throw new Error('No database active'); } /** * get a value from the database */ public static get(table: DatabaseTable, key: NID): Promise<DatabaseValue | undefined> { if (this._db && this._dbReady) { return this._db.get(table, key); } else throw new Error('No database active'); } /** * get all values from the database */ public static getAll(table: DatabaseTable): Promise<{ [index: string]: DatabaseValue }> { if (this._db && this._dbReady) { return this._db.getAll(table); } else throw new Error('No database active'); } }