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const { HTTP, HTTPS } = require('../MagicNumbers.json');
export function getTrueHttp() {
return ('http').concat(useSsl ? 's' : '').concat('://');
export function getTrueDomain(d = domain) {
return d.concat((port === HTTP || port === HTTPS || isProxied) ? '' : `:${port}`);
export function getS3url(s3key: string, ext: string) {
return `https://${s3usePathStyle ? `${s3endpoint}/${s3bucket}` : `${s3bucket}.${s3endpoint}`}/${s3key}${ext}`;
export function getDirectUrl(resourceId: string) {
return `${getTrueHttp()}${getTrueDomain()}/${resourceId}/direct`;
export function getResourceColor(colorValue: string, vibrantValue: string) {
return (!colorValue || colorValue === '&vibrant') ? vibrantValue : colorValue === '&random' ? randomHexColour() : colorValue;
export function replaceholder(data: string, size: number, timestamp: number, timeoffset: string, originalname: string) {
return data
.replace(/&size/g, formatBytes(size))
.replace(/&filename/g, originalname)
.replace(/&timestamp/g, formatTimestamp(timestamp, timeoffset));