import pickle
import uuid
try :
import kombu
except ImportError :
kombu = None
from . pubsub_manager import PubSubManager
class KombuManager ( PubSubManager ) : # pragma: no cover
""" Client manager that uses kombu for inter-process messaging.
This class implements a client manager backend for event sharing across
multiple processes , using RabbitMQ , Redis or any other messaging mechanism
supported by ` kombu < http : / / kombu . readthedocs . org / en / latest / > ` _ .
To use a kombu backend , initialize the : class : ` Server ` instance as
follows : :
url = ' amqp://user:password@hostname:port// '
server = socketio . Server ( client_manager = socketio . KombuManager ( url ) )
: param url : The connection URL for the backend messaging queue . Example
connection URLs are ` ` ' amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672// ' ` `
and ` ` ' redis://localhost:6379/ ' ` ` for RabbitMQ and Redis
respectively . Consult the ` kombu documentation
< http : / / kombu . readthedocs . org / en / latest / userguide \
/ connections . html #urls>`_ for more on how to construct
connection URLs .
: param channel : The channel name on which the server sends and receives
notifications . Must be the same in all the servers .
: param write_only : If set to ` ` True ` ` , only initialize to emit events . The
default of ` ` False ` ` initializes the class for emitting
and receiving .
: param connection_options : additional keyword arguments to be passed to
` ` kombu . Connection ( ) ` ` .
: param exchange_options : additional keyword arguments to be passed to
` ` kombu . Exchange ( ) ` ` .
: param queue_options : additional keyword arguments to be passed to
` ` kombu . Queue ( ) ` ` .
: param producer_options : additional keyword arguments to be passed to
` ` kombu . Producer ( ) ` ` .
name = ' kombu '
def __init__ ( self , url = ' amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672// ' ,
channel = ' socketio ' , write_only = False , logger = None ,
connection_options = None , exchange_options = None ,
queue_options = None , producer_options = None ) :
if kombu is None :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Kombu package is not installed '
' (Run " pip install kombu " in your '
' virtualenv). ' )
super ( KombuManager , self ) . __init__ ( channel = channel ,
write_only = write_only ,
logger = logger )
self . url = url
self . connection_options = connection_options or { }
self . exchange_options = exchange_options or { }
self . queue_options = queue_options or { }
self . producer_options = producer_options or { }
self . producer = self . _producer ( )
def initialize ( self ) :
super ( KombuManager , self ) . initialize ( )
monkey_patched = True
if self . server . async_mode == ' eventlet ' :
from eventlet . patcher import is_monkey_patched
monkey_patched = is_monkey_patched ( ' socket ' )
elif ' gevent ' in self . server . async_mode :
from gevent . monkey import is_module_patched
monkey_patched = is_module_patched ( ' socket ' )
if not monkey_patched :
raise RuntimeError (
' Kombu requires a monkey patched socket library to work '
' with ' + self . server . async_mode )
def _connection ( self ) :
return kombu . Connection ( self . url , * * self . connection_options )
def _exchange ( self ) :
options = { ' type ' : ' fanout ' , ' durable ' : False }
options . update ( self . exchange_options )
return kombu . Exchange ( self . channel , * * options )
def _queue ( self ) :
queue_name = ' flask-socketio. ' + str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) )
options = { ' durable ' : False , ' queue_arguments ' : { ' x-expires ' : 300000 } }
options . update ( self . queue_options )
return kombu . Queue ( queue_name , self . _exchange ( ) , * * options )
def _producer ( self ) :
return self . _connection ( ) . Producer ( exchange = self . _exchange ( ) ,
* * self . producer_options )
def __error_callback ( self , exception , interval ) :
self . _get_logger ( ) . exception ( ' Sleeping {} s ' . format ( interval ) )
def _publish ( self , data ) :
connection = self . _connection ( )
publish = connection . ensure ( self . producer , self . producer . publish ,
errback = self . __error_callback )
publish ( pickle . dumps ( data ) )
def _listen ( self ) :
reader_queue = self . _queue ( )
while True :
connection = self . _connection ( ) . ensure_connection (
errback = self . __error_callback )
try :
with connection . SimpleQueue ( reader_queue ) as queue :
while True :
message = queue . get ( block = True )
message . ack ( )
yield message . payload
except connection . connection_errors :
self . _get_logger ( ) . exception ( " Connection error "
" while reading from queue " )