Python representations of the JSON Schema Test Suite tests .
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest
import attr
from jsonschema . validators import _VALIDATORS
import jsonschema
def _find_suite ( ) :
root = os . environ . get ( " JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE " )
if root is not None :
return Path ( root )
root = Path ( jsonschema . __file__ ) . parent . parent / " json "
if not root . is_dir ( ) : # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError (
" Can ' t find the JSON-Schema-Test-Suite directory. "
" Set the ' JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE ' environment "
" variable or run the tests from alongside a checkout "
" of the suite. "
) ,
return root
@attr.s ( hash = True )
class Suite :
_root = attr . ib ( default = attr . Factory ( _find_suite ) )
def _remotes ( self ) :
jsonschema_suite = self . _root . joinpath ( " bin " , " jsonschema_suite " )
remotes = subprocess . check_output (
[ sys . executable , str ( jsonschema_suite ) , " remotes " ] ,
return json . loads ( remotes . decode ( " utf-8 " ) )
def benchmark ( self , runner ) : # pragma: no cover
for name , Validator in _VALIDATORS . items ( ) :
self . version ( name = name ) . benchmark (
runner = runner ,
Validator = Validator ,
def version ( self , name ) :
return Version (
name = name ,
path = self . _root . joinpath ( " tests " , name ) ,
remotes = self . _remotes ( ) ,
@attr.s ( hash = True )
class Version :
_path = attr . ib ( )
_remotes = attr . ib ( )
name = attr . ib ( )
def benchmark ( self , runner , * * kwargs ) : # pragma: no cover
for suite in self . tests ( ) :
for test in suite :
runner . bench_func (
test . fully_qualified_name ,
partial ( test . validate_ignoring_errors , * * kwargs ) ,
def tests ( self ) :
return (
for child in self . _path . glob ( " *.json " )
for test in self . _tests_in (
subject = child . name [ : - 5 ] ,
path = child ,
def format_tests ( self ) :
path = self . _path . joinpath ( " optional " , " format " )
return (
for child in path . glob ( " *.json " )
for test in self . _tests_in (
subject = child . name [ : - 5 ] ,
path = child ,
def optional_tests_of ( self , name ) :
return self . _tests_in (
subject = name ,
path = self . _path . joinpath ( " optional " , name + " .json " ) ,
def to_unittest_testcase ( self , * suites , * * kwargs ) :
name = kwargs . pop ( " name " , " Test " + self . name . title ( ) . replace ( " - " , " " ) )
methods = {
test . method_name : test . to_unittest_method ( * * kwargs )
for suite in suites
for tests in suite
for test in tests
cls = type ( name , ( unittest . TestCase , ) , methods )
try :
cls . __module__ = _someone_save_us_the_module_of_the_caller ( )
except Exception : # pragma: no cover
# We're doing crazy things, so if they go wrong, like a function
# behaving differently on some other interpreter, just make them
# not happen.
return cls
def _tests_in ( self , subject , path ) :
for each in json . loads ( path . read_text ( encoding = " utf-8 " ) ) :
yield (
_Test (
version = self ,
subject = subject ,
case_description = each [ " description " ] ,
schema = each [ " schema " ] ,
remotes = self . _remotes ,
* * test ,
) for test in each [ " tests " ]
@attr.s ( hash = True , repr = False )
class _Test :
version = attr . ib ( )
subject = attr . ib ( )
case_description = attr . ib ( )
description = attr . ib ( )
data = attr . ib ( )
schema = attr . ib ( repr = False )
valid = attr . ib ( )
_remotes = attr . ib ( )
comment = attr . ib ( default = None )
def __repr__ ( self ) : # pragma: no cover
return " <Test {} > " . format ( self . fully_qualified_name )
def fully_qualified_name ( self ) : # pragma: no cover
return " > " . join (
self . version . name ,
self . subject ,
self . case_description ,
self . description ,
] ,
def method_name ( self ) :
delimiters = r " [ \ W \ - ]+ "
return " test_ {} _ {} _ {} " . format (
re . sub ( delimiters , " _ " , self . subject ) ,
re . sub ( delimiters , " _ " , self . case_description ) ,
re . sub ( delimiters , " _ " , self . description ) ,
def to_unittest_method ( self , skip = lambda test : None , * * kwargs ) :
if self . valid :
def fn ( this ) :
self . validate ( * * kwargs )
else :
def fn ( this ) :
with this . assertRaises ( jsonschema . ValidationError ) :
self . validate ( * * kwargs )
fn . __name__ = self . method_name
reason = skip ( self )
if reason is None or os . environ . get ( " JSON_SCHEMA_DEBUG " , " 0 " ) != " 0 " :
return fn
elif os . environ . get ( " JSON_SCHEMA_EXPECTED_FAILURES " , " 0 " ) != " 0 " :
return unittest . expectedFailure ( fn )
else :
return unittest . skip ( reason ) ( fn )
def validate ( self , Validator , * * kwargs ) :
Validator . check_schema ( self . schema )
resolver = jsonschema . RefResolver . from_schema (
schema = self . schema ,
store = self . _remotes ,
id_of = Validator . ID_OF ,
# XXX: #693 asks to improve the public API for this, since yeah, it's
# bad. Figures that since it's hard for end-users, we experience
# the pain internally here too.
def prevent_network_access ( uri ) :
raise RuntimeError ( f " Tried to access the network: { uri } " )
resolver . resolve_remote = prevent_network_access
validator = Validator ( schema = self . schema , resolver = resolver , * * kwargs )
if os . environ . get ( " JSON_SCHEMA_DEBUG " , " 0 " ) != " 0 " :
breakpoint ( )
validator . validate ( instance = self . data )
def validate_ignoring_errors ( self , Validator ) : # pragma: no cover
try :
self . validate ( Validator = Validator )
except jsonschema . ValidationError :
def _someone_save_us_the_module_of_the_caller ( ) :
The FQON of the module 2 nd stack frames up from here .
This is intended to allow us to dynamically return test case classes that
are indistinguishable from being defined in the module that wants them .
Otherwise , trial will mis - print the FQON , and copy pasting it won ' t re-run
the class that really is running .
Save us all , this is all so so so so so terrible .
return sys . _getframe ( 2 ) . f_globals [ " __name__ " ]