Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

212 lines
6.4 KiB

import { AssUser, ServerConfiguration } from 'ass';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import tailwindcss from 'tailwindcss';
import session from 'express-session';
import MemoryStore from 'memorystore';
import express, { Request, Response, NextFunction, RequestHandler, json as BodyParserJson } from 'express';
import { path, isProd } from '@tycrek/joint';
import { epcss } from '@tycrek/express-postcss';
import { log } from './log.js';
import { get } from './data.js';
import { UserConfig } from './UserConfig.js';
import { DBManager } from './sql/database.js';
import { JSONDatabase } from './sql/json.js';
import { MySQLDatabase } from './sql/mysql.js';
import { PostgreSQLDatabase } from './sql/postgres.js';
import { buildFrontendRouter } from './routers/_frontend.js';
* Top-level metadata exports
export const App = {
pkgVersion: ''
* Custom middleware to attach the ass object (and construct the `host` property)
const assMetaMiddleware = (port: number, proxied: boolean): RequestHandler =>
(req: Request, _res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
req.ass = {
host: `${req.protocol}://${req.hostname}${proxied ? '' : `:${port}`}`,
version: App.pkgVersion
// Set up Session if required
if (!req.session.ass)
(log.debug('Session missing'), req.session.ass = {});
* Custom middleware to verify user access
const loginRedirectMiddleware = (requireAdmin = false): RequestHandler =>
async (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
// If auth doesn't exist yet, make the user login
if (!req.session.ass?.auth) {
log.warn('User not logged in', req.baseUrl);
// Set pre-login path so user is directed to their requested page
req.session.ass!.preLoginPath = req.baseUrl;
// Redirect
} else {
const user = (await get('users', req.session.ass.auth.uid)) as AssUser;
// Check if user is admin
if ((requireAdmin || req.baseUrl === '/admin') && !user.admin) {
log.warn('Admin verification failed', user.username,;
} else next();
* Main function.
* Yes I'm using main() in TS, cry about it
async function main() {
// Launch log
const pkg = await fs.readJson(path.join('package.json')) as { name: string, version: string };
log.blank().info(, pkg.version).blank();
App.pkgVersion = pkg.version;
// Ensure data directory exists
log.debug('Checking data dir')
await fs.ensureDir(path.join('.ass-data'));
// Set default server configuration
const serverConfig: ServerConfiguration = {
host: '',
port: 40115,
proxied: isProd()
// Replace with user details, if necessary
try {
const exists = await fs.pathExists(path.join('.ass-data/server.json'));
if (exists) {
// Read file
const { host, port, proxied } = await fs.readJson(path.join('.ass-data/server.json')) as { host?: string, port?: number, proxied?: boolean };
// Set details, if available
if (host) = host;
if (port) serverConfig.port = port;
if (proxied != undefined) serverConfig.proxied = proxied;
log.debug('server.json', `${host ? `host=${host},` : ''}${port ? `port=${port},` : ''}${proxied != undefined ? `proxied=${proxied},` : ''}`);
} catch (err) {
log.error('Failed to read server.json');
throw err;
// Attempt to load user configuration
await new Promise((resolve) => UserConfig.readConfigFile().then(() => resolve(void 0))
.catch((err) => (err.code && err.code === 'ENOENT' ? {} : console.error(err), resolve(void 0))));
// If user config is ready, try to configure SQL
if (UserConfig.ready && UserConfig.config.database != null) {
try {
switch (UserConfig.config.database?.kind) {
case 'json':
await DBManager.use(new JSONDatabase());
case 'mysql':
await DBManager.use(new MySQLDatabase());
case 'postgres':
await DBManager.use(new PostgreSQLDatabase());
} catch (err) { throw new Error(`Failed to configure SQL`); }
} else { // default to json database
log.debug('DB not set! Defaulting to JSON');
await DBManager.use(new JSONDatabase());
// Set up Express
const app = express();
// Configure sessions
const DAY = 86_400_000;
name: 'ass',
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: false,
cookie: { maxAge: DAY, secure: isProd() },
secret: (Math.random() * 100).toString(),
store: new (MemoryStore(session))({ checkPeriod: DAY }) as any,
// Configure Express features
app.enable('case sensitive routing');
// Set Express variables
app.set('trust proxy', serverConfig.proxied);
app.set('view engine', 'pug');
app.set('views', 'views/');
// Middleware
app.use(assMetaMiddleware(serverConfig.port, serverConfig.proxied));
// Favicon
app.use('/favicon.ico', (req, res) => res.redirect(''));
// CSS
app.use('/.css', epcss({
cssPath: path.join('tailwind.css'),
plugins: [
(await import('autoprefixer')).default(),
(await import('cssnano')).default(),
(await import('@tinycreek/postcss-font-magician')).default(),
warn: (warning: Error) => log.warn('PostCSS', warning.toString())
// Metadata routes
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.type('text').send(;
app.get('/.ass.version', (req, res) => res.type('text').send(req.ass.version));
// Basic page routers
app.use('/setup', buildFrontendRouter('setup', false));
app.use('/login', buildFrontendRouter('login'));
app.use('/admin', loginRedirectMiddleware(), buildFrontendRouter('admin'));
app.use('/user', loginRedirectMiddleware(), buildFrontendRouter('user'));
// Advanced routers
app.use('/api', (await import('./routers/api.js')).router);
app.use('/', (await import('./routers/index.js')).router);
// Host app
app.listen(serverConfig.port,, () => log[UserConfig.ready ? 'success' : 'warn']('Server listening', UserConfig.ready ? 'Ready for uploads' : 'Setup required', `click${serverConfig.port}`));
// Start program
main().catch((err) => (console.error(err), process.exit(1)));
// Exit tasks
['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'].forEach((signal) => process.addListener(signal as any, () => {
// Hide ^C in console output
// Log then exit'Exiting', `received ${signal}`);