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**ass** is a self-hosted ShareX upload server written in Node.js. I initially started this project purely out of spite. ass aims to be as **unopinionated** as possible, giving users & hosts alike the ability to modify nearly everything.
By default, ass comes with a resource viewing page, which includes metadata about the resource as well as a download button & inline viewers for images, videos, & audio. It does **not** have a user dashboard or registration system: **this is intentional!** Developers are free to [create their own frontends] using the languages & tools they are most comfortable with. Writing & using these frontends is fully documented below, in the wiki, & in the source code.
### Notice (Sep 2023)
The current release version 0.14.x is now in **maintenence mode**. What this means is I'll only be providing updates to catastrophic issues.
However! I'm currently working on [a new version](https://github.com/tycrek/ass/pull/220), 0.15.0, which is a lot more stable and organized. I have no ETA but please know that I'm continuing to work on it when I can. Version 0.14.x is still functional, just a bit rough around the edges.
#### Developers 🧡
ass was designed with developers in mind. If you are a developer & want something changed to better suit you, let me know & we'll see what we can do!
[GitHub package.json version]: https://img.shields.io/github/package-json/v/tycrek/ass?color=fd842d&style=for-the-badge
[GitHub license]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/tycrek/ass?color=FD7C21&style=for-the-badge
[GitHub last commit]: https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/tycrek/ass?color=FD710D&style=for-the-badge
[GitHub Repo stars]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/tycrek/ass?color=F26602&style=for-the-badge
[Discord badge]: https://img.shields.io/discord/848274994375294986?label=Discord&logo=Discord&logoColor=FFF&style=for-the-badge
[Discord invite]: https://discord.gg/wGZYt5fasY
[create their own frontends]: #custom-frontends
## Code quality
| [CodeQL] | [DeepSource] |
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| [![CodeQL badge]][CodeQL link] | [![DeepSource Active Issues]][DeepSource Repo] [![DeepSource Resolved Issues]][DeepSource Repo] |
[CodeQL]: https://codeql.github.com/docs/
[DeepSource]: https://deepsource.io/
[CodeQL badge]: https://github.com/tycrek/ass/actions/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml/badge.svg?branch=master
[CodeQL link]: https://github.com/tycrek/ass/actions/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
[DeepSource Active Issues]: https://deepsource.io/gh/tycrek/ass.svg/?label=active+issues
[DeepSource Resolved Issues]: https://deepsource.io/gh/tycrek/ass.svg/?label=resolved+issues
[DeepSource Repo]: https://deepsource.io/gh/tycrek/ass/?ref=repository-badge
## Features
#### For users
- Upload images, gifs, videos, audio, & files
- Token-based authentication
- Download & delete resources
- GPS data automatically removed
- Fully customizable Discord embeds
- Built-in web viewer with video & audio player
- Embed images, gifs, & videos directly in Discord
- Personal upload log using customizable Discord Webhooks
- macOS/Linux support with alternative clients such as [Flameshot] ([script for ass]) & [MagicCap]
- **Multiple URL styles**
- [ZWS]
- Mixed-case alphanumeric
- Gfycat
- Original
- Timestamp
#### For hosts & developers
- Usage metrics
- Thumbnail support
- Mimetype blocking
- Themeable viewer page
- Basic multi-user support
- Configurable global upload size limit (per-user coming soon)
- Custom pluggable frontends using [Git Submodules]
- Run locally or in a Docker container
- **Multiple file storage methods**
- Local file system
- Amazon S3, including [DigitalOcean Spaces] (more coming soon)
- **Multiple data storage methods** using [data engines]
- **File**
- JSON (default, [papito])
- YAML (soon)
- **Database**
- PostgreSQL ([ass-psql])
- MongoDB ([ass-mongoose][GH AMongoose])
- MySQL (soon)
[Git Submodules]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules
[ZWS]: https://zws.im
[DigitalOcean Spaces]: https://www.digitalocean.com/products/spaces/
[data engines]: #data-engines
[papito]: https://github.com/tycrek/papito
[ass-psql]: https://github.com/tycrek/ass-psql
[Flameshot]: https://flameshot.org/
[script for ass]: #flameshot-users-linux
[MagicCap]: https://magiccap.me/
### Access types
| Type | What is it? |
| ---- | ----------- |
| **[Zero-width spaces][ZWS]** | When pasted elsewhere, the URL appears to be *just* your domain name. Some browsers or sites may not recognize these URLs (Discord sadly no longer supports these as of April 2023)