# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com>
# All rights reserved.
# This code is licensed under the MIT License.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import os
import re
import copy
from os . path import dirname
from os . path import abspath
# Used for testing
from . import NotifyEmail as NotifyEmailBase
# NotifyBase object is passed in as a module not class
from . import NotifyBase
from . . common import NotifyImageSize
from . . common import NOTIFY_IMAGE_SIZES
from . . common import NotifyType
from . . common import NOTIFY_TYPES
from . . import common
from . . utils import parse_list
from . . utils import cwe312_url
from . . utils import GET_SCHEMA_RE
from . . logger import logger
from . . AppriseLocale import gettext_lazy as _
from . . AppriseLocale import LazyTranslation
__all__ = [
# Reference
' NotifyImageSize ' , ' NOTIFY_IMAGE_SIZES ' , ' NotifyType ' , ' NOTIFY_TYPES ' ,
' NotifyBase ' ,
# NotifyEmail Base Module (used for NotifyEmail testing)
' NotifyEmailBase ' ,
# Tokenizer
' url_to_dict ' ,
# Load our Lookup Matrix
def __load_matrix ( path = abspath ( dirname ( __file__ ) ) , name = ' apprise.plugins ' ) :
Dynamically load our schema map ; this allows us to gracefully
skip over modules we simply don ' t have the dependencies for.
# Used for the detection of additional Notify Services objects
# The .py extension is optional as we support loading directories too
module_re = re . compile ( r ' ^(?P<name>Notify[a-z0-9]+)( \ .py)?$ ' , re . I )
for f in os . listdir ( path ) :
match = module_re . match ( f )
if not match :
# keep going
# Store our notification/plugin name:
plugin_name = match . group ( ' name ' )
try :
module = __import__ (
' {} . {} ' . format ( name , plugin_name ) ,
globals ( ) , locals ( ) ,
fromlist = [ plugin_name ] )
except ImportError :
# No problem, we can't use this object
if not hasattr ( module , plugin_name ) :
# Not a library we can load as it doesn't follow the simple rule
# that the class must bear the same name as the notification
# file itself.
# Get our plugin
plugin = getattr ( module , plugin_name )
if not hasattr ( plugin , ' app_id ' ) :
# Filter out non-notification modules
elif plugin_name in common . NOTIFY_MODULE_MAP :
# we're already handling this object
# Add our plugin name to our module map
common . NOTIFY_MODULE_MAP [ plugin_name ] = {
' plugin ' : plugin ,
' module ' : module ,
# Add our module name to our __all__
__all__ . append ( plugin_name )
# Load our module into memory so it's accessible to all
globals ( ) [ plugin_name ] = plugin
fn = getattr ( plugin , ' schemas ' , None )
schemas = set ( [ ] ) if not callable ( fn ) else fn ( plugin )
# map our schema to our plugin
for schema in schemas :
if schema in common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP :
logger . error (
" Notification schema ( {} ) mismatch detected - {} to {} "
. format ( schema , common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] , plugin ) )
# Assign plugin
common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] = plugin
return common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP
# Reset our Lookup Matrix
def __reset_matrix ( ) :
Restores the Lookup matrix to it ' s base setting. This is only used through
testing and should not be directly called .
# Reset our schema map
common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP . clear ( )
# Iterate over our module map so we can clear out our __all__ and globals
for plugin_name in common . NOTIFY_MODULE_MAP . keys ( ) :
# Clear out globals
del globals ( ) [ plugin_name ]
# Remove element from plugins
__all__ . remove ( plugin_name )
# Clear out our module map
common . NOTIFY_MODULE_MAP . clear ( )
# Dynamically build our schema base
__load_matrix ( )
def _sanitize_token ( tokens , default_delimiter ) :
This is called by the details ( ) function and santizes the output by
populating expected and consistent arguments if they weren ' t otherwise
specified .
# Iterate over our tokens
for key in tokens . keys ( ) :
for element in tokens [ key ] . keys ( ) :
# Perform translations (if detected to do so)
if isinstance ( tokens [ key ] [ element ] , LazyTranslation ) :
tokens [ key ] [ element ] = str ( tokens [ key ] [ element ] )
if ' alias_of ' in tokens [ key ] :
# Do not touch this field
if ' map_to ' not in tokens [ key ] :
# Default type to key
tokens [ key ] [ ' map_to ' ] = key
if ' type ' not in tokens [ key ] :
# Default type to string
tokens [ key ] [ ' type ' ] = ' string '
elif tokens [ key ] [ ' type ' ] . startswith ( ' list ' ) \
and ' delim ' not in tokens [ key ] :
# Default list delimiter (if not otherwise specified)
tokens [ key ] [ ' delim ' ] = default_delimiter
elif tokens [ key ] [ ' type ' ] . startswith ( ' choice ' ) \
and ' default ' not in tokens [ key ] \
and ' values ' in tokens [ key ] \
and len ( tokens [ key ] [ ' values ' ] ) == 1 :
# If there is only one choice; then make it the default
# - support dictionaries too
tokens [ key ] [ ' default ' ] = tokens [ key ] [ ' values ' ] [ 0 ] \
if not isinstance ( tokens [ key ] [ ' values ' ] , dict ) \
else next ( iter ( tokens [ key ] [ ' values ' ] ) )
if ' values ' in tokens [ key ] and isinstance ( tokens [ key ] [ ' values ' ] , dict ) :
# Convert values into a list if it was defined as a dictionary
tokens [ key ] [ ' values ' ] = [ k for k in tokens [ key ] [ ' values ' ] . keys ( ) ]
if ' regex ' in tokens [ key ] :
# Verify that we are a tuple; convert strings to tuples
if isinstance ( tokens [ key ] [ ' regex ' ] , str ) :
# Default tuple setup
tokens [ key ] [ ' regex ' ] = \
( tokens [ key ] [ ' regex ' ] , None )
elif not isinstance ( tokens [ key ] [ ' regex ' ] , ( list , tuple ) ) :
# Invalid regex
del tokens [ key ] [ ' regex ' ]
if ' required ' not in tokens [ key ] :
# Default required is False
tokens [ key ] [ ' required ' ] = False
if ' private ' not in tokens [ key ] :
# Private flag defaults to False if not set
tokens [ key ] [ ' private ' ] = False
def details ( plugin ) :
Provides templates that can be used by developers to build URLs
dynamically .
If a list of templates is provided , then they will be used over
the default value .
If a list of tokens are provided , then they will over - ride any
additional settings built from this script and / or will be appended
to them afterwards .
# Our unique list of parsing will be based on the provided templates
# if none are provided we will use our own
templates = tuple ( plugin . templates )
# The syntax is simple
# {
# # The token_name must tie back to an entry found in the
# # templates list.
# 'token_name': {
# # types can be 'string', 'int', 'choice', 'list, 'float'
# # both choice and list may additionally have a : identify
# # what the list/choice type is comprised of; the default
# # is string.
# 'type': 'choice:string',
# # values will only exist the type must be a fixed
# # list of inputs (generated from type choice for example)
# # If this is a choice:bool then you should ALWAYS define
# # this list as a (True, False) such as ('Yes, 'No') or
# # ('Enabled', 'Disabled'), etc
# 'values': [ 'http', 'https' ],
# # Identifies if the entry specified is required or not
# 'required': True,
# # Identify a default value
# 'default': 'http',
# # Optional Verification Entries min and max are for floats
# # and/or integers
# 'min': 4,
# 'max': 5,
# # A list will always identify a delimiter. If this is
# # part of a path, this may be a '/', or it could be a
# # comma and/or space. delimiters are always in a list
# # eg (if space and/or comma is a delimiter the entry
# # would look like: 'delim': [',' , ' ' ]
# 'delim': None,
# # Use regex if you want to share the regular expression
# # required to validate the field. The regex will never
# # accomodate the prefix (if one is specified). That is
# # up to the user building the URLs to include the prefix
# # on the URL when constructing it.
# # The format is ('regex', 'reg options')
# 'regex': (r'[A-Z0-9]+', 'i'),
# # A Prefix is always a string, to differentiate between
# # multiple arguments, sometimes content is prefixed.
# 'prefix': '@',
# # By default the key of this object is to be interpreted
# # as the argument to the notification in question. However
# # To accomodate cases where there are multiple types that
# # all map to the same entry, one can find a map_to value.
# 'map_to': 'function_arg',
# # Some arguments act as an alias_of an already defined object
# # This plays a role more with configuration file generation
# # since yaml files allow you to define different argumuments
# # in line to simplify things. If this directive is set, then
# # it should be treated exactly the same as the object it is
# # an alias of
# 'alias_of': 'function_arg',
# # Advise developers to consider the potential sensitivity
# # of this field owned by the user. This is for passwords,
# # and api keys, etc...
# 'private': False,
# },
# }
# Template tokens identify the arguments required to initialize the
# plugin itself. It identifies all of the tokens and provides some
# details on their use. Each token defined should in some way map
# back to at least one URL {token} defined in the templates
# Since we nest a dictionary within a dictionary, a simple copy isn't
# enough. a deepcopy allows us to manipulate this object in this
# funtion without obstructing the original.
template_tokens = copy . deepcopy ( plugin . template_tokens )
# Arguments and/or Options either have a default value and/or are
# optional to be set.
# Since we nest a dictionary within a dictionary, a simple copy isn't
# enough. a deepcopy allows us to manipulate this object in this
# funtion without obstructing the original.
template_args = copy . deepcopy ( plugin . template_args )
# Our template keyword arguments ?+key=value&-key=value
# Basically the user provides both the key and the value. this is only
# possibly by identifying the key prefix required for them to be
# interpreted hence the +/- keys are built into apprise by default for easy
# reference. In these cases, entry might look like '+' being the prefix:
# {
# 'arg_name': {
# 'name': 'label',
# 'prefix': '+',
# }
# }
# Since we nest a dictionary within a dictionary, a simple copy isn't
# enough. a deepcopy allows us to manipulate this object in this
# funtion without obstructing the original.
template_kwargs = copy . deepcopy ( plugin . template_kwargs )
# We automatically create a schema entry
template_tokens [ ' schema ' ] = {
' name ' : _ ( ' Schema ' ) ,
' type ' : ' choice:string ' ,
' required ' : True ,
' values ' : parse_list ( plugin . secure_protocol , plugin . protocol )
# Sanitize our tokens
_sanitize_token ( template_tokens , default_delimiter = ( ' / ' , ) )
# Delimiter(s) are space and/or comma
_sanitize_token ( template_args , default_delimiter = ( ' , ' , ' ' ) )
_sanitize_token ( template_kwargs , default_delimiter = ( ' , ' , ' ' ) )
# Argument/Option Handling
for key in list ( template_args . keys ( ) ) :
if ' alias_of ' in template_args [ key ] :
# Check if the mapped reference is a list; if it is, then
# we need to store a different delimiter
alias_of = template_tokens . get ( template_args [ key ] [ ' alias_of ' ] , { } )
if alias_of . get ( ' type ' , ' ' ) . startswith ( ' list ' ) \
and ' delim ' not in template_args [ key ] :
# Set a default delimiter of a comma and/or space if one
# hasn't already been specified
template_args [ key ] [ ' delim ' ] = ( ' , ' , ' ' )
# _lookup_default looks up what the default value
if ' _lookup_default ' in template_args [ key ] :
template_args [ key ] [ ' default ' ] = getattr (
plugin , template_args [ key ] [ ' _lookup_default ' ] )
# Tidy as we don't want to pass this along in response
del template_args [ key ] [ ' _lookup_default ' ]
# _exists_if causes the argument to only exist IF after checking
# the return of an internal variable requiring a check
if ' _exists_if ' in template_args [ key ] :
if not getattr ( plugin ,
template_args [ key ] [ ' _exists_if ' ] ) :
# Remove entire object
del template_args [ key ]
else :
# We only nee to remove this key
del template_args [ key ] [ ' _exists_if ' ]
return {
' templates ' : templates ,
' tokens ' : template_tokens ,
' args ' : template_args ,
' kwargs ' : template_kwargs ,
def requirements ( plugin ) :
Provides a list of packages and its requirement details
requirements = {
# Use the description to provide a human interpretable description of
# what is required to make the plugin work. This is only nessisary
# if there are package dependencies
' details ' : ' ' ,
# Define any required packages needed for the plugin to run. This is
# an array of strings that simply look like lines in the
# `requirements.txt` file...
# A single string is perfectly acceptable:
# 'packages_required' = 'cryptography'
# Multiple entries should look like the following
# 'packages_required' = [
# 'cryptography < 3.4`,
# ]
' packages_required ' : [ ] ,
# Recommended packages identify packages that are not required to make
# your plugin work, but would improve it's use or grant it access to
# full functionality (that might otherwise be limited).
# Similar to `packages_required`, you would identify each entry in
# the array as you would in a `requirements.txt` file.
# - Do not re-provide entries already in the `packages_required`
' packages_recommended ' : [ ] ,
# Populate our template differently if we don't find anything above
if not ( hasattr ( plugin , ' requirements ' )
and isinstance ( plugin . requirements , dict ) ) :
# We're done early
return requirements
# Get our required packages
_req_packages = plugin . requirements . get ( ' packages_required ' )
if isinstance ( _req_packages , str ) :
# Convert to list
_req_packages = [ _req_packages ]
elif not isinstance ( _req_packages , ( set , list , tuple ) ) :
# Allow one to set the required packages to None (as an example)
_req_packages = [ ]
requirements [ ' packages_required ' ] = [ str ( p ) for p in _req_packages ]
# Get our recommended packages
_opt_packages = plugin . requirements . get ( ' packages_recommended ' )
if isinstance ( _opt_packages , str ) :
# Convert to list
_opt_packages = [ _opt_packages ]
elif not isinstance ( _opt_packages , ( set , list , tuple ) ) :
# Allow one to set the recommended packages to None (as an example)
_opt_packages = [ ]
requirements [ ' packages_recommended ' ] = [ str ( p ) for p in _opt_packages ]
# Get our package details
_req_details = plugin . requirements . get ( ' details ' )
if not _req_details :
if not ( _req_packages or _opt_packages ) :
_req_details = _ ( ' No dependencies. ' )
elif _req_packages :
_req_details = _ ( ' Packages are required to function. ' )
else : # opt_packages
_req_details = \
_ ( ' Packages are recommended to improve functionality. ' )
else :
# Store our details if defined
requirements [ ' details ' ] = _req_details
# Return our compiled package requirements
return requirements
def url_to_dict ( url , secure_logging = True ) :
Takes an apprise URL and returns the tokens associated with it
if they can be acquired based on the plugins available .
None is returned if the URL could not be parsed , otherwise the
tokens are returned .
These tokens can be loaded into apprise through it ' s add()
function .
# swap hash (#) tag values with their html version
_url = url . replace ( ' /# ' , ' / % 23 ' )
# CWE-312 (Secure Logging) Handling
loggable_url = url if not secure_logging else cwe312_url ( url )
# Attempt to acquire the schema at the very least to allow our plugins to
# determine if they can make a better interpretation of a URL geared for
# them.
schema = GET_SCHEMA_RE . match ( _url )
if schema is None :
# Not a valid URL; take an early exit
logger . error ( ' Unsupported URL: {} ' . format ( loggable_url ) )
return None
# Ensure our schema is always in lower case
schema = schema . group ( ' schema ' ) . lower ( )
if schema not in common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP :
# Give the user the benefit of the doubt that the user may be using
# one of the URLs provided to them by their notification service.
# Before we fail for good, just scan all the plugins that support the
# native_url() parse function
results = \
next ( ( r [ ' plugin ' ] . parse_native_url ( _url )
for r in common . NOTIFY_MODULE_MAP . values ( )
if r [ ' plugin ' ] . parse_native_url ( _url ) is not None ) ,
None )
if not results :
logger . error ( ' Unparseable URL {} ' . format ( loggable_url ) )
return None
logger . trace ( ' URL {} unpacked as: {} {} ' . format (
url , os . linesep , os . linesep . join (
[ ' {} = " {} " ' . format ( k , v ) for k , v in results . items ( ) ] ) ) )
else :
# Parse our url details of the server object as dictionary
# containing all of the information parsed from our URL
results = common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] . parse_url ( _url )
if not results :
logger . error ( ' Unparseable {} URL {} ' . format (
common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] . service_name , loggable_url ) )
return None
logger . trace ( ' {} URL {} unpacked as: {} {} ' . format (
common . NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP [ schema ] . service_name , url ,
os . linesep , os . linesep . join (
[ ' {} = " {} " ' . format ( k , v ) for k , v in results . items ( ) ] ) ) )
# Return our results
return results