# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
oauthlib . oauth2 . rfc6749
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This module is an implementation of various logic needed
for consuming OAuth 2.0 RFC6749 .
import base64
import hashlib
import re
import secrets
import time
import warnings
from oauthlib . common import generate_token
from oauthlib . oauth2 . rfc6749 import tokens
from oauthlib . oauth2 . rfc6749 . errors import (
InsecureTransportError , TokenExpiredError ,
from oauthlib . oauth2 . rfc6749 . parameters import (
parse_token_response , prepare_token_request ,
prepare_token_revocation_request ,
from oauthlib . oauth2 . rfc6749 . utils import is_secure_transport
AUTH_HEADER = ' auth_header '
URI_QUERY = ' query '
BODY = ' body '
' Content-Type ' : ' application/x-www-form-urlencoded '
class Client :
""" Base OAuth2 client responsible for access token management.
This class also acts as a generic interface providing methods common to all
client types such as ` ` prepare_authorization_request ` ` and
` ` prepare_token_revocation_request ` ` . The ` ` prepare_x_request ` ` methods are
the recommended way of interacting with clients ( as opposed to the abstract
prepare uri / body / etc methods ) . They are recommended over the older set
because they are easier to use ( more consistent ) and add a few additional
security checks , such as HTTPS and state checking .
Some of these methods require further implementation only provided by the
specific purpose clients such as
: py : class : ` oauthlib . oauth2 . MobileApplicationClient ` and thus you should always
seek to use the client class matching the OAuth workflow you need . For
Python , this is usually : py : class : ` oauthlib . oauth2 . WebApplicationClient ` .
refresh_token_key = ' refresh_token '
def __init__ ( self , client_id ,
default_token_placement = AUTH_HEADER ,
token_type = ' Bearer ' ,
access_token = None ,
refresh_token = None ,
mac_key = None ,
mac_algorithm = None ,
token = None ,
scope = None ,
state = None ,
redirect_url = None ,
state_generator = generate_token ,
code_verifier = None ,
code_challenge = None ,
code_challenge_method = None ,
* * kwargs ) :
""" Initialize a client with commonly used attributes.
: param client_id : Client identifier given by the OAuth provider upon
registration .
: param default_token_placement : Tokens can be supplied in the Authorization
header ( default ) , the URL query component ( ` ` query ` ` ) or the request
body ( ` ` body ` ` ) .
: param token_type : OAuth 2 token type . Defaults to Bearer . Change this
if you specify the ` ` access_token ` ` parameter and know it is of a
different token type , such as a MAC , JWT or SAML token . Can
also be supplied as ` ` token_type ` ` inside the ` ` token ` ` dict parameter .
: param access_token : An access token ( string ) used to authenticate
requests to protected resources . Can also be supplied inside the
` ` token ` ` dict parameter .
: param refresh_token : A refresh token ( string ) used to refresh expired
tokens . Can also be supplied inside the ` ` token ` ` dict parameter .
: param mac_key : Encryption key used with MAC tokens .
: param mac_algorithm : Hashing algorithm for MAC tokens .
: param token : A dict of token attributes such as ` ` access_token ` ` ,
` ` token_type ` ` and ` ` expires_at ` ` .
: param scope : A list of default scopes to request authorization for .
: param state : A CSRF protection string used during authorization .
: param redirect_url : The redirection endpoint on the client side to which
the user returns after authorization .
: param state_generator : A no argument state generation callable . Defaults
to : py : meth : ` oauthlib . common . generate_token ` .
: param code_verifier : PKCE parameter . A cryptographically random string that is used to correlate the
authorization request to the token request .
: param code_challenge : PKCE parameter . A challenge derived from the code verifier that is sent in the
authorization request , to be verified against later .
: param code_challenge_method : PKCE parameter . A method that was used to derive code challenge .
Defaults to " plain " if not present in the request .
self . client_id = client_id
self . default_token_placement = default_token_placement
self . token_type = token_type
self . access_token = access_token
self . refresh_token = refresh_token
self . mac_key = mac_key
self . mac_algorithm = mac_algorithm
self . token = token or { }
self . scope = scope
self . state_generator = state_generator
self . state = state
self . redirect_url = redirect_url
self . code_verifier = code_verifier
self . code_challenge = code_challenge
self . code_challenge_method = code_challenge_method
self . code = None
self . expires_in = None
self . _expires_at = None
self . populate_token_attributes ( self . token )
def token_types ( self ) :
""" Supported token types and their respective methods
Additional tokens can be supported by extending this dictionary .
The Bearer token spec is stable and safe to use .
The MAC token spec is not yet stable and support for MAC tokens
is experimental and currently matching version 00 of the spec .
return {
' Bearer ' : self . _add_bearer_token ,
' MAC ' : self . _add_mac_token
def prepare_request_uri ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
""" Abstract method used to create request URIs. """
raise NotImplementedError ( " Must be implemented by inheriting classes. " )
def prepare_request_body ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
""" Abstract method used to create request bodies. """
raise NotImplementedError ( " Must be implemented by inheriting classes. " )
def parse_request_uri_response ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
""" Abstract method used to parse redirection responses. """
raise NotImplementedError ( " Must be implemented by inheriting classes. " )
def add_token ( self , uri , http_method = ' GET ' , body = None , headers = None ,
token_placement = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Add token to the request uri, body or authorization header.
The access token type provides the client with the information
required to successfully utilize the access token to make a protected
resource request ( along with type - specific attributes ) . The client
MUST NOT use an access token if it does not understand the token
type .
For example , the " bearer " token type defined in
[ ` I - D . ietf - oauth - v2 - bearer ` _ ] is utilized by simply including the access
token string in the request :
. . code - block : : http
GET / resource / 1 HTTP / 1.1
Host : example . com
Authorization : Bearer mF_9 . B5f - 4.1 JqM
while the " mac " token type defined in [ ` I - D . ietf - oauth - v2 - http - mac ` _ ] is
utilized by issuing a MAC key together with the access token which is
used to sign certain components of the HTTP requests :
. . code - block : : http
GET / resource / 1 HTTP / 1.1
Host : example . com
Authorization : MAC id = " h480djs93hd8 " ,
nonce = " 274312:dj83hs9s " ,
mac = " kDZvddkndxvhGRXZhvuDjEWhGeE= "
. . _ ` I - D . ietf - oauth - v2 - bearer ` : https : / / tools . ietf . org / html / rfc6749 #section-12.2
. . _ ` I - D . ietf - oauth - v2 - http - mac ` : https : / / tools . ietf . org / html / rfc6749 #section-12.2
if not is_secure_transport ( uri ) :
raise InsecureTransportError ( )
token_placement = token_placement or self . default_token_placement
case_insensitive_token_types = {
k . lower ( ) : v for k , v in self . token_types . items ( ) }
if not self . token_type . lower ( ) in case_insensitive_token_types :
raise ValueError ( " Unsupported token type: %s " % self . token_type )
if not ( self . access_token or self . token . get ( ' access_token ' ) ) :
raise ValueError ( " Missing access token. " )
if self . _expires_at and self . _expires_at < time . time ( ) :
raise TokenExpiredError ( )
return case_insensitive_token_types [ self . token_type . lower ( ) ] ( uri , http_method , body ,
headers , token_placement , * * kwargs )
def prepare_authorization_request ( self , authorization_url , state = None ,
redirect_url = None , scope = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Prepare the authorization request.
This is the first step in many OAuth flows in which the user is
redirected to a certain authorization URL . This method adds
required parameters to the authorization URL .
: param authorization_url : Provider authorization endpoint URL .
: param state : CSRF protection string . Will be automatically created if
not provided . The generated state is available via the ` ` state ` `
attribute . Clients should verify that the state is unchanged and
present in the authorization response . This verification is done
automatically if using the ` ` authorization_response ` ` parameter
with ` ` prepare_token_request ` ` .
: param redirect_url : Redirect URL to which the user will be returned
after authorization . Must be provided unless previously setup with
the provider . If provided then it must also be provided in the
token request .
: param scope : List of scopes to request . Must be equal to
or a subset of the scopes granted when obtaining the refresh
token . If none is provided , the ones provided in the constructor are
used .
: param kwargs : Additional parameters to included in the request .
: returns : The prepared request tuple with ( url , headers , body ) .
if not is_secure_transport ( authorization_url ) :
raise InsecureTransportError ( )
self . state = state or self . state_generator ( )
self . redirect_url = redirect_url or self . redirect_url
# do not assign scope to self automatically anymore
scope = self . scope if scope is None else scope
auth_url = self . prepare_request_uri (
authorization_url , redirect_uri = self . redirect_url ,
scope = scope , state = self . state , * * kwargs )
return auth_url , FORM_ENC_HEADERS , ' '
def prepare_token_request ( self , token_url , authorization_response = None ,
redirect_url = None , state = None , body = ' ' , * * kwargs ) :
""" Prepare a token creation request.
Note that these requests usually require client authentication , either
by including client_id or a set of provider specific authentication
credentials .
: param token_url : Provider token creation endpoint URL .
: param authorization_response : The full redirection URL string , i . e .
the location to which the user was redirected after successful
authorization . Used to mine credentials needed to obtain a token
in this step , such as authorization code .
: param redirect_url : The redirect_url supplied with the authorization
request ( if there was one ) .
: param state :
: param body : Existing request body ( URL encoded string ) to embed parameters
into . This may contain extra parameters . Default ' ' .
: param kwargs : Additional parameters to included in the request .
: returns : The prepared request tuple with ( url , headers , body ) .
if not is_secure_transport ( token_url ) :
raise InsecureTransportError ( )
state = state or self . state
if authorization_response :
self . parse_request_uri_response (
authorization_response , state = state )
self . redirect_url = redirect_url or self . redirect_url
body = self . prepare_request_body ( body = body ,
redirect_uri = self . redirect_url , * * kwargs )
return token_url , FORM_ENC_HEADERS , body
def prepare_refresh_token_request ( self , token_url , refresh_token = None ,
body = ' ' , scope = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Prepare an access token refresh request.
Expired access tokens can be replaced by new access tokens without
going through the OAuth dance if the client obtained a refresh token .
This refresh token and authentication credentials can be used to
obtain a new access token , and possibly a new refresh token .
: param token_url : Provider token refresh endpoint URL .
: param refresh_token : Refresh token string .
: param body : Existing request body ( URL encoded string ) to embed parameters
into . This may contain extra parameters . Default ' ' .
: param scope : List of scopes to request . Must be equal to
or a subset of the scopes granted when obtaining the refresh
token . If none is provided , the ones provided in the constructor are
used .
: param kwargs : Additional parameters to included in the request .
: returns : The prepared request tuple with ( url , headers , body ) .
if not is_secure_transport ( token_url ) :
raise InsecureTransportError ( )
# do not assign scope to self automatically anymore
scope = self . scope if scope is None else scope
body = self . prepare_refresh_body ( body = body ,
refresh_token = refresh_token , scope = scope , * * kwargs )
return token_url , FORM_ENC_HEADERS , body
def prepare_token_revocation_request ( self , revocation_url , token ,
token_type_hint = " access_token " , body = ' ' , callback = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Prepare a token revocation request.
: param revocation_url : Provider token revocation endpoint URL .
: param token : The access or refresh token to be revoked ( string ) .
: param token_type_hint : ` ` " access_token " ` ` ( default ) or
` ` " refresh_token " ` ` . This is optional and if you wish to not pass it you
must provide ` ` token_type_hint = None ` ` .
: param body :
: param callback : A jsonp callback such as ` ` package . callback ` ` to be invoked
upon receiving the response . Not that it should not include a ( ) suffix .
: param kwargs : Additional parameters to included in the request .
: returns : The prepared request tuple with ( url , headers , body ) .
Note that JSONP request may use GET requests as the parameters will
be added to the request URL query as opposed to the request body .
An example of a revocation request
. . code - block : : http
POST / revoke HTTP / 1.1
Host : server . example . com
Content - Type : application / x - www - form - urlencoded
Authorization : Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
token = 45 ghiukldjahdnhzdauz & token_type_hint = refresh_token
An example of a jsonp revocation request
. . code - block : : http
GET / revoke ? token = agabcdefddddafdd & callback = package . myCallback HTTP / 1.1
Host : server . example . com
Content - Type : application / x - www - form - urlencoded
Authorization : Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
and an error response
. . code - block : : javascript
package . myCallback ( { " error " : " unsupported_token_type " } ) ;
Note that these requests usually require client credentials , client_id in
the case for public clients and provider specific authentication
credentials for confidential clients .
if not is_secure_transport ( revocation_url ) :
raise InsecureTransportError ( )
return prepare_token_revocation_request ( revocation_url , token ,
token_type_hint = token_type_hint , body = body , callback = callback ,
* * kwargs )
def parse_request_body_response ( self , body , scope = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Parse the JSON response body.
If the access token request is valid and authorized , the
authorization server issues an access token as described in
` Section 5.1 ` _ . A refresh token SHOULD NOT be included . If the request
failed client authentication or is invalid , the authorization server
returns an error response as described in ` Section 5.2 ` _ .
: param body : The response body from the token request .
: param scope : Scopes originally requested . If none is provided , the ones
provided in the constructor are used .
: return : Dictionary of token parameters .
: raises : Warning if scope has changed . : py : class : ` oauthlib . oauth2 . errors . OAuth2Error `
if response is invalid .
These response are json encoded and could easily be parsed without
the assistance of OAuthLib . However , there are a few subtle issues
to be aware of regarding the response which are helpfully addressed
through the raising of various errors .
A successful response should always contain
* * access_token * *
The access token issued by the authorization server . Often
a random string .
* * token_type * *
The type of the token issued as described in ` Section 7.1 ` _ .
Commonly ` ` Bearer ` ` .
While it is not mandated it is recommended that the provider include
* * expires_in * *
The lifetime in seconds of the access token . For
example , the value " 3600 " denotes that the access token will
expire in one hour from the time the response was generated .
If omitted , the authorization server SHOULD provide the
expiration time via other means or document the default value .
* * scope * *
Providers may supply this in all responses but are required to only
if it has changed since the authorization request .
. . _ ` Section 5.1 ` : https : / / tools . ietf . org / html / rfc6749 #section-5.1
. . _ ` Section 5.2 ` : https : / / tools . ietf . org / html / rfc6749 #section-5.2
. . _ ` Section 7.1 ` : https : / / tools . ietf . org / html / rfc6749 #section-7.1
scope = self . scope if scope is None else scope
self . token = parse_token_response ( body , scope = scope )
self . populate_token_attributes ( self . token )
return self . token
def prepare_refresh_body ( self , body = ' ' , refresh_token = None , scope = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Prepare an access token request, using a refresh token.
If the authorization server issued a refresh token to the client , the
client makes a refresh request to the token endpoint by adding the
following parameters using the ` application / x - www - form - urlencoded `
format in the HTTP request entity - body :
: param refresh_token : REQUIRED . The refresh token issued to the client .
: param scope : OPTIONAL . The scope of the access request as described by
Section 3.3 . The requested scope MUST NOT include any scope
not originally granted by the resource owner , and if omitted is
treated as equal to the scope originally granted by the
resource owner . Note that if none is provided , the ones provided
in the constructor are used if any .
refresh_token = refresh_token or self . refresh_token
scope = self . scope if scope is None else scope
return prepare_token_request ( self . refresh_token_key , body = body , scope = scope ,
refresh_token = refresh_token , * * kwargs )
def _add_bearer_token ( self , uri , http_method = ' GET ' , body = None ,
headers = None , token_placement = None ) :
""" Add a bearer token to the request uri, body or authorization header. """
if token_placement == AUTH_HEADER :
headers = tokens . prepare_bearer_headers ( self . access_token , headers )
elif token_placement == URI_QUERY :
uri = tokens . prepare_bearer_uri ( self . access_token , uri )
elif token_placement == BODY :
body = tokens . prepare_bearer_body ( self . access_token , body )
else :
raise ValueError ( " Invalid token placement. " )
return uri , headers , body
def create_code_verifier ( self , length ) :
""" Create PKCE **code_verifier** used in computing **code_challenge**.
See ` RFC7636 Section 4.1 ` _
: param length : REQUIRED . The length of the code_verifier .
The client first creates a code verifier , " code_verifier " , for each
OAuth 2.0 [ RFC6749 ] Authorization Request , in the following manner :
. . code - block : : text
code_verifier = high - entropy cryptographic random STRING using the
unreserved characters [ A - Z ] / [ a - z ] / [ 0 - 9 ] / " - " / " . " / " _ " / " ~ "
from Section 2.3 of [ RFC3986 ] , with a minimum length of 43 characters
and a maximum length of 128 characters .
. . _ ` RFC7636 Section 4.1 ` : https : / / tools . ietf . org / html / rfc7636 #section-4.1
code_verifier = None
if not length > = 43 :
raise ValueError ( " Length must be greater than or equal to 43 " )
if not length < = 128 :
raise ValueError ( " Length must be less than or equal to 128 " )
allowed_characters = re . compile ( ' ^[A-Zaa-z0-9-._~] ' )
code_verifier = secrets . token_urlsafe ( length )
if not re . search ( allowed_characters , code_verifier ) :
raise ValueError ( " code_verifier contains invalid characters " )
self . code_verifier = code_verifier
return code_verifier
def create_code_challenge ( self , code_verifier , code_challenge_method = None ) :
""" Create PKCE **code_challenge** derived from the **code_verifier**.
See ` RFC7636 Section 4.2 ` _
: param code_verifier : REQUIRED . The * * code_verifier * * generated from ` create_code_verifier ( ) ` .
: param code_challenge_method : OPTIONAL . The method used to derive the * * code_challenge * * . Acceptable values include ` S256 ` . DEFAULT is ` plain ` .
The client then creates a code challenge derived from the code
verifier by using one of the following transformations on the code
verifier : :
code_challenge = code_verifier
code_challenge = BASE64URL - ENCODE ( SHA256 ( ASCII ( code_verifier ) ) )
If the client is capable of using ` S256 ` , it MUST use ` S256 ` , as
` S256 ` is Mandatory To Implement ( MTI ) on the server . Clients are
permitted to use ` plain ` only if they cannot support ` S256 ` for some
technical reason and know via out - of - band configuration that the
server supports ` plain ` .
The plain transformation is for compatibility with existing
deployments and for constrained environments that can ' t use the S256 transformation.
. . _ ` RFC7636 Section 4.2 ` : https : / / tools . ietf . org / html / rfc7636 #section-4.2
code_challenge = None
if code_verifier == None :
raise ValueError ( " Invalid code_verifier " )
if code_challenge_method == None :
code_challenge_method = " plain "
self . code_challenge_method = code_challenge_method
code_challenge = code_verifier
self . code_challenge = code_challenge
if code_challenge_method == " S256 " :
h = hashlib . sha256 ( )
h . update ( code_verifier . encode ( encoding = ' ascii ' ) )
sha256_val = h . digest ( )
code_challenge = bytes . decode ( base64 . urlsafe_b64encode ( sha256_val ) )
# replace '+' with '-', '/' with '_', and remove trailing '='
code_challenge = code_challenge . replace ( " + " , " - " ) . replace ( " / " , " _ " ) . replace ( " = " , " " )
self . code_challenge = code_challenge
return code_challenge
def _add_mac_token ( self , uri , http_method = ' GET ' , body = None ,
headers = None , token_placement = AUTH_HEADER , ext = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Add a MAC token to the request authorization header.
Warning : MAC token support is experimental as the spec is not yet stable .
if token_placement != AUTH_HEADER :
raise ValueError ( " Invalid token placement. " )
headers = tokens . prepare_mac_header ( self . access_token , uri ,
self . mac_key , http_method , headers = headers , body = body , ext = ext ,
hash_algorithm = self . mac_algorithm , * * kwargs )
return uri , headers , body
def _populate_attributes ( self , response ) :
warnings . warn ( " Please switch to the public method "
" populate_token_attributes. " , DeprecationWarning )
return self . populate_token_attributes ( response )
def populate_code_attributes ( self , response ) :
""" Add attributes from an auth code response to self. """
if ' code ' in response :
self . code = response . get ( ' code ' )
def populate_token_attributes ( self , response ) :
""" Add attributes from a token exchange response to self. """
if ' access_token ' in response :
self . access_token = response . get ( ' access_token ' )
if ' refresh_token ' in response :
self . refresh_token = response . get ( ' refresh_token ' )
if ' token_type ' in response :
self . token_type = response . get ( ' token_type ' )
if ' expires_in ' in response :
self . expires_in = response . get ( ' expires_in ' )
self . _expires_at = time . time ( ) + int ( self . expires_in )
if ' expires_at ' in response :
try :
self . _expires_at = int ( response . get ( ' expires_at ' ) )
except :
self . _expires_at = None
if ' mac_key ' in response :
self . mac_key = response . get ( ' mac_key ' )
if ' mac_algorithm ' in response :
self . mac_algorithm = response . get ( ' mac_algorithm ' )