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import { FileData } from './definitions';
import Vibrant from 'node-vibrant';
import { randomHexColour } from './utils';
// Vibrant parameters
const COLOR_COUNT = 256;
const QUALITY = 3;
* Extracts a prominent colour from the provided image file
* @param {*} file The image to extract a colour from
* @param {*} resolve Runs if Promise was successful
* @param {*} reject Runs if Promise failed
function getVibrant(file: FileData, resolve: Function, reject: Function) {
.then((palettes) => resolve(palettes[Object.keys(palettes).sort((a, b) => palettes[b]!.population - palettes[a]!.population)[0]]!.hex))
.catch((err) => reject(err));
* Extracts a colour from an image file. Returns a random Hex value if provided file is a video
* @param {*} file The file to get a colour from
* @returns The Vibrant colour as a Hex value (or random Hex value for videos)
export default (file: FileData) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => ! ? resolve(randomHexColour()) : getVibrant(file, resolve, reject)); // skipcq: JS-0229