#!/bin/bash IMAGEPATH="$HOME/Pictures/" #where to hold the screenshots before they are deleted IMAGENAME="ass" #Not really important, tells flameshot what file to send and delete KEY="" #Enter auth key DOMAIN="" #your upload domain flameshot config -f $IMAGENAME #Make sure that flameshot names the file correctly flameshot gui -r -p $IMAGEPATH #Prompt the screenshot GUI #Upload the image and copy the response URL URL=$(curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "User-Agent: ShareX/13.4.0" \ -H "Authorization: $KEY" \ -F "file=@$IMAGEPATH$IMAGENAME.png" https://$DOMAIN/ | grep -Po '(?<="resource":")[^"]+') echo $URL | xclip -sel clip rm $IMAGEPATH$IMAGENAME.png #Delete the image locally