# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import io
import logging
import os
import zipfile
from subzero . language import Language
from guessit import guessit
from requests import Session
from subliminal_patch . providers import Provider
from subliminal_patch . subtitle import Subtitle
from subliminal . subtitle import fix_line_ending
from subliminal import __short_version__
from subliminal . cache import SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME , region
from subliminal_patch . exceptions import ProviderError
from subliminal_patch . subtitle import guess_matches
from subliminal_patch . utils import sanitize
from subliminal . video import Episode , Movie
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class WizdomSubtitle ( Subtitle ) :
""" Wizdom Subtitle. """
provider_name = ' wizdom '
def __init__ ( self , language , hearing_impaired , page_link , series , season , episode , title , imdb_id , subtitle_id ,
release ) :
super ( WizdomSubtitle , self ) . __init__ ( language , hearing_impaired , page_link )
self . series = series
self . season = season
self . episode = episode
self . title = title
self . imdb_id = imdb_id
self . subtitle_id = subtitle_id
self . release = release
self . release_info = release
def id ( self ) :
return str ( self . subtitle_id )
def get_matches ( self , video ) :
matches = set ( )
# episode
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
# series
if video . series and ( sanitize ( self . title ) in (
sanitize ( name ) for name in [ video . series ] + video . alternative_series ) ) :
matches . add ( ' series ' )
# season
if video . season and self . season == video . season :
matches . add ( ' season ' )
# episode
if video . episode and self . episode == video . episode :
matches . add ( ' episode ' )
# imdb_id
if video . series_imdb_id and self . imdb_id == video . series_imdb_id :
matches . add ( ' series_imdb_id ' )
# guess
matches | = guess_matches ( video , guessit ( self . release , { ' type ' : ' episode ' } ) )
# movie
elif isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
# guess
matches | = guess_matches ( video , guessit ( self . release , { ' type ' : ' movie ' } ) )
# title
if video . title and ( sanitize ( self . title ) in (
sanitize ( name ) for name in [ video . title ] + video . alternative_titles ) ) :
matches . add ( ' title ' )
return matches
class WizdomProvider ( Provider ) :
""" Wizdom Provider. """
languages = { Language ( l ) for l in [ ' heb ' ] }
video_types = ( Episode , Movie )
server_url = ' wizdom.xyz '
_tmdb_api_key = ' a51ee051bcd762543373903de296e0a3 '
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . session = None
def initialize ( self ) :
self . session = Session ( )
self . session . headers [ ' User-Agent ' ] = ' Subliminal/ {} ' . format ( __short_version__ )
def terminate ( self ) :
self . session . close ( )
@region.cache_on_arguments ( expiration_time = SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME )
def _search_imdb_id ( self , title , year , is_movie ) :
""" Search the IMDB ID for the given `title` and `year`.
: param str title : title to search for .
: param int year : year to search for ( or 0 if not relevant ) .
: param bool is_movie : If True , IMDB ID will be searched for in TMDB instead of Wizdom .
: return : the IMDB ID for the given title and year ( or None if not found ) .
: rtype : str
# make the search
logger . info ( ' Searching IMDB ID for %r %r ' , title , ' ' if not year else ' ( {} ) ' . format ( year ) )
category = ' movie ' if is_movie else ' tv '
title = title . replace ( ' \' ' , ' ' )
# get TMDB ID first
r = self . session . get ( ' http://api.tmdb.org/3/search/ {} ?api_key= {} &query= {} {} &language=en ' . format (
category , self . _tmdb_api_key , title , ' ' if not year else ' &year= {} ' . format ( year ) ) )
r . raise_for_status ( )
tmdb_results = r . json ( ) . get ( ' results ' )
if tmdb_results :
tmdb_id = tmdb_results [ 0 ] . get ( ' id ' )
if tmdb_id :
# get actual IMDB ID from TMDB
r = self . session . get ( ' http://api.tmdb.org/3/ {} / {} {} ?api_key= {} &language=en ' . format (
category , tmdb_id , ' ' if is_movie else ' /external_ids ' , self . _tmdb_api_key ) )
r . raise_for_status ( )
imdb_id = r . json ( ) . get ( ' imdb_id ' )
if imdb_id :
return str ( imdb_id )
else :
return None
return None
def query ( self , title , season = None , episode = None , year = None , filename = None , imdb_id = None ) :
# search for the IMDB ID if needed.
is_movie = not ( season and episode )
imdb_id = imdb_id or self . _search_imdb_id ( title , year , is_movie )
if not imdb_id :
return { }
# search
logger . debug ( ' Using IMDB ID %r ' , imdb_id )
url = ' https:// {} /api/releases/ {} ' . format ( self . server_url , imdb_id )
page_link = ' http:// {} /#/ {} / {} ' . format ( self . server_url , ' movies ' if is_movie else ' series ' , imdb_id )
# get the list of subtitles
logger . debug ( ' Getting the list of subtitles ' )
r = self . session . get ( url )
r . raise_for_status ( )
try :
results = r . json ( )
except ValueError :
return { }
# filter irrelevant results
if not is_movie :
results = results . get ( ' subs ' , [ ] )
# there are two formats of result jsons - seasons list and seasons dict
if isinstance ( results , list ) :
results = results [ season ] if len ( results ) > = season else { }
else :
results = results . get ( str ( season ) , { } )
results = results . get ( str ( episode ) , [ ] )
else :
results = results . get ( ' subs ' , [ ] )
# loop over results
subtitles = { }
for result in results :
language = Language ( ' heb ' )
hearing_impaired = False
subtitle_id = result [ ' id ' ]
release = result [ ' version ' ]
# otherwise create it
subtitle = WizdomSubtitle ( language , hearing_impaired , page_link , title , season , episode , title , imdb_id ,
subtitle_id , release )
logger . debug ( ' Found subtitle %r ' , subtitle )
subtitles [ subtitle_id ] = subtitle
return subtitles . values ( )
def list_subtitles ( self , video , languages ) :
season = episode = None
year = video . year
filename = video . name
imdb_id = video . imdb_id
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
titles = [ video . series ] + video . alternative_series
season = video . season
episode = video . episode
imdb_id = video . series_imdb_id
else :
titles = [ video . title ] + video . alternative_titles
imdb_id = video . imdb_id
for title in titles :
subtitles = [ s for s in
self . query ( title , season , episode , year , filename , imdb_id ) if s . language in languages ]
if subtitles :
return subtitles
return [ ]
def download_subtitle ( self , subtitle ) :
# download
url = ' http://zip. {} / {} .zip ' . format ( self . server_url , subtitle . subtitle_id )
r = self . session . get ( url , headers = { ' Referer ' : subtitle . page_link } , timeout = 10 )
r . raise_for_status ( )
if len ( r . content ) == 0 :
# open the zip
with zipfile . ZipFile ( io . BytesIO ( r . content ) ) as zf :
# remove some filenames from the namelist
namelist = [ n for n in zf . namelist ( ) if os . path . splitext ( n ) [ 1 ] in [ ' .srt ' , ' .sub ' ] ]
if len ( namelist ) > 1 :
raise ProviderError ( ' More than one file to unzip ' )
subtitle . content = fix_line_ending ( zf . read ( namelist [ 0 ] ) )