You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

122 lines
4.6 KiB

import { AssFile, AssUser, TemplateCommandOp, TemplateCommandSchema, TemplateOp } from 'ass';
import { TemplateCommand } from './command.js';
import { TemplateError } from './error.js';
export class TemplateContext {
public readonly owner: TemplateExecutor;
public uploader: AssUser;
public file: AssFile;
constructor(owner: TemplateExecutor, uploader: AssUser, file: AssFile) {
this.owner = owner;
this.uploader = uploader;
this.file = file;
export class TemplateExecutor {
private commands: { [index: string]: TemplateCommand<any, any> } = {};
// register a template command globally
public registerCommand<N extends string, S extends TemplateCommandSchema>(name: N, attrs: S, cmd: (op: TemplateCommandOp<N, S>, ctx: TemplateContext) => string) {
if (this.commands[name] == null) {
this.commands[name] = {
name: name,
schema: attrs,
exec: cmd
} else throw new Error(`Template command "${name}" already exists`);
public createContext(uploader: AssUser, file: AssFile) {
return new TemplateContext(this, uploader, file);
// expects template to be valid and does not preform runtime checks.
// run validateTemplate first
public executeTemplate(op: TemplateOp, ctx: TemplateContext): string {
switch (typeof op) {
case 'string': return op;
case 'object': return this.commands[op.op].exec(op, ctx);
public validateTemplate(op: TemplateOp, ctx: TemplateContext): void {
if (typeof op == 'string') return;
if (this.commands[op.op] != null) {
let cmd = this.commands[op.op].schema as TemplateCommandSchema;
if (cmd.named) {
for (let name in cmd.named) {
let arg = cmd.named[name];
// @ts-ignore
if (arg.required && op.named[name] == null) {
throw new TemplateError(`Required template argument "${name}" is missing.`, op.srcRange);
for (let arg of op.args) this.validateTemplate(arg, ctx);
for (let name in op.named) {
if (!cmd.named || cmd.named[name] == null) {
let arg = (op.named as {[index:string]:TemplateOp})[name] as TemplateOp | undefined;
// @ts-ignore
throw new TemplateError(`Unknown template argument "${name}".`, {
file: op.srcRange.file,
from: (typeof arg == 'object' && arg.srcRange.from - 1 - name.length) || op.srcRange.from,
to: (typeof arg == 'object' && ||
// @ts-ignore
this.validateTemplate(op.named[name]!, ctx);
} else throw new TemplateError(`Template command "${op.op}" does not exist.`, op.srcRange);
// creates an executor with the default commands.
public static createExecutor(): TemplateExecutor {
let ex = new TemplateExecutor();
// joins two strings
ex.registerCommand('concat', {}, (op, ctx) => {
return op.args.reduce((a: string, b): string => a + ctx.owner.executeTemplate(b, ctx), "");
// converts a number to a file size
ex.registerCommand('formatbytes', {
named: { unit: {} }
}, (op, ctx) => {
let value = ctx.owner.executeTemplate(op.args[0], ctx);
let exponent = (op.named.unit != null && { 'b': 0, 'kb': 1, 'mb': 2, 'gb': 3, 'tb': 4 }[ctx.owner.executeTemplate(op.named.unit, ctx)])
|| Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log10(Number(value))/3), 4), 0);
return `${(Number(value) / 1000 ** exponent).toFixed(2)}${['b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb'][exponent]}`;
// gets the size of the active file
ex.registerCommand('filesize', {}, (op, ctx) => {
return ctx.file.size.toString();
// gets the uploader of the active file
ex.registerCommand('uploader', {}, (op, ctx) => {
return ctx.uploader.username;
// selects a random argument
ex.registerCommand('random', {}, (op, ctx) => {
if (op.args.length > 0) {
return ctx.owner.executeTemplate(op.args[Math.round(Math.random() * (op.args.length - 1))], ctx);
} else throw new TemplateError('Random without arguments');
return ex;