@echo off ECHO Installing ass-docker for Windows... REM Ensure that ./uploads/thumbnails/ exists if not exist "./uploads/thumbnails/" md "./uploads/thumbnails/" REM Ensure that ./share/ exists if not exist "./share/" md "./share/" REM Ensure that files config.json, auth.json, & data.json exist if not exist "./config.json" echo. >> "./config.json" if not exist "./auth.json" echo. >> "./auth.json" if not exist "./data.json" echo. >> "./data.json" ECHO Running setup... REM docker-compose up -d docker-compose up -d REM Run setup within the container docker-compose exec ass npm run setup REM Restart the container when complete docker-compose restart REM Open the logs to ensure it is running docker-compose logs -f --tail=50 --no-log-prefix ass