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137 lines
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1 year ago
Lexer for LilyPond.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, words
from pygments.token import Comment, Punctuation, Whitespace,\
Name, Operator, String, Number, Text
__all__ = ['DaxLexer']
class DaxLexer(RegexLexer):
Lexer for Power BI DAX
Referenced from:
.. versionadded:: 2.15
name = 'Dax'
aliases = ['dax']
filenames = ['*.dax']
url = ''
mimetypes = []
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'\s+', Whitespace),
(r"--.*\n?", Comment.Single), # Comment: Double dash comment
(r"//.*\n?", Comment.Single), # Comment: Double backslash comment
(r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'multiline-comments'),
(words(('abs', 'accrint', 'accrintm', 'acos', 'acosh', 'acot', 'acoth',
'addcolumns', 'addmissingitems', 'all', 'allcrossfiltered',
'allexcept', 'allnoblankrow', 'allselected', 'amordegrc', 'amorlinc',
'and','approximatedistinctcount', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', 'atanh',
'average', 'averagea', 'averagex', 'beta.dist', 'beta.inv',
'bitand', 'bitlshift', 'bitor', 'bitrshift', 'bitxor', 'blank',
'calculate', 'calculatetable', 'calendar', 'calendarauto', 'ceiling',
'chisq.dist', 'chisq.dist.rt', 'chisq.inv', 'chisq.inv.rt',
'closingbalancemonth', 'closingbalancequarter', 'closingbalanceyear',
'coalesce', 'columnstatistics', 'combin', 'combina', 'combinevalues',
'concatenate', 'concatenatex', 'confidence.norm', 'confidence.t',
'contains', 'containsrow', 'containsstring', 'containsstringexact',
'convert', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cot', 'coth', 'count', 'counta', 'countax',
'countblank', 'countrows', 'countx', 'coupdaybs', 'coupdays',
'coupdaysnc', 'coupncd', 'coupnum', 'couppcd', 'crossfilter',
'crossjoin', 'cumipmt', 'cumprinc', 'currency', 'currentgroup',
'customdata', 'datatable', 'date', 'dateadd', 'datediff',
'datesbetween', 'datesinperiod', 'datesmtd', 'datesqtd',
'datesytd', 'datevalue', 'day', 'db', 'ddb', 'degrees', 'detailrows',
'disc', 'distinct', 'distinctcount', 'distinctcountnoblank',
'divide', 'dollarde', 'dollarfr', 'duration', 'earlier', 'earliest',
'edate', 'effect', 'endofmonth', 'endofquarter', 'endofyear',
'eomonth', 'error', 'evaluateandlog', 'even', 'exact', 'except',
'exp', 'expon.dist', 'fact', 'false', 'filter', 'filters', 'find',
'firstdate', 'firstnonblank', 'firstnonblankvalue', 'fixed', 'floor',
'format', 'fv', 'gcd', 'generate', 'generateall', 'generateseries',
'geomean', 'geomeanx', 'groupby', 'hash', 'hasonefilter',
'hasonevalue', 'hour', 'if', 'if.eager', 'iferror', 'ignore', 'index',
'int', 'intersect', 'intrate', 'ipmt', 'isafter', 'isblank',
'iscrossfiltered', 'isempty', 'iserror', 'iseven', 'isfiltered',
'isinscope', 'islogical', 'isnontext', 'isnumber', 'iso.ceiling',
'isodd', 'isonorafter', 'ispmt', 'isselectedmeasure', 'issubtotal',
'istext', 'keepfilters', 'keywordmatch', 'lastdate', 'lastnonblank',
'lastnonblankvalue', 'lcm', 'left', 'len', 'linest', 'linestx', 'ln',
'log', 'log10', 'lookupvalue', 'lower', 'max', 'maxa', 'maxx',
'mduration', 'median', 'medianx', 'mid', 'min', 'mina', 'minute',
'minx', 'mod', 'month', 'mround', 'nameof', 'naturalinnerjoin',
'naturalleftouterjoin', 'networkdays', 'nextday', 'nextmonth',
'nextquarter', 'nextyear', 'nominal', 'nonvisual', 'norm.dist',
'norm.inv', 'norm.s.dist', 'norm.s.inv', 'not', 'now', 'nper', 'odd',
'oddfprice', 'oddfyield', 'oddlprice', 'oddlyield', 'offset',
'openingbalancemonth', 'openingbalancequarter', 'openingbalanceyear',
'or', 'orderby', 'parallelperiod', 'partitionby', 'path',
'pathcontains', 'pathitem', 'pathitemreverse', 'pathlength',
'pduration', 'percentile.exc', '', 'percentilex.exc',
'', 'permut', 'pi', 'pmt', 'poisson.dist', 'power',
'ppmt', 'previousday', 'previousmonth', 'previousquarter',
'previousyear', 'price', 'pricedisc', 'pricemat', 'product',
'productx', 'pv', 'quarter', 'quotient', 'radians', 'rand',
'randbetween', 'rank.eq', 'rankx', 'rate', 'received', 'related',
'relatedtable', 'removefilters', 'replace', 'rept', 'right',
'rollup', 'rollupaddissubtotal', 'rollupgroup', 'rollupissubtotal',
'round', 'rounddown', 'roundup', 'row', 'rri', 'sameperiodlastyear',
'sample', 'sampleaxiswithlocalminmax', 'search', 'second',
'selectcolumns', 'selectedmeasure', 'selectedmeasureformatstring',
'selectedmeasurename', 'selectedvalue', 'sign', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sln',
'sqrt', 'sqrtpi', 'startofmonth', 'startofquarter', 'startofyear',
'stdev.p', 'stdev.s', 'stdevx.p', 'stdevx.s', 'substitute',
'substitutewithindex', 'sum', 'summarize', 'summarizecolumns', 'sumx',
'switch', 'syd', 't.dist', 't.dist.2t', 't.dist.rt', 't.inv',
't.inv.2t', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tbilleq', 'tbillprice', 'tbillyield',
'time', 'timevalue', 'tocsv', 'today', 'tojson', 'topn',
'topnperlevel', 'topnskip', 'totalmtd', 'totalqtd', 'totalytd',
'treatas', 'trim', 'true', 'trunc', 'unichar', 'unicode', 'union',
'upper', 'userculture', 'userelationship', 'username', 'userobjectid',
'userprincipalname', 'utcnow', 'utctoday', 'value', 'values', 'var.p',
'var.s', 'varx.p', 'varx.s', 'vdb', 'weekday', 'weeknum', 'window',
'xirr', 'xnpv', 'year', 'yearfrac', 'yield', 'yielddisc', 'yieldmat'),
prefix=r'(?i)', suffix=r'\b'), Name.Function), #Functions
prefix=r'(?i)', suffix=r'\b'), Name.Builtin), # Keyword
(r':=|[-+*\/=^]', Operator),
(r'\b(IN|NOT)\b', Operator.Word),
(r'"', String, 'string'), #StringLiteral
(r"'(?:[^']|'')*'(?!')(?:\[[ \w]+\])?|\w+\[[ \w]+\]",
Name.Attribute), # Column reference
(r"\[[ \w]+\]", Name.Attribute), #Measure reference
(r'(?<!\w)(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+\b)', Number),# Number
(r'[\[\](){}`,.]', Punctuation), #Parenthesis
(r'.*\n', Text),
'multiline-comments': [
(r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'multiline-comments'),
(r'\*/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
(r'[^/*]+', Comment.Multiline),
(r'[/*]', Comment.Multiline)
'string': [
(r'""', String.Escape),
(r'"', String, '#pop'),
(r'[^"]+', String),