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298 lines
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9 months ago
from __future__ import annotations
# built-in
from functools import reduce
from itertools import islice, permutations, repeat
from math import log
from typing import Sequence
# app
from .base import Base as _Base, BaseSimilarity as _BaseSimilarity
from .edit_based import DamerauLevenshtein
__all__ = [
'Jaccard', 'Sorensen', 'Tversky',
'Overlap', 'Cosine', 'Tanimoto', 'MongeElkan', 'Bag',
'jaccard', 'sorensen', 'tversky', 'sorensen_dice',
'overlap', 'cosine', 'tanimoto', 'monge_elkan', 'bag',
class Jaccard(_BaseSimilarity):
Compute the Jaccard similarity between the two sequences.
They should contain hashable items.
The return value is a float between 0 and 1, where 1 means equal,
and 0 totally different.
def __init__(
qval: int = 1,
as_set: bool = False,
external: bool = True,
) -> None:
self.qval = qval
self.as_set = as_set
self.external = external
def maximum(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> int:
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if result is not None:
return result
sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) # sets
intersection = self._intersect_counters(*sequences) # set
intersection = self._count_counters(intersection) # int
union = self._union_counters(*sequences) # set
union = self._count_counters(union) # int
return intersection / union
class Sorensen(_BaseSimilarity):
Compute the Sorensen distance between the two sequences.
They should contain hashable items.
The return value is a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means equal,
and 1 totally different.
def __init__(self, qval: int = 1, as_set: bool = False, external: bool = True) -> None:
self.qval = qval
self.as_set = as_set
self.external = external
def maximum(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> int:
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if result is not None:
return result
sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) # sets
count = sum(self._count_counters(s) for s in sequences)
intersection = self._intersect_counters(*sequences) # set
intersection = self._count_counters(intersection) # int
return 2.0 * intersection / count
class Tversky(_BaseSimilarity):
"""Tversky index
def __init__(
qval: int = 1,
ks: Sequence[float] = None,
bias: float | None = None,
as_set: bool = False,
external: bool = True,
) -> None:
self.qval = qval
self.ks = ks or repeat(1)
self.bias = bias
self.as_set = as_set
self.external = external
def maximum(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> int:
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
quick_result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if quick_result is not None:
return quick_result
sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) # sets
intersection = self._intersect_counters(*sequences) # set
intersection = self._count_counters(intersection) # int
sequences = [self._count_counters(s) for s in sequences] # ints
ks = list(islice(self.ks, len(sequences)))
if len(sequences) != 2 or self.bias is None:
result = intersection
for k, s in zip(ks, sequences):
result += k * (s - intersection)
return intersection / result
s1, s2 = sequences
alpha, beta = ks
a_val = min([s1, s2])
b_val = max([s1, s2])
c_val = intersection + self.bias
result = alpha * beta * (a_val - b_val) + b_val * beta
return c_val / (result + c_val)
class Overlap(_BaseSimilarity):
"""overlap coefficient
def __init__(
qval: int = 1,
as_set: bool = False,
external: bool = True,
) -> None:
self.qval = qval
self.as_set = as_set
self.external = external
def maximum(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> int:
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if result is not None:
return result
sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) # sets
intersection = self._intersect_counters(*sequences) # set
intersection = self._count_counters(intersection) # int
sequences = [self._count_counters(s) for s in sequences] # ints
return intersection / min(sequences)
class Cosine(_BaseSimilarity):
"""cosine similarity (Ochiai coefficient)
def __init__(
qval: int = 1,
as_set: bool = False,
external: bool = True,
) -> None:
self.qval = qval
self.as_set = as_set
self.external = external
def maximum(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> int:
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if result is not None:
return result
sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) # sets
intersection = self._intersect_counters(*sequences) # set
intersection = self._count_counters(intersection) # int
sequences = [self._count_counters(s) for s in sequences] # ints
prod = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, sequences)
return intersection / pow(prod, 1.0 / len(sequences))
class Tanimoto(Jaccard):
"""Tanimoto distance
This is identical to the Jaccard similarity coefficient
and the Tversky index for alpha=1 and beta=1.
def __call__(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
result = super().__call__(*sequences)
if result == 0:
return float('-inf')
return log(result, 2)
class MongeElkan(_BaseSimilarity):
_damerau_levenshtein = DamerauLevenshtein()
def __init__(
symmetric: bool = False,
qval: int = 1,
external: bool = True,
) -> None:
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.symmetric = symmetric
self.qval = qval
self.external = external
def maximum(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
result = self.algorithm.maximum(sequences)
for seq in sequences:
if seq:
result = max(result, self.algorithm.maximum(*seq))
return result
def _calc(self, seq, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
if not seq:
return 0
maxes = []
for c1 in seq:
for s in sequences:
max_sim = float('-inf')
for c2 in s:
max_sim = max(max_sim, self.algorithm.similarity(c1, c2))
return sum(maxes) / len(seq) / len(maxes)
def __call__(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
quick_result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if quick_result is not None:
return quick_result
sequences = self._get_sequences(*sequences)
if self.symmetric:
result = []
for seqs in permutations(sequences):
return sum(result) / len(result)
return self._calc(*sequences)
class Bag(_Base):
"""Bag distance
def __call__(self, *sequences: Sequence) -> float:
sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) # sets
intersection = self._intersect_counters(*sequences) # set
return max(self._count_counters(sequence - intersection) for sequence in sequences)
bag = Bag()
cosine = Cosine()
dice = Sorensen()
jaccard = Jaccard()
monge_elkan = MongeElkan()
overlap = Overlap()
sorensen = Sorensen()
sorensen_dice = Sorensen()
# sorensen_dice = Tversky(ks=[.5, .5])
tanimoto = Tanimoto()
tversky = Tversky()