const fs = require('fs-extra'); const escape = require('escape-html'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const { deleteS3 } = require('../storage'); const { diskFilePath, s3enabled, viewDirect } = require('../config.json'); const { path, log, getTrueHttp, getTrueDomain, formatBytes, formatTimestamp, getS3url, getDirectUrl, getResourceColor, replaceholder } = require('../utils'); const { CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, CODE_NOT_FOUND, } = require('../MagicNumbers.json'); const data = require('../data'); const users = require('../auth'); const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); // Middleware for parsing the resource ID and handling 404 router.use((req, res, next) => { // Parse the resource ID req.ass = { resourceId: escape(req.resourceId || '').split('.')[0] }; // If the ID is invalid, return 404. Otherwise, continue normally data.has(req.ass.resourceId) .then((has) => has ? next() : res.sendStatus(CODE_NOT_FOUND)) // skipcq: JS-0229 .catch(next); }); // View file router.get('/', (req, res, next) => data.get(req.ass.resourceId).then((fileData) => { const { resourceId } = req.ass; // Build OpenGraph meta tags const og = fileData.opengraph, ogs = ['']; og.title && (ogs.push(``)); // skipcq: JS-0093 og.description && (ogs.push(``)); // skipcq: JS-0093 og.color && (ogs.push(``)); // skipcq: JS-0093 ! && (ogs.push(``)); // skipcq: JS-0093 // Send the view to the client res.render('view', { fileIs:, title: escape(fileData.originalname), mimetype: fileData.mimetype, uploader: users[fileData.token].username, timestamp: formatTimestamp(fileData.timestamp), size: formatBytes(fileData.size), color: getResourceColor(fileData.opengraph.color || null, fileData.vibrant), resourceAttr: { src: getDirectUrl(resourceId) }, discordUrl: `${getDirectUrl(resourceId)}${fileData.ext}`, oembedUrl: `${getTrueHttp()}${getTrueDomain()}/${resourceId}/oembed`, ogtype: ? 'video.other' : ? 'image' : 'website', urlType: `og:${ ? 'video' : ? 'audio' : 'image'}`, opengraph: replaceholder(ogs.join('\n'), fileData.size, fileData.timestamp, fileData.originalname), viewDirect }); }).catch(next)); // Direct resource router.get('/direct*', (req, res, next) => data.get(req.ass.resourceId).then((fileData) => { // Send file as an attachement for downloads if ( res.header('Content-Disposition', `attachment; filename="${fileData.originalname}"`); // Return the file differently depending on what storage option was used const uploaders = { s3: () => fetch(getS3url(fileData.randomId, fileData.ext)).then((file) => { file.headers.forEach((value, header) => res.setHeader(header, value)); file.body.pipe(res); }), local: () => { res.header('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes').header('Content-Length', fileData.size).type(fileData.mimetype); fs.createReadStream(fileData.path).pipe(res); } }; uploaders[s3enabled ? 's3' : 'local'](); }).catch(next)); // Thumbnail response router.get('/thumbnail', (req, res, next) => data.get(req.ass.resourceId) .then(({ is, thumbnail }) => fs.readFile((!is || (is.image || ? path(diskFilePath, 'thumbnails/', thumbnail) : ? 'views/ass-audio-icon.png' : 'views/ass-file-icon.png')) .then((fileData) => res.type('jpg').send(fileData)) .catch(next)); // oEmbed response for clickable authors/providers // // router.get('/oembed', (req, res, next) => data.get(req.ass.resourceId) .then(({ opengraph, is, size, timestamp, originalname }) => res.type('json').send({ version: '1.0', type: ? 'video' : is.image ? 'photo' : 'link', author_url: opengraph.authorUrl, provider_url: opengraph.providerUrl, author_name: replaceholder( || '', size, timestamp, originalname), provider_name: replaceholder(opengraph.provider || '', size, timestamp, originalname) })) .catch(next)); // Delete file router.get('/delete/:deleteId', (req, res, next) => { let oldName, oldType; // skipcq: JS-0119 data.get(req.ass.resourceId) .then((fileData) => { // Extract info for logs oldName = fileData.originalname; oldType = fileData.mimetype; // Clean deleteId const deleteId = escape(req.params.deleteId); // If the delete ID doesn't match, don't delete the file if (deleteId !== fileData.deleteId) return res.sendStatus(CODE_UNAUTHORIZED); // Save the file information return Promise.all([ s3enabled ? deleteS3(fileData) : fs.rmSync(path(fileData.path)), (! || ( || && fs.existsSync(path(diskFilePath, 'thumbnails/', fileData.thumbnail)) ? fs.rmSync(path(diskFilePath, 'thumbnails/', fileData.thumbnail)) : () => Promise.resolve()]); }) .then(() => data.del(req.ass.resourceId)) .then(() => (log.success('Deleted', oldName, oldType), res.type('text').send('File has been deleted!'))) // skipcq: JS-0090 .catch(next); }); module.exports = router;